Travel Information for Travel to Simferopol, Ukraine

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  • What is to expect. The standard compartment (coupe') is designed for four persons and has four berths, two of which serve as seats as well. The deluxe compartment has two berths. Compartments are co-ed. Men and women are indiscriminately put in the compartments and you do not get to choose the company you will keep. This can make it interesting. Since berths are not expensive, and if you wish, we usually book the entire compartment for you, especially if two or more are traveling together. (But figure $16 for each of the four seats/berths that are in the compartment; so, that is $64 divided by the number of people in the compartment.) If someone has extra luggage (more than one suitcase and one carry-on), it is better to buy another berth than to pay extra baggage charges!
  • Once on the train you will need to put your luggage away. The bottom bunks lift up; there is also space above the door.
  • Be sure to not hang anything of value near the door. Some people have had things stolen by people walking by their compartment and just grabbing things. This is not a big problem, but be careful anyway.
  • Soon after leaving the station the conductor will come around to get your tickets and also get money for your bedding. The cost depends on the train (usually 5 grivna). If you do not have grivna, your escort should be prepared to assist you.
  • Never leave your luggage unattended.
  • Some people usually change into something comfortable for the train ride. Have your change of clothes in a handy place. It may be really warm inside the cabin so depending how hot-natured you are you might want to adapt your clothing accordingly. When morning comes and you are closer to Simferopol, change back into your other clothes.
  • Never walk around the train without slippers or shoes.
  • The toilet - seldom is paper provided - bring your own. Ladies, stand and squat, do not sit on the seat; the toilet lids are made for this.
  • Trash on the train is taken to a little receptacle outside the toilet room it looks like a bench. Lift up the lid.
  • When you are ready to sleep, make sure that you lock the door by using both of the locks. There is the lock by the door handle and then there is another near the middle or top left hand corner of the door.
  • Most likely you will have a few people stop by your compartment to sell things. Some of the people are deaf, especially the ones selling books and magazines. You can either tell them no thank you "nyet spasiba" or just shake your head no. Often they will ignore you and lay the books/magazines on the seat next to you and leave. Ignore them and in a few seconds the seller will come back to retrieve his goods.
  • As you near Simferopol, gather up your linens and stack them for the conductor to collect.
