by Dr. Paul D. Ackerman Exciting evidences for recent creation! 13 chapters packed with hard-hitting scientific evidence showing that the Earth cannot be millions of years old. Well documented, with references; a time-tested creation science classic! |
Updated KJV The Updated KJV UKJV is NOT a new translation, but rather the SAME King James (AV) Bible,
from 1611, but with modernized word-endings, e.g. "heareth & receiveth" into: "hears &
receives", et cetera. It is in the public domain.
See the Preface.
by Luther D. Sutherland Researchers in the field of evolution have produced no verifiable facts that would validate their theory conclusively. Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems (Ebbing the Tide of Naturalism) focuses the spotlight of truth on the theory of evolution, showing that the dramatic fossil evidence indicates that all life did not have a common ancestor! |
Chinese (121 pgs.) |
Italian (152 pgs.) |
Japanese (182 pgs.) |
Russian (157 pgs.) |
German (160 pgs.) |
Swedish (158 pgs.) |
by William I. Thompson III, M.Sc. This annotated bibliography on celestial catastrophism was prepared to keep track of articles, books, reports, and other related media to potential catastrophic events caused by astral visitors such as planets, asteroids, and comets to planet Earth. |
by Bryan Orford Noah's Flood in Southern Africa will give you a glimpse of the past, showing that Noah's Flood also permanently changed Southern Africa. Extensive archaeological and geological research has been done on the continent of Africa, with attention paid to the wide variety of pre-Flood species - many of which are now extinct, or only exist in other part of the globe. Author Bryan Orford is a native of Zimbabwe, and he brings his expertise to this unique publication. |
by Walter and Valeria Lang In September of 1963 Walter Lang decided that, as an aid to his efforts in promoting creationism, it was necessary to publish a Bible-Science Newsletter on a regular basis. ...What really sparked the modern creationist movement was the publication in 1961 of the book titled The Genesis Flood. Authors are Dr. Henry Morris, an hydraulics engineer, and Dr. John Whitcomb, a professor of theology. |
by Dr. Erich von Fange The exciting story of the archeology of words and the alphabet! The complete and true story of the development of the greatest invention of them all - the alphabet. Written for all who wish to examine possibilities for the origin of the alphabet within a biblical framework. |
by Walt Brown, Ph.D. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, 8th Edition - is a comprehensive defense, using science to defend a literal interpretation of the Bible's Book of Genesis as completely true and scientifically accurate. - [PDF file] |
by Assmuth and Hull For almost half a century - over 80 scientists - in the late 19th Century repeatedly exposed the fraudulent embryonic drawings of German biologist, Ernst Haeckel. But old evolutionary frauds die hard! The dishonest "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" and infamous "gill slits" were never, ever true. |
A Jewish Historian in Rome · 37-100 A.D. Josephus was commissioned to write a "history of the Jews" even while Rome was crushing the Jews remaining in Palestine. Read what he wrote in defending the Great Flood. "...all the writers of barbarian histories make mention of this flood...." |
by Dr. Erich von Fange In recent decades there has been a rash of books - some of them best sellers - on some exotic subjects: Flying Saucers, the Hollow Earth, Chariots from the Gods in Outer Space, Mu, Atlantis, mysteries which science cannot explain. What can we say to others when they ask about the theories and the evidence given in the books to support the theories? Dr. von Fange discusses these theories in light of a biblical scientific framework. |
CATALOG OF REPORTED LUNAR EVENTS NASA TR R-277 The Moon is geologically and/or meteorologically active! This is a NASA Technical Report (from 1968) of reports of lunar events, or temporary changes on the moon, that was compiled based on literature covering more than four centuries. The purpose of this catalog was to provide a listing of historical and modern records that may be useful in investigations of possible activity on the moon. |
by B. H. Shadduck A humorous look at evolution - from 1925. Interesting and thought-provoking. This is free to download and copy.
by Sir James George Frazer In 1918 Sir James George Frazer brought much of the compendium of world legends
as related to biblical accounts together into this well researched volume.
The carefully cataloged recollections in these 5 long chapters (the printed
book is 400 pages!) had been slowly brought back to the "Civilized World" by
many different ship captains, traders, missionaries, historians and other
inquisitive travelers to distant lands.
by Walter Lang A thirty day devotional study from the Book of Colossians in the Bible.
by Donald W. Patten A Catastrophism Classic! This book is now on-line and available for research. This Flood Model takes into account mathematics and physics in order to propose a revolutionary theory on the (sudden onset) Ice Epoch and accompanying Great Flood as recorded by Noah in Genesis. |
by M. Bihn and J. Bealings 250 pages of illustrated Scripture lessons! All verses referenced with their titles. It is a great resource for parents, Sunday School teachers & missionaries (pictures speak to every language). All of these (imaged) pages are in JPG format.
by Donald W. Patten The Bible, Science & Catastrophism! Established scholars are now forced to recognize that conditions on Mars like the atmosphere, the heat, the volcanism, the cratering, the former abundance of water and the Martian flood have changed its surface radically and suddenly. They assume those changes were billions of years ago; Donald Patten in his book affirms that those changes were actually thousands of years ago. |
by Walter Lang A Commentary on the Book of Job in the Bible. Job is best
known for addressing the question of why the righteous suffer and, seemingly,
the wicked prosper. This is called the "eternal why". Six answers
are found in the book of Job.
Christ or Evolution - Which? by T. T. Martin - 1923 (from the Introduction) "Lord Kelvin, the greatest scientist on earth at the time of his death, stated, toward the close of his life, that there is not a single established fact of science which is in conflict with any statement of the Bible." "The evidence is plain and positive that the Scriptures are a revelation from God. ..." |
by Bill Cooper B.A. (Hons). It is astonishing how much information comes to the surface once a document has been released from the veil of obscurity that modernism has thrown over it. Who would believe, when reading a modernist commentary on the book of Genesis, that so much evidence was available to prove, not its falsity, but its authenticity? Not its mythical nature, but its truth and astonishing historical accuracy? |
Mount St. Helens - 1980 The 1980 Eruptions of Mount St. Helens, Washington. Early
results of studies of volcanic events in 1980, geophysical monitoring of activity,
and studies of volcanic deposits, effects, and their geological implications.
(Ending 701 B.C.) by Patten and Windsor Mars is the focus of many ancient legends! - The cratered surface of Mars and its two satellites provides ample evidence supporting recent catastrophism in the Solar System. Back tracking the orbits of Venus, the Moon and Mars to the catastrophic year of 701 B.C.E. all calculate as a confirmation of this model of planetary catastrophism. |
OF MAN SCIENTIFICALLY DISPROVED by William A. Williams Some facts and objections are herein submitted to the serious seeker after truth, in the hope that a theory so out of harmony with the facts, and so destructive to the faith and the cherished hopes of man, may be completely discarded. As Evolution can not stand the acid test of mathematics, it will be repudiated by all. |
Darwin and the New World Order In the Minds of Men exposes point by point the fuzzy reasoning behind the standard scientific textbook explanations, revealing the motivation while at the same time providing a great deal of counter-evidence that has been concealed for far too long. |
A Series of Ten Lectures Christianity & Science is a series of ten lectures given in 1874 (published in 1875) defending Christianity and its tenets as completely compatible with modern scientific understanding. Professor Peabody of Harvard University first establishes the authenticity of the Gospels. Then he shows Christianity's positive effects down through history, starting with the Roman Empire down until modern times. |
by Rev. Walter Lang Our objective is to demonstrate that the scientific statements contained
in the first chapters of Genesis may be accepted as literal fact. There
is no need, in the name of science, to contend that statements in these
chapters must be regarded as allegory. Time is valuable. Time was
God's first creation.
Inspiration of the Scriptures "Verbal Inspiration of the Bible Scientifically Demonstrated" By Ivan Panin; from 1937; now in the Public Domain (about 96 pages) |
Scientifically Demonstrated "Old Testament Mathematical Structure" By Ivan Panin; from 1928; now in the Public Domain (about 61 pages) |