Inspiration of the Scriptures Introduced by A.B. King and Six Other Clergymen |
Independently published in 1937 (but not copyrighted) (This book is Public Domain, i.e. FREE to copy) From: |
Intro I | Pastor A. B. King | The Biblical Discoveries of Ivan Panin | pg. 4-14 |
Intro II | W. T. Swinnerton | Published in: Daily Advocate | pg. 15-18 |
Intro III | Dr. J.J. Summerbell | Published in: The Herald of Gospel Liberty | pg. 19-22 |
Intro IV | Dr. E. H. Moore | To the Ministers' Meeting in St. Paul, MN. | pg. 23-24 |
Intro V | Dr. Daniel B. Turney | Published in: The Herald of Gospel Liberty | pg. 25-26 |
Intro VI | Pastor D. M. Panton | Forward of: Verbal Inspirition Demonstrated | pg. 27-28 |
Intro VII | Mr. Paul S. L. Johnson | Present Truth and Herald of Christ's Epiphany | pg. 29-33 |
Part I | by Ivan Panin | pg. 34-60 | |
Part II | pg. 61-69 | ||
Part III | pg. 70-92 | ||
Postcript, 1937 | pg. 93-94 | ||
Other Works by Ivan Panin |
A fact concealed from the Church throughout the ages has now [in 1908] been revealed to Ivan Panin, and demands recognition as most important by the Church Universal. Those who have been distressed by the many attacks upon the Scriptures may now in view of this discovery join in praise of God. The enemy has come in like a flood, but the Lord has placed a standard in the hands of our brother, and round him all Christian soldiers should rally.
I once saw a large flourishing tree by the banks of a river. The floods
had washed away enough of the banks to expose a network of entwined roots,
the support of the giant tree.
The Bible is a grander Tree, of Life, planted by the stream of (living)
Digging deep for Scripture truth Mr. Panin found that the more he dug, the more certain it became that the precious soil he was upturning was extensively filled with the roots of what he has since called <b>Bible Numerics</b>. He found that aside from its revealed facts and teachings the Bible as a literary edifice has a mathematical foundation and superstructure, which underlies and pervades every one of its sixty-six books, and every chapter, often even the single verses in the Hebrew, of each book.
Only a recital of the numerous illustrative instances Mr. Panin gives from the Hebrew and Greek furnishes the evidence in its volume of facts like a rushing, roaring Niagara.
At my request he furnishes here articles easily comprehended by those who cannot read the Bible in its original languages.
Let me indicate some of the strong points of Mr. Panin's as yet unanswered argument:
Since 1899, and still so in 1924. Not long before his death, after presumably reading a similar work by the present writer prepared expressly for his like, Bishop Westcott wrote to the writer: "Holy Writ is as precious to me as ever, but your mechanical view of Inspiration does not commend itself to me as the dynamical" (quoted from memory). No attempt was made to deal with the undeniable FACTS there presented, nor with their unavoidable conclusions. The difficulties presented by verbal Inspiration to the mind of this great scholar as well as to that of Alford and others led them to assume before the miracle of Verbal Inspiration the position of Hume before all miracles. So great is the presumption against Miracles, said Hume, that no amount of evidence is sufficient to establish them, they being contrary to all [meaning only his] experience. In the omission of the little word "my" lay the whole fallacy of the Essay on Miracles by which sceptics have ever since allowed themselves to be hypnotised. Twelve men of best repute go for a lifetime up and down the earth in poverty, shame, and persecution, stoutly maintaining that they had seen, heard, handled, even eaten with, Jesus their Christ risen from the dead, and every one of the twelve seals his testimony with martyrdom.
But to Hume and his followers they are one and all fools, if not knaves, because no amount of evidence suffices to establish a miracle. The whilom persecutor, not a mere fisherman, but a scholar of scholars, is stopped on his murderous way by the same risen Jesus, and henceforth becomes the off-scouring of the earth because of his testimony unto his risen Christ. But Paul too is only a fool or knave, because no amount of evidence suffices to establish, etc. The same Paul appeals in support of his testimony to at least two hundred and fifty LIVING witnesses to whom in company with 250 others the risen Christ had manifested Himself, not to each separately, but to all the 500 together. These also, not mere women and babes, but "above 500 brethren," a presumably picked set of witnesses, are fools or knaves, because no amount of evidence is sufficient to, etc. The sire who begat him might say to Hume or his sceptic disciple: I myself have seen the risen Christ, but only to be told: Respected sire, I regret to have to inform you most dutifully and respectfully that you are either a fool or a knave, since no amount of evidence suffices, etc.
The mother at whose breast Hume sucked, and on whose knees he was dandled, might say to Hume: Son, I too, in company with your revered father, have surely seen the risen Jesus; but only to receive the mournful reply: Mother dear, it indeed breaks my filial heart, but I must solemnly assure you that you are not indeed a knave, but certainly deluded, for no amount of evidence, etc.
The wife of his bosom might strenuously assure her David that she too together with his father and mother had seen the risen Jesus; but only to be met with the tender and painful but firm reproof that she also is deluded, inasmuch as no amount of, etc.
The sovereign to whom Hume or his follower had sworn allegiance even to the laying down of his life might give his royal word or honour, that he too, together with the wife, mother, and father, had seen the risen Christ, only to be disposed of by Hume and his like as a pitiable fool, since no amount, etc.
The great Faraday, the still greater Kepler, and Newton greatest among men of SCIENCE, all of whom have accepted the Resurrection as a historical fact on what was to them sufficient testimony, together with Bacon and a host of his like, would all be dismissed by Hume as knaves or fools, were they to witness that the risen Christ was manifested to them also, because 110 amount of TESTIMONY can make the Resurrection credible. It is contrary to 'Experience' [Hume's, but not to that of the Twelve, Paul, and the 500].
Hume was not a scientist, whose province is knowledge. He was a philosopher, whose province has hitherto been only— guessage. Most philosophers are blind folk sitting in a dark room: intently looking half their life for a black cat that is not there, and spending the other half in contentedly looking at it. The ideal product of Hume's philosophy was the country man who discredited every account of a giraffe brought to him by the most competent witnesses. He was at last taken to the menagerie, and saw for himself. He was indeed nonplussed for a while, but he departed with a, But I still say there ain't no such animal. And Dr. Philip Scaff accordingly very courteously, but very promptly returns unread a Demonstration of Verbal Inspiration. The question with him was already settled, because no amount, etc.
Now the chief reason for the rejection of Verbal Inspiration by men like Westcott, Hort, Alford, Scaff, and Wace, is the verbal difference between the parallel passages in the Gospels and Acts. The difference for example in the four versions of the Inscription on the Cross are deemed wholly incompatible with Verbal Inspiration. Now the last sentence in the text on page four furnishes an effectual refutation of this notion. This work is written by eight persons, and the writer is both revising it and setting its type. Mr. King's original paragraph had three lines instead of two: "which so far remains" being compressed into "as yet." The compression was necessitated by the requirement of good typography that no page begin with a broken line. The change is a difference, not a contradiction; and is not accident, but design, moreover, of a supervising intelligence extraneous to Mr. King's. Because of this verbal difference in the two documents no one would think here of historical inaccuracy, contradiction, or untrust-worthiness; least of all, of the absence of a supervising extraneous intelligence. Now what a mere worm of a man can do here with another man after his writing, the Holy Spirit surely can to a man during his writing, if a Holy Spirit at all is. In the present case the motive and method are in plain sight. In the Spirit's case the method is always out of sight, and the motive often, but this does not invalidate the FACT of Verbal Inspiration when demonstrated it once is.— I.P.
There is no stronger argument for the existence of God than the myriads of phenomena which show designs, and therefore rebuke those who would fain persuade us that the wonders of Creation are produced by blind chance. Now equally wonderful is the exhibition of the mathematical sub-basis of the Bible. This presents an unanswerable argument for the ceaseless presence of the Spirit with the Scriptural writers in every word of theirs, and in the introduction of Bible Numerics on every page and in every paragraph in the Book of Books.
With one notable and three or four minor exceptions, the Bible writers were controlled by God's power and wisdom to the introduction of the mathematical forms and figures without the least consciousness that they were doing what they did. That they once did introduce these numerics might not be significant; but the number of times these sevens, elevens, thirteens, etc., are found intertwined with the very words of the text causes astonishment; and we are forced to say with awe, This is the finger of God.
Extensive mines of gold, silver, iron, coal, are known to exist in the earth by their outcroppings seen on the surface by the miners. Precisely so there is plainly exposed to view on the surface of the Bible an outcropping of the Numerics now found to characterise the interior of the Bible, but concealed until dug up by those who "search the Scriptures." Psalm 119 is such an "outcropping."
This Psalm is one of the less than a dozen Bible chapters which at literary
composition are rigidly constructed throughout on a numeric plan as seen
upon the surface. The Hebrew alphabet consists of twenty-two letters, which
are all made use of by the writer of this Psalm. Under each letter he has
exactly eight verses, each of which begins with that particular letter.
The entire Psalm thus contains 176 verses, 22 eights, or 16 elevens. Each
of the 176 verses contains a word which is either "law," or its synonym,
statute, precept, commandment, etc. The five chapters of Lamentations are
similarly constructed.
Mr. Panin calls every numeric phenomenon a "feature." Thus in digging
below the surface of Psalm 110 he discovers the first feature to be: "The
number of words (without the title) is 63, or 9 sevens." Then he uncovers
thirteen more "features" of sevens dug out of this Psalm. He ends what
he has to say upon this Psalm thus:
"These 14 features of sevens in nowise exhaust the numeric phenomena of this Psalm. But the chance for even these 14 features of sevens being accidental, undesigned, is only one in seven multiplied by itself 14 times: one in 678,223,072,849, less than one in some two thirds of a million millions. With a chance so small in its favour to merely happen, its being accidental is usually declared in such cases to be practically impossible. These numeric phenomena are therefore — designed. But the time required for constructing even this short Psalm thus is months, if not years, if it indeed be found at all possible by mere man. As not a paragraph in the whole Bible, but is constructed similarly, its authorship by ONE MIND, AND A SUPERNATURAL MIND AT THAT, alone accounts for the presence of these phenomena in the Bible."
But Psalm 119 differs from 110 and from nearly the rest of the Bible in that its author consciously and openly brings to the surface the numeric features in kind substantially the same as all those others now brought to light from the interior of God's book.
Psalm 119 is therefore an outcropping revelation upon the Bible surface of the wealth of Scriptural Numerics which for ages have been concealed from the people of God, but now revealed through our brother. Now in this fact of Bible Numerics we have not only a demonstration of the plenary inspiration of the whole Bible, but as is now shown, the vexing questions as to Bible chronology, Christ's genealogies in Matthew and Luke, Vocabularies, spellings, titles of Psalms, and many other questions, are finally settled by Bible Numerics.
May we not hope that after reading the following pages, collegians and theological students will be induced to study Mr. Panin's more voluminous scholarly works written for those acquainted with the Hebrew and Greek languages? [Hope not yet realised—I.P.]
It is thought best that the following highly pertinent comments on Mr.
Panin's work precede his own presentation. The four clergymen [in the first
edition] represent four different Evangelical bodies. Dr. Turney is Official
Polemic of the Methodist Protestants of America. Dr. Summerbell has been
for years the editor of the organ of the Christian Connection. Mr. Swinnerton,
Congrega-tionalist, before committing himself thoroughly tested Numerics
for himself, and has since done valuable original work therein. Dr. Moore,
Presbyterian, speaks for himself with an experience even more striking
than Dr. Turney's. Three out of these four clergymen thus give here not
only their opinion about Numerics, but their experience with it. All have
found, to use Mr. Swinner-ton's joyful exclamation after his first test
that It works.
INTRO II. W. T. SWINNERTON, in Stamford (Conn.) Daily Advocate.
Mr. Panin proves that the student of the Scriptures has now something more than the mere subjective persuasion that they are inerrant, and textually as well as spiritually infallible; a persuasion he cannot impart to another, and by which he can neither convince nor silence the obdurate objector. He produces a convincing array of facts objective to himself to which he can appeal, and which no living man has yet attempt to dispute, and which carry assent to any normal intellect or of one capable of using his mathematical faculties. When it is said that the evidence adduced to establish this stupendous fact of Verbal Inspiration can be verified by any one even slightly acquainted with the original text of Scripture, and can also be made plain to any other man of ordinary intelligence; and again that the evidence is actually coercive of intellectual assent beyond the suspicion of a peradventure: then men of all shades of belief and of non-belief are expected to sit up and take notice.
Overwhelming as are his facts even in dry, cold print, in his addresses on Scripture Numerics they become thrilling. He there first points out that science and certain experiences and observations common to all men show that the Universe, so far as it has disclosed itself to inquiry, is built upon mathematical principles, that the Author of Nature is a most marvellous mathematician. If the Creator, whose glory the heavens declare, chose to produce a book,—whether He has or not is a subject of legitimate inquiry—would it not be produced on the same principles of mathematical perfection, so that He can say, The law of Jehovah is perfect ? As no man can claim to be the creator of the mathematical wonders of the heavens, so God has written His signature in His Word that no man can claim it as a human production. The Bible which you carry in the pocket, which you open before the Sunday School class, which is upon the pulpit and from which the minister takes his text every Sunday, which you read to the sick or quote at the bedside of the dying, this book which you open to lead an inquiring soul into light and to the Eternal Light Himself,—is shown by the most scrutinising demonstration to be the result of a divine fiat, extending to letters, words, paragraphs, books, and to the whole Bible as a unit.
The establishment of the inerrancy and infallibility of the Scriptures, which the fathers lived upon, and in the hope of which they died, and their sons are trying both to live and die without, is freighted with the most momentous appalling consequences to a vast body of literature enshrined in Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and commentaries; and to whole libraries of the output of the religious press.
"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever."
Old, old words receiving comforting corroboration in these last days. The common people need no longer wait upon dictatorial scholarship for its last guess; and, as they wait, shiver in the chill of a half faith. The extraordinary numeric structure of the Scriptures is now demonstrated.
With the first eleven verses of Matthew I., for example, Mr. Panin illustrates the plan that pervades the entire Scriptures, with comparative references to other parts of Scripture. He shows that the Greek text is constructed on an elaborate system of sevens. The same phenomena extend to all parts of the text, vocabulary, grammatical forms, their distribution in gender, parts of speech, in comparative frequency of occurrences. It is seen also in special sub-divisions of a paragraph, such as a speech in the midst of the narrative; and, still more surprising, in the arithmetical value of the various words in the entire chapter. Each of these particulars exhibits the same extraordinary design. And the same phenomena are seen to prevail not only in dislocated portions of Scripture, but throughout the entire Book.
Mr. Panin shows the impossibility of such a design by mere man. An incidental
result of the application of this universal law of mathematical design
is the possibility of producing at last the autograph text as it came to
the prophets and apostles from the inspiration of God. Such a result is
stupendous. Critics have been telling us much about the autographs: that
they are lost, undiscoverable, that no crypt has surrendered this priceless
treasure. In our youth, how the enemy flayed us with his unanswerable taunt
that our best and oldest manuscripts were both corrupt and modern! The
stamp of modernity lay upon the precious documents from which our English
Bible came like a blight upon our only heirloom and heritage. Now, however,
a perfect text can be obtained. The key of Bible Numerics detects at once
the true; and at the same time reveals how perfect are the priceless words,
God-given boon of the Church.
The section of Scripture strangely lost from manuscripts (John 7:53—8:11)
is shown by the science of Numerics to be Scripture. Every one felt it
to be entitled to its place, even if the Revisers bracketed it. Now we
know that this priceless gem is Scripture, and is not to be erased or even
disfigured by brackets. Other examples, like the Last twelve Verses of
Mark, the agony in the garden, the first prayer from the Cross, all now
conclusively shown to be true Scripture, may be adduced to show that at
last we may have an indestructible, inerrant text.
INTRO III. DR. J. J. SUMMERBELL In: The Herald of Gospel Liberty.
The very hairs of your head are all numbered
So said Jesus. Your very hairs are counted, (arithmeo), the very word from which our arithmetic comes.
If God counts the hairs of our heads He may count the words of His Scripture amanuenses, and guide them to combinations of numbers.
He counts the five fingers on our hands, the five toes on our feet, the five senses we daily use; he counts the seven days of the week, the seven churches in Asia, the seven so-called "lost books," the seven golden candlesticks, the seven spirits of God, the seven seals, the seven lamps and the seven plagues; He counts the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve foundations of Jerusalem and its gates, the twelve apostles, and the twelve baskets of fragments after feeding thousands; He counts the 40 years Moses was in Egypt, the 40 years he was in Midian, the 40 years he led Israel, the 40 days he was in the mount; He counts the 40 days it rained with Noah, the 40 days of Nineveh, the 40 days of the Lord's temptation, and His tarrying 40 days after His passion; well, yes! God is all the time counting.
The leaves of the tree encircle the stem with a certain number; the elements in chemical action, unite or divide by count; the radius vector of the planet describes equal areas in equal times. Look where you will, if we find God at work, we find Him counting. He is the great Arithmetician. He is counting, ever counting: the days the egg must be warmed to life, the days the fever must heat toward death, and the very pulse beats of the patient as he sinks into the condition where there is no counting. The Divine Beings axe always counting: the mason as he lays the bricks in the wall, Jesus as they gather up the fragments that remain, and the Mighty One who "hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out the heaven with a span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance."
Seeing that God counts the petals in spring-time, the sides in the honey-bee's cell in the summer, the lines of frost on the window pane in the autumn, and the angles of the snowflake in the winter, we were not quick to reject the theory of Ivan Panin; but we opened our eyes, looked intently, were interested, even as in the counting of Nature's pages; though not prepared to advocate or reject. If true, it is important. The investigations cannot be unworthy which bring out mathematical treasures from God's word, if Darwin is to be commended for taking interest in an earthworm. The great question is, Is the contention of Ivan Panin true?. .......
Panin is eminently open and scientific. He proceeds according to the true scientific method, in the modern approved ways. He bases all on observed facts; on scores, on hundreds, thousands. Of these facts he asks the most careful examination. We have conversed with him, have seen some of his data. He is scientific. Like the true work of a scientific man it leads to the truth. Thus in counting the word Moses in the Concordance, he found it 79 times, and it did not harmonise with the principle. Already convinced of the system of Numerics as divine, he at once doubted the concordance, the most accurate up to that time. He read the New Testament through to find the missing occurrence in Hebrews, the principle requiring the number 80, which duly dovetailed with the rest.
If this theory is true, we shall be compelled to change some views we have long held [Unitari-anism], but shall be glad to have the added light. LATER:—Since the foregoing was in type, we have heard a lecture on Numerics by Ivan Panin himself: — thrilling to all the audience. The modern scientific spirit could not but be recognised, and a scientific master. The Critics may dislike it, but there is true science.
2. His articles always begin with no statement of his theory, but with some dry statistics that reveal no interest until the closing sentence of the article. Their meaning does not appear till then. Panin's interest is in the facts presented. He is not deeply concerned to make plain his theory. He is intent to flood the learned men and objectors with facts. This is the true scientific spirit. It is not a priori.
The only scholarly objection that we have yet noticed has been based on reading numerics into certain poems. But the poems considered have numerics by design. And that is Panin's point: the numerics show design. And the numerics of the Scriptures are not obvious like the numerics in the feet of a poem. The Bible numerics are only discovered by scientific and scholarly investigation: like the arithmetic of the musical scale of the human voice; like the arithmetic of the solar system; like the arithmetical arrangement of chemical atoms in the molecule. The discovery of this wonderful distribution of arithmetic in the phenomena of nature has been a great factor in the overthrow of atheism, which has been so complete that atheists are now rare; agnosticism being the present day refuge of the opposers of a God.
We once requested a professor of Greek to take some Greek prose classic and ascertain if he could make Panin's theory work on it. But we have not heard from him on the subject.
Scholars must hereafter reckon with Panin.
INTRO IV. DR. E. H. MOORE, before the Ministers' Meeting of St. Paul, Minn.
When a brilliant and scholarly man who gives his life to the study and impartation of Truth, even Truth newly discovered: Truth, as he believes that will objectively prove the plenary inspiration of the word of God, which we all profess to love and accept as the only infallible rule of Faith and practice; when such a man, who is surely a numeric genius, believes he has discovered an elaborate and marvellous plan in the letters, words, books and complete whole of Scripture, which will determine absolutely the true text, words and passages, and even the arrangement of the books,— we to whom at the outset this may seem novel and fantastic, ought not to draw back in our superior ignorance and refuse even a hearing to what may indeed be the truth of God; and whose rejection may prove our loss here, and something for which we must give account to the great God, whose truth we have superciliously spurned.
When I first heard of Mr. Panin and his numerics I was as prejudiced as any man might be. I thought of Origen and his allegorical interpretations; and of Totten's mathematics concerning the end of the world. Since hearing and knowing Mr. Panin my feeling has changed.
In addition to the scheme of sevens which he shows to pervade the Scriptures very elaborately in his publications, there are many others, wheels within wheels, combinations simple and complex, kaleidoscopic in character. The author is everywhere clear, logical and convincing. There is nothing of the crank or special pleader.
The thought of this scheme being true has made the Word of God more
real and sacred to me. The Scripture cannot be broken, and, Not one jot
or tittle shall pass away till all be accomplished, has now a deeper sense
to me.
INTRO V. DR. DANIEL B. TURNEY in: The Herald of Gospel Liberty.
Scripture arimography is the death warrant of the destructive criticism. The numerics worked out by Ivan Panin are fatal to the foes of verbal inspiration, and are invulnerable.
My own examinations of Scripture arithmog-raphy sustain emphatically his claims and conclusion. He presents facts and evidences no destructive critic can successfully face.
A sincere effort to find Numerics in Homer proved unsuccessful, but as soon as I tried 3 John my labours were abundantly rewarded. I took up this because it is short, and in Panin's writings I had not seen it discussed. My investigation thus began with as little to guide me as in the case of the Iliad, but the result was so perfect a scheme of numerics as to leave no room for doubt.
I tested this matter for myself thus: I gave numeric values to the English alphabet, and tried to prepare a letter which would adhere to the numerics, and make every section a multiple of seven, and present all the other features of Biblical arithmography, without descending to nonsense. My letter scale was a close approach to the Hebrew and Greek scales. But after working thereon for days 1 could get no satisfaction. Yet this feat is accomplished in every one of the thousands of Bible paragraphs without the slightest visible effort.
The rationalists undertook to account for the moral truths of the Bible without inspiration, just as the evolutionist explains the harmony of Nature without a Designing Mind. They have reckoned without their host. God raised up Ivan Panin. The inspiration of the Bible as the production of one Designing Mind is now clearly and convincingly established.
Bible Numerics is the key to the situation, and it furnishes the final
criterion for nearly all questions raised about the Bible.
INTRO VI. PASTOR D. M. PANTON in Forward to: Verbal Inspiration Demonstrated.
On his own initiative, but with the writer's consent, Mr. Panton prepared an effective selection from the writer's publications with a Preface and notes by himself. The first 5,000 of the 32 page pamphlet at 3d. was issued by Messrs. C. J. Thynne & Jarvis, 28 Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.4, in 1922. The second 5,000, in 1923. Others since.—I.P.
"The Inspiration of the Scriptures," said Dr. Kennedy, a late Regius Professor of Classics at Cambridge, "will be the last battle ground between the Church and the world." The Church is now abandoning the battle. Mr. Panin's discovery, astounding as any that could be made, is (if I mistake not) one of God's solvents for the final crisis. For it is the death blow of all disintegrating criticism. Not alas, that the critics will be convinced: for the fountains of their doubt lie far deeper than the intellect; and where confirmed unbelief is confuted, it merely shifts its ground. Nevertheless it remains, for all who appeal to the intellect, a response from the intellect, in the mercy of God who meets every soul on its own ground. The destructive analyser of the Scriptures stands revealed as an infant analyst in the grasp of a complexity of which he never dreamed. For verbal inspiration is here mathematically proved past all cavil. The Scripture discloses itself as a parchment, which held up to the light reveals the autograph of its Maker; a script bearing the imprint of a miraculous arithmetic which is borne by the snowflake falling in a flawless mathematical pattern, or by the perfect convolutions of a shell. And that God should have entrusted this discovery to an ex-Nihilist from the land of the North is to a prophetic student full of spiritual romance. The spiritual proofs of Verbal Inspiration were overwhelming; this is final.
To Mr. Panin's critics I would only say:—Do you challenge his figures?
If so, where are they wrong? If not, his inferences are indisputable. You
cannot argue with Mathematics.
INTRO VII. MR. PAUL S. L. JOHNSON in: Present Truth and Herald of Christ's Epiphany.
[Mr. Johnson to the writer's sorrow continues the work of the late "Pastor" Russell, but his verification of Numerics is all the more noteworthy because Mr. Russell has trained his followers to regard with little respect everything biblical that did not proceed with his own mentality. From this state of mind even Mr. Johnson with his otherwise truly estimable qualities is not indeed wholly free.
Accordingly, when Numerics clash with Millennial Dawnism, he promptly charges Numerics with error, or orthodox prejudice. But this does not in the least detract from the value of Mr. Johnson's contribution to Numerics but for whom this revised edition would perhaps not have seen the light. He bought up the last 300 copies of this work, and after paying carriage and tariff charges disposed of them among his own constituency at presumably a loss, though the writer offered them to him at reduced rates. These, however, were refused, in his desire to give Numerics the utmost benefit of this transaction. Mr. Johnson even offered the writer a guarantee of 5,000 copies at five dollars a copy for a Numeric Greek Testament with an Interlinear translation: which proposal, however desirable, the writer had to reluctantly reject, not deeming it proper to be thus yoked to one who teaches what is to him not the Faith Once for all Delivered to the Saints].—I.P.
In a most masterly way Mr. Panin demonstrated the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. Apart from the proof of inspiration derived from an understanding of its contents, we know no stronger proof of the inspiration of the Scriptures than that furnished by Numerics. Indeed apart from the Scriptural claim of verbal inspiration for itself, it is the strongest proof in existence of verbal inspiration. But unbelievers disbelieve altogether in, and half-believers cavil at, the Scriptural claims of verbal inspiration. Hence the Scriptures on the subject are not to them as to the full believer, a conclusive argument for verbal inspiration. But in Bible Numerics they meet a kind of evidence they are utterly unable to answer. The best they can do is to ignore it, for they cannot even make an attempt at anything worthy of consideration as an answer.
That Bible Numerics was unknown until about 30 years ago is providential. The Lord foreknew the attacks of Higher [Guess] Criticism. Hence among other reasons He so constructed the Bible as to be in its very wording a refutation of Higher Criticism. He concealed Numerics until after Criticism had done its utmost to disparage the Bible. Then the Lord made known through Ivan Panin the secret of Biblical Numerics as a means of demonstrating to the natural man the inspiration of the very words of the Bible, for destroying Higher Criticism in the estimation of the honest natural man who will carefully study it. The natural man, because the spiritual man has in the contents of the Bible a to him unanswerable proof of the inspiration of the thoughts of the Bible, and therefore accepts as true the Bible teaching that its words also are inspired.
We first learned of Numerics in 1914. In 1919 a sister sent us the 1904 issues of Bible Numerics, whose discussion of the numerics of Matthew 1: 1—25 we reviewed and quoted. We wrote to Mr. Panin on receipt of the magazines, but received no reply. On account of some remark made in one of his 1904 magazines on his being an invalid, we concluded that he died during the 15 years since that issue. But a month ago [January 1923] some circulars from him arrived, and we wrote him at once.
He sent some of his other publications, among them "Scientific Demonstration" [the present treatise], which we review herein, and quote at length [nearly 8 quarto pages of the 15 of the magazine]. We have carefully gone over every statement on Bible Numerics by Mr. Panin in the pamphlet, and in almost every case find his statements correct. A few we found incorrect, and few we were unable to verify because the helps at our disposal were not in every detail applicable to the task. But those failed to be investigated were few; and even if incorrect, which of course we do not assert, would not invalidate the general argument. It would only reduce by several negligible units the number of features claimed for his proposition by the author. We indicate in all cases the statements not investigated in every detail, also the few we think incorrect.
[Mr. Johnson then points out several real inaccuracies and some fancied ones; among them the statement that the author of the Epistle was not James the apostle, but the brother (not cousin) of the Lord. This the writer had demonstrated in a lengthy monograph wholly apart from Numerics, after going over the entire mass of literature thereon. Here, as well as in his attempt to get Samuel among the Old Testament writers (not personages) named as such in the New, Mr. Johnson does grave injustice to himself, and becomes the special pleader; quarrels here even with his beloved Numerics. He then goes on: ]
But apart from and in spite of these very few points Mr. Panin's Scientific Demonstration derived from the mere external forms of the Bible— its surface, as he calls it,—is most convincing and satisfying to the devout believer. Our recommendation of it, with the above qualifications, is most hearty. Our readers know that we would not recommend to them a book originating outside of the Truth movement [Millennial Dawnism], unless we considered it exceptionally fine; nor would we recommend such a book to them without first subjecting it to a careful examination and noting of such things in it as in our judgment are not well taken. Hence we devoted much time to a searching examination of this booklet, believing it to be profitable for the Lord's people to study, and as a result of our examination we heartily recommend it with the qualifications made above.
As in the conclusion of our article on Bible Numerics in 1919
we called attention to the marvellous wisdom of our God in working out
the text of the Bible along the lines of Numerics, and of the propriety
of our giving Him praise, worship, and adoration for His marvellous wisdom
thereby exemplified, so we now call upon all our readers to praise, worship,
and adore Him who so skilfully and wisely arranged the external form of
the Bible with respect to numerics. Only an Omniscient God could have done
1. I have been asked to furnish some examples of those numeric phenomena in the Bible which cannot be accounted for as the work of mere man. In the original languages in which the Bible is written—the Hebrew for the Old Testament, the Greek for the New—every page, every paragraph, and in the Old Testament often even a single verse, may be said to be teeming with those numeric phenomena which are duplicated only in that other Book of God, the visible Creation. And I have been asked, moreover, to give only such examples as can be understood by readers of the English, and if need be verified also by one who cannot read the Bible in the original.
2. Let us then turn to the English Bible and look at what is to be observed on even its very surface. It consists of the following books:
(As the argument is not affected by the change the order of the books is for convenience given as they stand in the Hebrew, and the Greek of Westcott and Hort).
The Old Testament books are:
1 Genesis | 14 Ezekiel | 27 Psalms |
2 Exodus | 15 Hosea | 28 Proverbs |
3 Leviticus | 16 Joel | 29 Job |
4 Numbers | 17 Amos | 30 Song of Songs |
5 Deuteronomy | 18 Obadiah | 31 Ruth |
6 Joshua | 19 Jonah | 32 Lamentations |
7 Judges | 20 Micah | 33 Ecclesiastes |
8 I Samuel | 21 Nahum | 34 Esther |
9 2 Samuel | 22 Habakkuk | 35 Daniel |
10 I Kings | 23 Zephaniah | 36 Ezra |
11 2 Kings | 24 Haggai | 37 Nehemiah |
12 Isaiah | 25 Zechariah | 38 1 Chronicles |
13 Jeremiah | 26 Malachi | 39 2 Chronicles |
The New Testament books are:
40 Matthew | 49 2 John | 58 Colossians |
41 Mark | 50 3 John | 59 1 Thessalonians |
42 Luke | 51 Jude | 60 2 Thessalonians |
43 John | 52 Romans | 61 Hebrews |
44 Acts | 53 1 Corinthian | 62 1 Timothy |
45 James | 54 2 Corinthians | 63 2 Timothy |
46 1 Peter | 55 Galatians | 64 Titus |
47 2 Peter | 56 Ephesians | 65 Philemon |
48 1 John | 57 Philippians | 66 Revelation |
3. Not all these books give the names of their writers. In fact a whole third of these books is anonymous. There is, for example, every reason for believing that Genesis has Moses for its author, but Genesis itself does not say so; neither is it anywhere in the Bible clearly asserted that he wrote it. Lamentations likewise is generally ascribed to Jeremiah, but not on the authority of the Bible. In the same way there is every reason for ascribing Matthew to Matthew, Mark to Mark, Luke to Luke, John and 1, 2, 3 John to John, and Hebrews to Paul, but not on the authority of the Bible. These and some other books are anonymous.
4. But of the following books their writers are named as such in the books themselves or elsewhere in the Bible. Thus Psalms was not indeed wholly written by David, but a large portion is David's. The same is true of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy with regard to Moses. The following accordingly are the books which are distinctly assigned in the Bible to their respective authors: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy—to Moses; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the twelve so called Minor Prophets, (The position of Jonah among these twelve precludes its being treated as anonymous, though it might plausibly be argued as such.) [THEN] Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, ascribe themselves to the writers whose names they respectively bear. Of the Pauline Epistles thirteen ascribe themselves to Paul. Psalms is ascribed to David. Proverbs and Song of Songs ascribe themselves to Solomon. Ecclesiastes assigns itself to "the son of David"; Revelation, to John. The anonymous books thus are: Genesis, Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Job, Ruth, Lamentations, Esther, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, 1, 2, and 3 John, Hebrews.
5. Of the Old Testament writers the following are expressly given as such in the New: Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel, David, Daniel. Solomon and Jonah are indeed also found in the New Testament, but not as writers, and no quotations from their books accompany their names. But these seven are specially cited in the New Testament as writers.
6. Of the persons named as its writers in the Bible some have more than one book ascribed to them. Thus Moses has 4, Solomon 3, Peter 2, Paul 13. The other writers have only one book ascribed to each: namely, the 16 so called prophets, David, Ezra, Nehemiah, James, Jude, and John.
7. In the list of the books given in Section 2 the books have the numbers 1—66 set against them, designating the place each occupies in the Bible. This number is for convenience hereafter spoken of as the order number of the particular book. Thus the order number of Genesis is 1, it being the first book; that of Revelation is 66, it being the last. Matthew's number is 40, and so for the rest.
8. It was already pointed out that in the order of the books the English Versions, as well as most modern versions, differ from the originals. And it differs also in one other respect: In the originals the Bible consists of marked divisions; those of the Old Testament being stamped with the authority of the Lord Himself.
In the Hebrew, namely, the 39 books are divided into Law, Prophets, [Holy] Writings. Genesis to Deuteronomy, the Law; Joshua to Malachi, the Prophets; Psalms to Chronicles, the Writings. "All things written of Me in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets and the Psalms," in Luke 24:44 refers to this division: the third being designated by the book at its head. The New Testament falls naturally into the four divisions of Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation.
9. Of the 66 Bible books - 21 are Epistles; but the following 12 books, while not letters themselves, contain letters: 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 2 Chronicles, Acts, Revelation. For convenience, these 12 together with the 21 Epistles, are hereafter called the Epistolary books.
10. The number of books in the Bible is 66, or thrice 2 elevens (Feature 1); of this the anonymous books have 22, or 2 elevens; and the non-anonymous have 44, or twice 2 elevens (Feature 2). And of these 44 non-anonymous books 22, or 2 elevens, belong to writers of more than one book, and 22 to writers of only one book (Feature 3). The Epistolary books are 33, or 3 elevens, and the non-Epistolary are also 33 (Feature 4).
The Epistolary books are in their turn divided thus among the Seven Great Bible Divisions. The first five divisions, comprising 44 books, or 2 elevens, have eleven; the last two divisions, comprising 22 books, have 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 5).
That is to say: the whole number of Bible books being a multiple of eleven, it is divided between books naming their authors and books not naming them, between books belonging to authors of only one book and books belonging to authors of more than one, between books with letters and books without—not at random, but by elevens. And in two of the features it is not only by elevens but by two elevens.
The two largest of the seven great divisions of the Bible, the Prophets (Joshua to Malachi) and the Epistles (James to Philemon), consist each of 21 books. The two smallest, Acts and Revelation, consist of one book each. Among its seven great divisions the 66 books of the Bible are thus divided not at random but by elevens: the largest and smallest divisions having 44, or twice 2 elevens; leaving for the others 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 6). And of the two divisions consisting of only one book each, Acts is book 44 of the Bible, or twice 2 elevens (Feature 7); and Revelation is book 66, or thrice 2 elevens (Feature 8).
A glance at the list of 66 books of the Bible on page 37 shows an alternation between books purely narrative, and books not purely narrative, thus: The first eleven books of Genesis — 2 Kings are purely narrative; the next 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 9) Isaiah—Ecclesiastes are purely prophetic, or typical: the two narrative books in this group, being themselves prophetic types: Jonah, type of the Lord, the Bridegroom; Ruth, type of the Church, the Bride. The next eleven (Feature 10), Esther — Acts, are again purely narrative; the last 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 11), James — Revelation are again pure Instruction and Prophecy.
Thus a mere glance at barely the Table of Contents of the Bible reveals eleven distinct features of elevens.
The chance for any number being a multiple of eleven is only one in eleven: since, taken at random, the other ten numbers have as good a chance to merely happen as the eleven. The chance for any two numbers being multiples of eleven is only one in 11 x 11, or 121. For any three, one in 1331. And for any eight it is only one in 214,358,881. The division in three out of the eleven features not only by elevens but by two elevens diminishes the chance here 2 x 2 x 2, or eightfold. The chance for these eight features of elevens to be here accidental, undesigned rather than designed, is thus only one in 1,714,871,048, or in 1,714 millions.
Now were this fact in connection with the Bible books to stand alone, it might be dismissed as a mere curiosity. But it does not stand alone: it is a mere sapling in a forest extending over kingdoms, a flakelet in a snowstorm over half a continent, a grain of sand on Long Beach, yea, a mere drop in the very ocean that washes it.
11. These eight features of eleven are true of the Bible as now before us: regardless of the numerous questions that may be raised as to its age, unity, purpose, genuineness, authenticity, authorship, sources, trustworthiness, or any other question legitimate or illegitimate curiosity may propound. Whatever answers be at last given to any or all of these, fact it remains that these eight features of elevens are THERE; and this remains equally true of the many numeric features that follow.
12. The presence of these eight features of elevens is not affected by the variation in the order of the books between the English and the Hebrew Testament. But as the Hebrew order is the one held to by the Lord Himself, who in Luke 24:44 places the Psalms after the prophets, Christian has no choice but to accept the order of the Hebrew. And scholarly candor must likewise accept for the New Testament books the order of the critical editions of Tischendorff, Tregelles, and Westcott and Hort, as given on pages 35—36 above.
13. The sum of the 66 order numbers of the 66 Bible books (see page 59) is 2,211, or 201 elevens, which is divided thus:
Of the Epistles the order numbers are from 45 to 65. Now the sum for the 66 books, 2211, is thus divided: Non-Epistles have 1056, or 96 elevens; Epistles have 1155, or 105 elevens (Feature 9). And of the 21 Epistles the first, middle and last, have 165, or 15 elevens (Feature 10). And of these in turn the first and last have no, or two 5 elevens (Feature 11); this division moreover being not only by elevens but by 5 elevens.
Just then as the number itself of the Bible books is divided by elevens between Epistolary and non-Epistolary books, so the order numbers also are divided by elevens between Epistles and non-Epistles.
14. Of the sum of the order numbers of the Epistles just seen to be 1155, or 105 elevens, numbers 53, 54, 55, 59, 60, belong to Epistles addressed to churches directly; namely: I and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, I and 2 Thessalonians. The number 65 is for Philemon, and also to the church in thy house. In No. 50, or 3 John, the author also wrote somewhat to the church. The sum of the order numbers of these seven church or semi-church Epistles is 396, or 36 elevens (Feature 12).
It may be noted here also that three of these seven numbers are distinct
from the others: 50 and 60 have zeros, and 65 is the last. Accordingly
the sum of the figures in 50 and 60 is eleven (Feature 13), and the sum
of the figures in 65 is also 11 (Feature 14).
If these additional features of elevens are here also by chance rather
than designed, the chance for it now is only one in a number of some fifteen
15. As shown in Sect. 8 the Bible consists of seven great divisions, which begin with Genesis, Joshua, Psalms, Matthew, Acts, James and Revelation. They end with Deuteronomy, Malachi, 2 Chronicles, John, Acts, Philemon and Revelation. The order numbers of these books are: 1, 5, 6, 26, 27, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 65 and 66, with 407 for their sum: itself 37 elevens (Feature 15); and the sum of its figures is eleven (Feature 16). These 12 numbers consist of three classes: I is a group by itself, and has only one number; 26-27, 39-40, 65-66, are groups by themselves consisting each of two numbers; 43-45 is a group by itself with three numbers. With reference to this fact this sum 407, or 37 elevens is divided thus: the groups with one and two numbers have 275, or 25 elevens; the one with the three numbers has 132, or 12 elevens (Feature 17); and of this the middle has 44, or 4 elevens, the others have 88, twice 4 elevens (Feature 18). This division moreover is not only by elevens, but by 4 elevens.
Hitherto only the books themselves and their order numbers have been considered. Let us now look at the names of the Bible writers.
16. The persons named in the New Testament as writers of the Old (Sec. 5 above) have the following order numbers for their books: 2, 3, 4, 5, for Moses; 12 and 13 for Isaiah and Jeremiah; 15 and 16 for Hosea and Joel; 27 for David; 35 for Daniel. Their sum is 132, or 12 elevens (Feature 19). Moreover, the two writers whose names occur in the New Testament, but not as Old Testament writers, Jonah and Solomon, have for their order numbers 19, 28, 30 and 33, with no as their sum, or 10 elevens (Feature 20); the last has 33, or 3 elevens; the others have 77, or 7 elevens (Feature 21).
17. These 21 features of elevens the reader can readily verify for himself with the aid of the list of Bible books on pages 35-36. It will be seen below that these alone suffice to establish the Inspiration of the Scriptures. In what follows the reader will have to depend at times for verification on sources outside the Bible, which will be duly named. The Vocabularies, Concordances, and other Analyses of the Bible or its portions, which have been prepared for his work by the writer himself, he vouches for as absolutely accurate for the present purpose. The Concordance to the New Testament, in which every one of its 137,903 words is recorded alphabetically, has recently been verified thus: In a copy of Westcott & Hort the writer himself checked off from his Concordance of New Testament Forms (2,000 pages manuscript) its every word. A word found unchecked at the end of this verification thus showed where the correction was needed. This mere sharpening of only one of the writer's tools took some three months of six hours daily toil. The writer's own sources may therefore be depended on as accurate, at least as far as fidelity and painstaking can make it.
For the Old Testament the Englishman'3 Hebrew Concordance has been used, which has been found trustworthy after some thirty years of constant use. But the writer has not yet checked it off as he would like to. Should, therefore, in the following enumeration an occasional inaccuracy eventually be found after all, it would not in the least affect the work as a whole, though it would eliminate some of the numeric features. But of these there are already more than enough.
For some 30 years the writer has deemed it unnecessary to give in print more than the results of his labours. Processes were given only in specially required cases, and personal allusions most sparingly. The information, therefore, in the text is given reluctantly to save both reader and writer trouble, if not vexation. A magazine editor thus undertakes to "verify" the writer's statement that Moses occurs 847 times in the Bible, and finds it three short.
Result: two busy men are set to writing letters requiring scores of folk to carry them to and from across some 6,000 miles of ocean. He had used for his count Young's Concordance, admirable for reference; but worthless for statistical purposes for which it was not intended. A Colonel in the Salvation Army begins to study Hebrew expressly for the purpose of verifying the writer's work.
Greek he knows already. Parts with his meagre funds to buy a Westcott & Hort, only to be balked with his count on the very first page. Result, six letters across the ocean, with the end net yet in sight. He had been counting the words in the passage, where the writer SPEAKS of the Vocabulary. Would he not now most kindly just tell him how to construct such vocabularies? And more of the like. Most cheerfully, if he only had the 3 heads of Cerberus, the 100 arms of Briareus, and the like number of the feet of a centipede, of which the writer is in sore need for his work. Another has an important (manufacturing) personage for his friend who in his turn has a wife, who in her turn has a Westcott & Hort. She glances at the first page and does not "see" what others for decades have been seeing in that page.
Result, disturbance of non-influential friend, with across ocean epistolarities for explanation of this marvel. Another falls in with booklet got up by Mr. Panton mentioned on page 27, of which the writer had seen neither manuscript nor proof sheets. He discovers two misprints and one regrettable but not uncommon confusion in figures. He at once declares the work "reckless," while an elegant friend, with whom sweet counsel is herein held, declares the writer's labours of 35 years to be 'bunk,' a word of unknown meaning to the writer. Result, a threescore of folk are kept on despatching (1) a superior epistle to luckless publisher which then goes (2) to Mr. Panton, (3) thence across the ocean to the writer, with (4-6) in reverse order. And whether with final satisfaction to Mr. Bunkman and friend, remains yet unknown.
For a complete verification of the writer's work two things are indispensable:
(1) possession of all the writer's tools now in manuscript, with knowledge how to use them;
(2) a saving sense of humour. He might add a third but for not wishing to appear inurbane : a booklet on the elements of good social usage.
18. In addition to the seven Old Testament writers named as such in the New, the following are named therein as New Testament authors:
James, Peter, Jude, Paul and John. Now the names of these 12 Bible writers named in the New Testament occur in the Bible 2871 times, or 261 elevens (Feature 22); of this the Old Testament writers have 2310, or 210 elevens; and those of the New have 561, or 51 elevens (Feature 23). And Moses, the first Bible writer, has 847, or 7 elevens (Feature 24) of elevens (Feature 25).
19. The seven names of these Old Testament writers occur thus: Moses is found in 31 books; Isaiah in 12; Jeremiah in 8; Hosea and Joel in 7 each; Daniel in 6; David in 28. The sum of these numbers is 99, or thrice 3 elevens (Feature 26). Of this the first, middle and last have 66, twice 3 elevens, and the others have 33, or 3 elevens (Feature 27), this division being moreover by 3 elevens.
The name of the first of these seven writers, Moses, occurs in the Bible 847 times. In some books it occurs more than 100 times, requiring three figures to express it. Thus in Exodus it occurs 290 times. In others, however, its occurrence requires only two figures: as in Joshua, which has it 58 times. In others again it requires only one figure: as in Revelation, which has it only once.
Now with reference to this fact the number 847 is divided thus: the 21 books with occurrences of one figure have 77, or 11 x 7; those with more than one have 770, or 11 x 7 x 10 (Feature 28), this division being not only by elevens, but by seven elevens.
Again: With reference to the seven great divisions of the Bible the 847 occurrences of Moses are divided thus: the Non-Epistles have 825, or 75 elevens; the Epistles have 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 29); and these in their turn are divided thus: Hebrews, where it is found most, has 11, and the other Epistles have also 11 (Feature 30).
In connection then with the mere number of Bible books, their order numbers, and the occurrences in the Bible of the names of some of the writers, no less than 30 features of elevens are to be observed almost at first sight.
20. It has already been shown in Sec. 14 that the chance for only the first 14 features of elevens being accidental, undesigned, is only one in a number of some fifteen figures. The case of the 4 elevens in Feature 18, of 3 elevens in Feature 27, and of 7 elevens in Feature 28, diminishes the chance still more, 84 times. The chance is thus reduced to one in a number of some thirty-three figures.
When the chance for anything merely happening is so infinitesimally small, it is justly declared to be impossible. These 30 features of elevens, therefore, did not merely happen here, they are — designed.
If a dozen buttons were to be found on the street in an equidistant row, it would be difficult to persuade the finder that in their falling out the buttons just happened to arrange themselves thus. But were these buttons found in two rows of four, no one would risk his reputation for sanity by ascribing it to chance. Now the chance for buttons merely happening to be placed thus is much more favourable than for these 30 features of elevens to be undesigned.
An elaborate design of eleven is thus seen to run through the mere number of the Bible books, their order numbers, and the names of some of its writers.
21. By the side of this design of elevens an elaborate design of sevens is also present here.
It has been seen already that the Bible falls into seven great divisions (Feature 1): Law, Prophets, Writings, Gospels, Acts, Epistles, Revelation. The two largest divisions, Prophets and Epistles, have each 21 books, or 3 sevens (Feature 2). The Epistles are divided thus: Pauline are 14, or 2 sevens, and the other writers have seven (Feature 3). Seven are addressed to, or connected with, churches (see Sec. 14), leaving for the others 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 4). Paul's Epistles are addressed to individuals: Timothy, Titus, Philemon; or to specified Christian bodies; Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians — seven (Feature 5). Their order numbers are 52-60; their sum is 504, of 72 sevens (Feature 6).
22. In 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Philemon, Paul associates expressly by name others with him in the address. The number of these Epistles is seven (Feature 7), their order numbers 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65, have for their sum 406, or 58 sevens (Feature 8).
In 1 and 2 Thessalonians Paul associates with himself two persons, instead of one as in the others. Accordingly, of these 58 sevens 1 and 2 Thessalonians have 119, or 17 sevens; and the other Epistles have 287, or 41 sevens (Feature 9).
In only one Epistle Paul associates others with him, but without naming them. In Galatians 1:2 he associates in the address "all the brethren that are with me." This unique feature is signalised in the order number of Galatians, 55: itself 5 elevens (thus making it Feature 31 of the elevens); but neighbour of 56, or 8 sevens: thus affixing a double numeric seal to this feature by means of neighbourhood, of which more below.
The three associates of Paul named by him as such in the addresses of his Epistles are: Silvanus —the same is Silas,—Sosthenes, Timothy. Their names occur in the New Testament respectively 16, 2, 24, times; 42 in all, or 6 sevens (Feature 10).
Of the 66 order numbers of the books of the Bible, or 6 elevens, every eleventh number is: II, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66. Their sum, 231, is from the nature of the case a multiple of both seven and eleven; but the sum of its factors, 3, 7, 11, is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 11).
23. The Old Testament writers named in the Bible as the authors of special books are: Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the 12 Minor Prophets, David, Solomon, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah. Then number is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 12); of which 14, or 2 sevens, are not quoted as such in the New Testament; and seven are quoted as such (Feature 13. Sec. 5). The names of these seven writers occur in the Old Testament 2310 times, or 7 x 11 x 2 x 3 x 5: itself a multiple of seven (as well as eleven (Feature 14), with the sum of its factors 28, or 4 sevens (Feature 15).
Of these 2310 occurrences the writer whose name occurs most, David, has 1134, or 7 x 3 x -3 x 3 x 3 x 2, itself 162 sevens, (Feature 16), and neighbour of 1133, or 103 elevens, and the sum of its factors 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 17). Again: Moses, the first writer, has 847, or 7 x 11 x 11, a multiple of seven (Feature 18) as well as of eleven. And this number is thus divided: the books which have this name less than 10 times have 77, or 7 x 11; the others have it 770 times, or 7 x 11 x 10, the division being by eleven, and seven (Feature 19).
24. The Old Testament books belonging to expressly named authors of more than one book are: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes,— seven in number (Feature 20). The sum of their order numbers is 105, or 15 sevens (Feature 21). And of this Moses has 14, or 2 sevens, and Solomon has 91, or 13 sevens (Feature 22); and of Solomon's 3 books the first, Proverbs, has 28, or 4 sevens; and the others have 63, or 9 sevens (Feature 23).
25. It was seen in Sec. 19 that the 7 Old Testament writers have for the sum of the books in which their names occur 99, or 9 elevens, and neighbour of 98, or 2 sevens of sevens. The numbers of these books are thus specially marked off, so that their sum should be so many elevens. A similar design is marked off for the New Testament writers themselves, only with the variation that their number is seven instead of eleven. For their names occur thus: James, or Jacob (in the Greek they one, Jacob) is found in 11 books, Peter in 8, Jude (or Judah, one name in the Greek for two) in 8, Paul in 15, John in 7; in all 49, or seven (Feature 24) sevens (Feature 25). And of these the last, John, has seven, leaving for the others 42, or 6 sevens (Feature 26). Their order numbers are 45-47, 51-65, with their sum 1008, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3, itself 144 sevens (Feature 27), with seven factors (Feature 28), whose sum is 21 or 3 sevens (Feature 29).
26. The chance for these 29 Features of sevens being accidental here, undesigned, is only one in 81,472,966.297,612,001 x 5,764,801, a number of 24 figures. The chance for these sevens to be here at the same time with the elevens above is only one in a number of some sixty-four figures. And the enumeration of the sevens and elevens above is in nowise exhaustive.
One other feature may be pointed out here. The Old Testament consists of 39 books, or 3 thirteens (Feature 1) divided thus: the Law and the Prophets have 26, or 2 thirteens; the Writings have 13 (Feature 2). And again: the anonymous books are 13, and the non-anonymous are 26 (Feature 3). The writer of the largest number of books, Paul, has 13 (Feature 4).
Of the 27 New Testament books, or 3 nines, 9 are anonymous, and 18, or 2 nines, are non-anonymous. So that as in the whole Bible the proportion between anonymous and non-anonymous books is one third for the one and two-thirds for the other, so the same proportion is kept up for the two Testaments separately.
Again: The number of the Bible books, 66, itself 6 elevens, is neighbour of 65, or 5 thirteens. Accordingly, the Old Testament has 39, or 3 thirteens, and the New has 27, neighbour of 26, or 2 thirteens (Compare Sec. 21, near the end).
In connection then with the mere three items of the number of the Bible books, their order numbers, and the names of some of its writers, highly elaborate schemes of sevens and elevens are observed along with minor schemes of nines and thirteens.
27. Some important deductions can now be made from the presence here of these elaborate designs.
The Bible of the larger part of Christendom of the Greek and Roman Communions, consists of more than 66 books, the Apocrypha books form a part thereof. As the elaborate numeric design now running through the Bible is destroyed, except in a few of the features given above, by the removal or addition of a single book, the numeric design thus acts as an automatic check against tampering with the NUMBER of the books.
The Bible of the Greek and Roman Communions is thus incorrect in the number of books.
As many of the numeric features run through the order numbers of the books, their particular order as given in the Hebrew for the Old Testament, and by the Critical editors in the Greek for the New, is clearly designed; and a number of the numeric features are accordingly lost by the order of the books in the English Bible and other Protestant versions. The numeric design thus acts as an automatic check against tampering with the designed ORDER of the Bible books.
The Protestant Bible, therefore, though right as to the number of the 66 books, is thus inaccurate as to their order.
28. A striking illustration of the effectiveness of the numeric design in preserving the exact order of the books as designed is had in the three books of Solomon, which would naturally be looked for together. But between Proverbs and the Song of Songs Job is inserted, and Ecclesiastes is separated from the Song by Ruth and Lamentations. But their separated order numbers 28, 30, 33, were specially needed for Features 20-21 of the elevens, and 21-23 of the sevens. And the seeming restoration of order here in the English Bible destroys as many as five numeric features of the design.
29. The question arises, Who is it that put this design into the Bible? In answer let the single case of Moses be considered.
The Old Testament was written by at least 21 different writers; the New, by at least five. According to its own testimony the Bible was written by at least 26 different writers (2 thirteens; actually, however, by 33, or 3 elevens). The Old Testament was translated from the Hebrew into Greek some 275 years before the Christ. As the New Testament could not have been written before the Cross, when the Lord was about 33, some 300 years thus lie between the writing of the two Testaments.
The interval was indeed not three, but some sixteen centuries between Moses and John, the first and last Bible writers. For the present, however, the particular number of centuries does not matter. Enough if it be — centuries.
Turn now to Sec. 18 with its phenomena as to Moses, which are readily duplicated in hundreds of other cases.
30. If the Bible writers themselves planned this distribution of this name with its double scheme of sevens and elevens, they accomplished this only by an understanding among themselves: so to insert this name in their writings that it shall be found in all of them just 7 x 11 x 11, with a division into a set of 7 x 11, with other sevens and elevens. Moses then began this scheme deliberately in his four books, expecting that subsequent writers, (those of the New Testament 1500 years after him) would insert his name just enough times to keep the design in suspense,— always in full view of each writer — until it gets to John, who by inserting it just once at last completes the centuries ago planned and waited for design.
Moses thus foreknew the number of books in the Bible, their order numbers, the number of times his name was to occur in each book, and more of the like: had in fact a blue print of the whole Bible before him, and passed it on through the ages to the other writers. Such an understanding among a score of men in different lands, centuries apart, could originate and be kept up only by a miracle, and one continued for centuries: the very miracle required for Verbal Inspiration.
31. One other possibility: Some one may have revised the Bible so as to distribute the name of Moses among the different books to produce these numerics. It was then either one who lived after Revelation was written, in which book Moses is found; or its writer, John himself, since without its one occurrence here the design is not completed. But the Hebrew text of the Old Testament was already settled centuries before John; was most zealously watched over by the Jews to jot and tittle. And as these numerics run through both Testaments, the needed alterations must have been made by a hated Christian, which the Jews would have promptly disowned. This much as to deliberate alterations in the Old Testament.
Any tampering with the text of the New for introducing these numerics, even by the apostle John himself, would be exposed at least by the Diotrephesea of the day, who shrank not from disfellowshipping him. Moreover, alterations in the New Testament without any in the Old would here be of no avail. But even apart from all this only miraculous skill could carry out this design even with Moses' name alone. David's case with his 1134 occurrences presents the same need. The same is the case with the rest of the seven names which form the special group with Moses and David discussed in Secs. 5, 23, etc. And again, several of the numeric features run already in the Old Testament alone independent of the New.
On mere human grounds then these phenomena, even those for Moses alone, are inexplicable. And this is one case in thousands. The explanation that these numerics got into the Bible by the design of man is thus equally untenable with the one of mere chance.
32. Dr. Moore speaks toward the end of page 24 of the kaleidoscopic character of Numerics. Before going on to another phase of the subject, an illustration of Kaleidoscopics will be added.
A glimpse thereof was already had in the scheme of thirteens developed
by means of neighbourhood numbers (Sections 21, 26) as well as by the frequent
callocations of sevens and elevens noted above. Here is a fuller view.
Once more then, The seven great divisions of the Bible are:
Books 1- 5, Law
6-26, Prophets
27-39, Writings
40-43, Gospels
Book 44, Acts
Books 45-65, Epistles
Book 66, Revelation
119 288 407.
The sum of the 66 order numbers of the Bible, 2211, is from the nature of the case a multiple of eleven, 66 itself being 6 elevens. But 2211 is neighbour of 2212, or 316 sevens, on one side; and of 2210 on the other, or 13 x 17 x 10, a multiple of 13. In this sum of the order numbers of the books the seven, elevens, and thirteens, already noted abundantly before, appear thus at once.
But the neighbour 2210 is a multiple of seventeen as well as of thirteen. Accordingly, the sum of the twelve order numbers with which the seven great Bible divisions begin and end is 407, itself 37 elevens; but neighbour on one side of 406, or 58 sevens, and on the other of 408, or 24 seventeens.
Just then as the sum of the order numbers for the whole Bible, displays sevens, elevens, and seventeens in its make up, so does also their sum for its seven great divisions. This fact would alone be sufficiently striking. But in addition the sum 407 is thus divided; the numbers with which the divisions begin have 119, or seven seventeens; those ending them have 288, neighbour on one side of 287, itself 41 sevens, but with seventeen as the sum of its figures. The neighbour on the other side is 289, or seventeen seventeens.
Again: the seven Bible divisions begin and end with the numbers 1, 5, 6, 26, 27, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45. 65, 66, twelve in all, or 3 fours. Every fourth number is 26, 43, 66. Accordingly, the sum 407 is thus divided: The every fourth numbers have 135, neighbour of 136, or 8 seventeens, leaving for the others 272, itself twice 8 seventeens, and neighbour of 273, or 7 x 13 x 3, a multiple of both seven and thirteen.
The sevens and the seventeens of the neighbours of 407 appear here as well as the elevens.
Thus the Kaleidoscope set at eleven is given a turn to the right, and
sevens appear. A turn to the left, and the seventeens appear.
But 407 is 11 thirty-sevens; divided thus: The two divisions which
consist of only one book each have 110 or 10 elevens, but neighbour of
111 or 3 thirty-sevens. The other divisions have 297, itself 27 elevens,
but neighbour of 296 or 8 thirty-sevens.
Four turns thus give new numerics at each turn. This is Kaleidoscopic
Numerics in addition to plain every day Bible Numerics.
33. Having thus presented the case so that readers of the English Bible
can see and verify it for themselves, some additional facts are now given
which, while equally important, can be verified only by Hebrew and Greek
[The basis for discussion in what follows is the Received Hebrew Text
for the Old Testament, and the Greek revision by Westcott and Hort for
the New].
The languages of the Bible, the Hebrew and the Greek, have no separate signs for numbers, like our figures 1, 2, 3, etc. The letters of the alphabet are used instead, and each letter is also a number, called its Numeric Value. The sum of the Numeric Values of its letters is the Numeric Value of the word of which it is made up. Each Hebrew or Greek word is thus a sum in arithmetic as well as a word. Thus the Hebrew Jehovah has 26 for its Numeric Value; the Greek lesous, Jesus, has 888.
The numeric values of the names of the persons to whom the Bible books ascribe themselves are:
345 Moses | 91 Obadiah | 242 Zechariah | 113 Nehemiah |
401 Isaiah | 71 Jonah | 101 Malachi | 833 James |
271 Jeremiah | 75 Micah | 14 David | 755 Peter |
156 Ezekiel | 104 Nahum | 375 Solomon | 685 Jude |
381 Hosea | 216 Habakkuk | 95 Daniel | 781 Paul |
47 Joel | 235 Zephaniah | 278 Ezra | 1069 John |
176 Amos | 21 Haggai | 2569 | 5362 = 7931 |
34. The sum of these 26 numeric values of Bible writers' names is 7931, or 11 x 7 x 103, a multiple not only of eleven (Feature 32) as well as of seven (Feature 32 of sevens), but the sum of its factors, 121, is eleven (Feature 33) elevens (Feature 34). Paul, the writer of the largest number of books, has 781, or 71 elevens, leaving for the others 7150 or 650 elevens (Feature 35). And as 7931, the sum of the thirteen writers is (13 x 610) + 1, a multiple of 13 by neighbourhood. Paul has 781 or 11 x 71 or (13 x 10 x 2 x 3) + 1. The others have 7150, 11 x 650, or 13 x 10 x 5, thus producing both factors, 11 and 13.
The first writers of the Bible Divisions are here Moses, Isaiah, David, James, John. Their numeric values are: 345, 401, 14, 833, 1069, with 2662 as their sum, or 11 x 11 x 11 x 2, or 2 elevens of eleven (Feature 36) elevens (Feature 37); and the others have 5269, itself 479 elevens (Feature 38), and the sum of its figures 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 39)
Of the seven Old Testament writers named as such in the New (Sec. 5) Moses is the first and Daniel the last. Their numeric values 345 and 95 have for their sum 440, or 11 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5, itself 40 elevens (Feature 40), and the sum of its factors is 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 41), neighbour, moreover, of 441, or 7 x 7 x 3 x 3.
35. If now against the 44 non-anonymous books, or 4 elevens, the numeric values of their authors be placed, we have the following (the order numbers of the books - preceding the numeric values - then the name in English):
2 345 Exodus | 19 71 Jonah | 33 375 Ecclesiastes | 55 781 Galatians |
3 345 Leviticus | 20 75 Micah | 35 95 Daniel | 56 781 Ephesians |
4 345 Numbers | 21 104 Nahum | 36 278 Ezra | 57 781 Philippians |
5 345 Deuteronomy | 22 216 Habakkuk | 37 113 Nehemiah | 58 781 Colossians |
12 401 Isaiah | 23 235 Zephaniah | 45 833 James | 59 781 1 Thessalonians |
13 271 Jeremiah | 24 21 Haggai | 46 755 1 Peter | 60 781 2 Thessalonians |
14 156 Ezekiel | 25 242 Zechariah | 47 755 2 Peter | 62 781 1 Timothy |
15 381 Hosea | 26 101 Malachi | 51 685 Jude | 62 781 2 Timothy |
16 47 Joel | 27 14 Psalms | 52 781 Romans | 64 781 Titus |
17 176 Amos | 28 375 Proverbs | 53 781 1 Corinthians | 65 781 Philemon |
18 91 Obadiah | 30 375 Song of Songs | 54 781 2 Corinthians | 66 1069 Revelation |
The sum of these 44 numeric values, or 4 elevens, is 19,843, itself not a direct multiple of eleven, but by its neighbour 19,844 it is (11 x 11 x 4 x 41) or 164 eleven elevens (Feature 42); divided thus: the writers of more than one book, Moses, Solomon, Peter and Paul, have 14,168, or 11 x 7 x 184, a multiple of seven (Feature 33 of the sevens) and eleven; and the 22 writers of only one book, or two elevens, have 5665 or 515 elevens (Feature 43), and the sum of its figures 22, or 2 elevens (Feature 44).
36. The Bible begins with B'RAYSHITH, In beginning; it ends in Westcott & Hort (contrary to the Authorised and Revisers) with HAGIOHN of saints. The one is a form of the noun RAYSHITH, beginning; the other, of the adjective HAGIOS, holy, hence saint. Now the Hebrew word rayshith occurs 51 times, the Greek hagios occurs 235; the two thus occur 286 times, or 11 x 13 x 2, the combination of thirteen and eleven (Feature 45). The
Hebrew word has six letters, the Greek five, together eleven (Feature 46). In this particular form the Hebrew occurs 5 times, the Greek 39; the two 44, or 4 elevens (Feature 47).
The Hebrew form occurs in Genesis and Jeremiah; the Greek in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, 2 Peter, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1 Timothy, Philemon, Revelation. Their order numbers are: 1, 13, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66. Their sum is 814, or 74 elevens, (Feature 48). The reputed writers of the anonymous books in this list are: Moses for Genesis. Matthew, Mark, Luke for the first three Gospels, and Paul for Hebrews. The numeric values of these five writers are: 345, 340, 431, 721, 781. Their sum is 2618, a multiple of eleven (Feature 49) as well as of seven (Feature 34). Of these writers Paul is writer of both anonymous and non-anonymous books in the lists above, and his numeric value is 781, or 71 elevens (Feature 50).
If now we place against each of the above 17 books their reputed and acknowledged writers' numeric values, we have 345, 271, 340, 431, 721, 721, 755, 781 (before nine books), 1069. Their sum is 11,682, or 1062 elevens (Feature 51). And this is divided thus: the Old Testament writers have 616, or 11 x 7 x 8, the combination of seven Feature 35 of the sevens) with eleven; and the New Testament writers have 11,066, or 1006 elevens (Feature 52).
37. The numeric value of BRAYSHITH, In the Beginning, with which the Bible begins, is 913 or 83 elevens (Feature 53); the word with which the Bible ends HAGIOS, of which HAGIOHN of saints, is a form, is found in the books having these order numbers: 40-44, 46-48, 51-54, 56-66. Their sum 1232 is 11 x 7 x 16, a multiple of both eleven (Feature 54) and seven (Feature 36 of sevens). Among its four groups of consecutive numbers of which their sum 1232 consists it is divided thus: groups 1-3 have 561, or 51 elevens; the last group has 671, or 61 elevens (Feature 55). The order numbers of the anonymous books in the list above, 40-44, 48, 61, have 319, or 29 elevens; the others have 913, or 83 elevens (Feature 56), with the sum of the figures in the factors 29 and 83 being eleven in each case.
38. The sum of the numeric values of the 26 Bible writers named therein as such is (see Sec. 33) 7931 a multiple of seven as well as of eleven. Of this number Moses, writer of the first book, and John, writer of the last, have 1414, or 202 sevens; and the others have 6517, or 7 x 7 x 7 x 19, or 19 sevens (Feature 37) of seven (Feature 38) sevens (Feature 39). The 21 Old Testament writers have 3808, or 544 sevens; and the New Testament writers have 4123, or 589 sevens (Feature 40).
The number 3808 for the Old Testament is in its turn divided thus: Law and Prophets — Moses to Malachi — have 2933, or 419 sevens; the "Writings" — Psalms to Chronicles — have 875, or 125 sevens (Feature 41). And of this last number David, writer of the first book, has 14, or 2 sevens; and the others have 861, or 123 sevens (Feature 42). This case is duplicated in the New Testament: James, the first non-anonymous writer has 833, or 7 x 7 x 17, a multiple of seven sevens (Feature 43); the rest have 3290, itself 470 sevens (Feature 44); the sum of its figures 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 45).
39. The Hebrew Vocabulary word with which the Bible begins, Rayshith, occurs in books having the order numbers 1-5, 8, 12-15, 17, 20, 27-29, 33, 35, 37, 30 in 19 books. The books in which occurs the word which ends the Bible are 23 in number— (see Sec. 37). These two words thus occur in 42 books, or 6 sevens (Feature 46); and the sum of their order numbers is 1575, or 225 sevens (Feature 47). In Sec. 37 it was seen that the anonymous New Testament books have for the sum of their order numbers a multiple of eleven. Now the sum of the order numbers of Old Testament books here is 77, or eleven sevens (Feature 48).
40. The numeric values of the Hebrew forms with which the Old Testament begins and ends Brayshith and V'yaal, are 913 and 116. The sum of the figures in the two numbers is 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 49). Their own sum in 1029, or 3 sevens (Feature 50) of seven (Feature 51) sevens (Feature 52).
The Vocabulary word with which the Bible begins, Rayshith, occurs therein in 10 different forms 51 times. Now the numeric value of its 51 occurrences is 46,942, or 6706 sevens (Feature 53). Of its 10 forms those without a prefix have a numeric value of 2793, itself 57 sevens (Feature 54), of sevens (Feature 55), and the sum of its figures 21, or 3 sevens (Feature 56). The form Rayshith, distinguished both as occurring the largest number of times and without either prefix or suffix, occurs 28 times, or 4 sevens (Feature 57).
41. These additional features of elevens and sevens are in nowise exhaustive: touching as it were the mere outposts of the Book. One more specimen however of the manifold wealth of numerics that lies everywhere on the very surface. In the midst of the numerous sevens and elevens hitherto dealt with the next two prime numbers, 13 and 17, were also seen to crop out. Now it was seen in Sec. 38 that the numeric value of the five New Testament writers named therein as such is 4123 or 7 x 19 x 31: a multiple of seven combined with nineteen, prime number next to seventeen. Now the sum of the factors of 4123 is 57 or 3 nineteens. The numeric value of the forms of Rayshith dealt with a little above, 2793, is 147 nineteens as well as a multiple of seven sevens. And that this is part of a larger scheme is shown by the fact that the number of letters in all the occurrences of these forms without a prefix is 152 or 8 nineteens.
But this number 4123 or 7 x 19 x 31 is seven and nineteen combined with thirty-one. Now the numeric value of the two words with which the New Testament begins and ends BIBLOS HAGIOHN, book of saints, is 1178 or twice 19 x 31, the same combination.
42. In Sect. 27 it was seen that the numeric design settles the number and order of the Bible books. The numerous additional features discussed in Secs. 32-41 not only confirm the results already obtained, they give also final information on several much disputed matters.
(a) The numeric values of the writers named as such in Scriptures show that they were designed to be just 26. This settles the question of the two Isaiahs. Numerics show only one.
(b) The modern elaborate theories about the Jehovistic, Elohistic, etc. documents which are supposed to make up the books of Moses, are disproved by numerics, which show that Moses was DESIGNED to be the writer of at least four of the books ascribed to him.
(c) The authorship not only of the non-anonymous but also of the anonymous books is now established. It was part of the design that Genesis have Moses for its author; Hebrews, Paul; and the first "three Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke; and Acts have Luke as writer.
(d) The Revisers give Amen as the last word of the Bible, without even intimating that some authorities omit it. Westcott & Hort omit it, without offering it even as alternative. They end the Bible with saints. Tischendorff, Alford and other critical editors differ: some having with the Authorised Version all as the last word. That Westcott & Hort are right is proved by the fact that no fewer than twelve numeric features of those enumerated would be lost by a change here. So true once more is the Lord's saying, Scripture cannot be broken.
43. An elaborate design of sevens and elevens has been shown above to run through the whole Bible in the number and order of its books. It was also shown that in some details the two Testaments have each sub-designs of their own. Thus while the first and last words of the whole Bible display striking Numerics, the words beginning and ending each Testament separately show them likewise. This is also true of anonymous and non-anonymous books.
In the first edition of this work over a dozen pages were given
to the enumeration of similar phenomena for the mere outskirts of the New
Testament separately. But in this edition it may suffice to give the bare
results, and devote the space thus gained to something no less profitable.
44. A look at the New Testament apart from the Old reveals no less than 60 numeric features, mostly of sevens, and this is in nowise exhaustive.
These numeric phenomena of the number and order of the New Testament books, which in every respect are only duplicates of those already expounded, confirm in every detail the results already obtained; and they establish in addition certainty in a number of hitherto disputed matters.
Though two-thirds of the New Testament books ascribe themselves to definite authors, their authorship has been assailed from many quarters. Most of Paul has thus been doubted. It has been denied that Peter's Second Epistle is his; that his three Epistles and Revelation are by John. Not a single book in fact has escaped. To all this however those 60 additional features give emphatic answer; that the following is the true list of the New Testament books with their writers:
Of the four Gospels the writers are Matthew (the apostle), Mark, Luke (whose is also Acts), and John the apostle (whose are also 1, 2 and 3 John and Revelation). James and Jude, brethren of the Lord (not the apostles with those names) and the Apostle Peter wrote their four Epistles. The Pauline Epistles with Hebrews are the Apostle Paul's.
45. A specimen of the method of attaining these results may suffice.
Every seventh New Testament book is: 1 Peter, 1 Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians. The numeric values of their authors Peter and Paul, placed against these books, give 755, 781, 781. The sum of the figures in these three numbers is 49 or seven (Feature 1) sevens (Feature 2). The sum of the numbers themselves is 2317 or 7 x 331, itself a multiple of seven (Feature 3); and the sum of the figures of the factors is 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 4). As the New Testament consists of 27 books or 3 nines, the same is the case with every ninth book, 1 John, Philippians, Revelation. Their authors John and Paul give the numeric values 1069, 781, 1069, before their three books. Their sum 2919 is itself 417 sevens (Feature 5), and the sum of its figures is 21 or 3 sevens (Feature 6).
This design alone (and there are scores of such if not hundreds) proves that Peter did write 1 Peter; that 1 Corinthians and 2 Thessalonians are Paul's, also Philippians; that I John and Revelation are by John.
Thus books ascribing themselves to certain authors may be depended on as doing truly so. But I John is anonymous, yet Numerics reveal its author. Now the same is the case with all the other anonymous Bible books.
46. By similar Numerics it is established that the fourth Gospel was written by an apostle and one who wrote more than one book; that Luke and Acts are by. a non-Apostle, and author of more than one book, and more of the like. In fact not a single disputed matter as to authorship, order, and even slightest variation of text, or even of mere interpretation, but is settled finally by Numerics, and by it alone.
47. Hitherto only the order and number of the books and their authors' names have been discussed—barely scratching the surface of the Bible. The text itself has been barely touched. But these phenomena are presented not only by the Bible as a whole and each of the Testaments separately, but also by every book, paragraph, or any other logical division in the Bible however small. Thus the first verse of Genesis of only seven words and 28 or 4 sevens of letters, has several dozen numeric feature by itself. And so of the tens of thousands of the other Bible divisions, many of which are dealt with in special monographs by the writer. See page 12 above for Psalm 110 as an example.
48. The mere item of the occurrence of year in Genesis presents 27 features of sevens on a superficial examination. The 22 numbers of 2 elevens of years given in Judges, with the sum 847 or seven elevens of eleven (the number of times Moses is found in the Bible), presents over a dozen features of seven and eleven.
The story of the birth of Christ in Matthew 1: 18-25, the account of John Baptist in Mark 1:1-8, the story of the first deacons in Acts 6: 1-7, have each a vocabulary of 77 words or 7 x 11, with elaborate schemes of sevens and elevens running through these passages. Other examples are numerous.
49. Now there is not a paragraph in the whole Bible that is not constructed on a similar mathematical plan. But its 66 books were written by some 33 different writers centuries apart The Bible can thus easily be shown to be absolutely verbally inspired in every letter of the original text, as no man or set of men could have possibly written thus. Moreover no single mortal could have successfully carried through this design in even a single book during a life-time of say a hundred years, with all these 100 years even given solely thereto.
This numeric structure thus (1) settles forever not only the Inspiration of the Scriptures, but also their Verbal Inspiration.
It settles also forever (2) the text of Scripture. Thus the Bible of the Roman Communion omits Jesus in Matthews 1:18; apparently a trifling difference between the birth of Jesus Christ and the birth of the Christ. But the Scripture cannot be BROKEN. The words in 1:18-25 are 161, or 23 sevens; their vocabulary has 77 or eleven sevens; their forms 105 or 15 sevens; the numeric value of the entire passage is a multiple of seven. But omit this name, and the most elaborate numeric scheme thereof is destroyed.
Numerics settle moreover also (3) the text's interpretation. The oldest manuscripts have almost no punctuation, and the words have no spaces between them. If this were the case in English many problems of interpretation would arise in such cases as: "otherwisemenwoulddoit". If the omission of a comma in a last will & testament may affect the division of its bequeathed millions, the insertion or omission of a space between "other" and "wise" might cause lengthy theological discussion, were this phrase to occur in the Bible. In fact the controversy between the Authorised and Revised versions about the Mystery of Godliness, with the volumes of discussion thereon, hinges on the question whether the Alexandria manuscript has or has not a horizontal barlet in its letter O. With it the word becomes God in its abbreviated form; without it it becomes who. Now such cases are found on almost every New Testament page. In the Old Testament the difficulty is manifolded by the manuscripts having no vowels at all, except the inconclusive Aleph and Yod. Genesis 1:1 would thus be: "Nbgnnggdcrtdthhvndthrth". The modern reader thus utterly fails to grasp the utmost need of humility in his profession of assurance not only as to having God's exact words, but also their exact sense.
50. Now here Numerics are indispensable. It forever settles questions debated for ages. Thus a large number of Bible reading folk hold that the dead are unconscious until the Resurrection. As the Lord's saying to the robber on the cross is in the way here, they change the punctuation to: "I say unto thee to-day, Thou shalt be with me in paradise." In a special monograph thereon the writer shows that the sentence shows elaborate numerics with "To-day," but none without it. Numerics thus show that the change of punctuation is inadmissible, and the received interpretation stands.
But Numerics do more: they (4) actually discover errors in works of reference, where the greatest accuracy is as desirable as it is hard to attain. Thus having some thirty years ago found that the length of the period of the revolution of the moon was given incorrectly in Johnson's Cyclopedia, the writer inquired about it of the then head of the Washington Observatory. Professor Harkness showed the error to the author of the article, the justly celebrated astronomer Simon Newcomb, honored by the great academies of all lands. He acknowledged the error, but could not account for its origin. So difficult is it to attain in statistical items the needed accuracy even by the greatest master in his own field. Dr. Summerbell has already mentioned that Numerics found the Moses in Hebrews omitted in the Concordance prepared by C. F. Hudson, supervised by H. L. Hastings, and the whole gone over by Ezra Abbot — no better team yoked together for such task. Yet it needed Numerics, though nothing short of it, for its correction.
51. But the following is a more instructive example.
In making a list of the 29 forms of LUOH "to loose", the writer used
the Concordance of Dr. A. S. Gelden, the best up to that time, as the writer
then hoped that he would not be compelled to prepare one for himself. The
letters in these 29 forms are there 185, in all their occurrences 262,
with no numerics. The 29 for the forms suggested 261, or 29 x 9 as the
true number for all the letters. The movable final n in the dative plural
of nouns and in the third person of verbs always needs examining. The forms
eluen, elusen, were accordingly
examined for the possibly superfluous n. When Elusen occurs before
a vowel, its n is beyond suspicion. But when the writer came to John 5:15
he found that Westcott & Hort actually omit the n, and that Geden failed
to record that fact because he takes no notice of differences between Tischen-dorff
and Westcott and Hort in matters of mere spelling. But its retention breaks
up an elaborate numeric scheme.
52. LUOH, I loose, occurs in 29 forms (Feature 1), has in all its occurrences 261 letters or 9 twenty-nines (Feature 2). Of this the forms in ELU have 29 (Feature 3); those in LUO also 29, and the rest have 203 or seven twenty-nines (Feature 4).
The word occurs in the New Testament 42 times or 6 sevens (Feature 1), of which the largest occurrence is in Luke, seven (Feature 2). Gospels and Catholic Epistles have 28 or twice 2 sevens, and the others have 14, or 2 sevens (Feature 3), and so on for a dozen more sevens.
The three letters of this word occupy in the alphabet places 11, 20 and 24, their Place values as distinguished from numeric. The place value of the word is thus 55 or 5 elevens (Feature 1): of which the first has 11, and the others have 44, or 4 elevens (Feature 2). The total numeric value of the 42 occurrences with their 261 letters is 34,518 or 11 x 2 x 3 x 523, itself 3138 elevens (Feature 3), and the sum of its factors 539 or 11 x 7 x 7, the combination of eleven (Feature 3) with seven sevens. Of this the first form elue has 440 or 40 elevens (Feature 5), and the last has 1430 or 130 elevens (Feature 6). The word occurs in Matthew 6 times, in Mark 5, Luke 7, John and Acts 6 each, 2 Peter 3; 1 John, 1 Corinthians and Ephesians 1 each; Revelation 6. The numbers thus used for the occurrences, 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7, have for their sum 22 or 2 elevens (Feature 7); and if against each occurrence be placed the number of letters in the name of the writer of its book, the number of letters is 264, or 24 elevens (Feature 8). This enumeration is not exhaustive. Beside these schemes of sevens, elevens and twenty-nines, there are also sixes and seventeens. But enough is here to show an elaborate numeric design; the extra n mars the design of the twenty-nines, and loses Features 3-6, just half of the elevens. Numerics thus detect an intruder in Geden's Concordance, and promptly put him out.
When from a knowledge of the laws of the heavens Adams and Leverrier were enabled to say just where the missing planet was to be looked for, the finding thereof shortly after did no more for the truth of Astronomy than the ejection of this n does for Numerics.
53. Incidentally the numerics of luoh settle two hitherto disputed readings: In 1 John 4:3 Westcott & Hort are uncertain whether annulleth should not replace confesseth not; luei for meh homologei. But the numerics of LUOH are against the change. And in Revelation 1:5 the same Numerics justify the Revisers' loosed against the washed of the Authorised Version: LUSANTI for LOUSANTI.
54. Bible Numerics settles at last (5) the Chronology of the Bible,
and with it much of the profane Chronology depending thereon.
Thus the Bible data give the following eight dates (Creation is Year
"0" in Anno Mundi) as ending the great Periods of its history:
Year 1656
Creation & Adam to Noah's Flood |
Year 3446
Temple to Captivity | |
Year 2107
Flood to Covenant |
Year 3516
Captivity to Restoration | |
Year 2537
Covenant to Exodus |
Year 3999
Restoration to Christ's birth | |
Year 3017
Exodus to Temple |
Year 4032
Birth of Christ to Cross |
In the writer's Bible Chronology these Anno Mundi years are shown to be true from a study of the Scripture text itself, after an exhaustive examination of every passage bearing thereon. This is then reinforced by a recital in dozens of pages of the numeric schemes that run through the 245 (7 x 7 x 5) dates that are alone obtainable from the Bible. Every one of the eight dates above is there demonstrated not in one but in several ways as true. Here therefore the following may suffice.
The sum of these 8 dates is 24,310 or 11 x 13 x 17 x 2 x 5, itself a multiple of eleven (combined with thirteen and seventeen, a succession of the prime factors already met with), divided thus: The numbers occupying the odd places 1, 3, 5, 7, have 11,638 or 11 x 23 x 23 x 2; the even places have 12,672 or 11 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3; the division is by elevens, and the sum of the figures in the factors of the last number is 22, or 2 elevens, while in the two other numbers it is 21 and 14, both multiples of seven, and neighbour of 2 elevens.
But the sum 24,310, itself a multiple of 11, 13 and 17, is neighbour of 24,311 or 7 x 23 x 151, a multiple of seven and twenty-three. Accordingly in the above division by elevens the square of 23 appears combined with eleven in 11,638; in 12,672, it appears by means of its neighbour 12,673 or 19 x 23 x 29, a multiple of twenty-three combined with its flanking prime factors nineteen and twenty-nine : thus repeating what has already been met before and the otherwise in Numerics not rare sequence of three prime factors, though the chances are greatly against it. And since that other neighbour of the sum 24,310 or 24,309 is 2701 nines, a division by nines is also seen by means of neighbourhood. So that in the one item of the division of 24,310 between the odd-place and the even-place numbers three schemes of nines, elevens and twenty-threes appear in kaleidoscopic turns, with additional sequence of the prime factors 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29. The last of the multiple in the sequence, 29, will shortly appear prominent by itself.
55. But 24,310 is a multiple of thirteen and seventeen as well as of eleven. In Bible Chronology it is simply shown that those 245 Bible years teem with thirteens as well as with sevens, seventeens, twenty-threes, etc. Here the following may suffice:
The Translation of Enoch, the most notable event between Adam and the Flood, was in year 987, itself 141 sevens; but its one neighbour is 988 or 13 x 19 x 4; its other neighbour 986 or 17 x 2 x 29 (see for the 29 the end of the preceding Section): this multiple of seven is thus flanked by both thirteen and seventeen, together with the nineteen, making once more a sequence of three prime factors.
Now precisely the same is the case with the year of the Covenant 2107: itself 7 x 7 x 43, a multiple of seven sevens, and the sum of the figures in its factors 21 or 3 sevens. But its one neighbour is 2106 or 13 x 162; the other neighbour 2108 is 17 x 124, seven again flanked by thirteen and seventeen.
56. The combination 13 x 17 is in fact one of the stock features of Bible Numerics. It has already been shown on page 59 that the sum of the Order numbers of the 66 Bible books is neighbour of 2210 or 13 x 17 x 10. Now the New Testament has a vocabulary of 5304 words or 13 x 17 x 24, the same combination of thirteen and seventeen. The numeric value of Jacob (or James) in Greek, 833, is itself 7 x 7 x 17, but neighbour of 832 or 13 x 8 x 8:. the one a combination of 13 with the square of eight; the other the combination of 17 with the square of seven. So frequent is it in fact that its presence anywhere may be taken as a signal that elaborate Numerics are about.
But with these eight dates thus fixed, the rest of the Bible Chronology is determined by them; and with it that part of profane chronology which ultimately is really derived from the Bible.
57. Bible Numerics lastly (6) suggest certain corrections in even the assured data of some of the Sciences.
The moon's diameter is given as 2163 miles of 7 x 3 x 103, itself 309 sevens, and the sum of the figures in its factors 14 or 2 sevens. The mean diameter of the earth is given as 7917 miles or 7 x 13 x 29 x 3, a multiple of both seven and thirteen and the sum of its factors is 52 or 4 thirteens, with seven as the sum of its figures. The diameter of Venus is given as 7630 miles: itself 1090 sevens and neighbour of 7631 or 587 thirteens. Mars' is given as 4998 or 7 x 7 x 17 x 6, the combination of seven sevens with seventeen. Of the eight planets of the sun nearly half thus show in their diameters Bible Numerics.
The diameters of Neptune and Uranus, the two furthest from the sun, are not known as accurately. Mercury, nearest the sun, has for its diameter 3009 miles, itself 17 x 59 x 3, seventeen combined with fifty-nine (of which more presently), but neighbour of 3010 or 7 x 43 x 2 x 5, itself 430 sevens, and the sum of the figures in its factors 21, or 3 sevens. The other neighbour, 3008, 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 47, has 11 for the sum of its figures, 7 factors whose sum is fifty-nine. This diameter 3009 is thus clearly a Bible Numeric number, both 43 and 47 being frequent specially in Bible Chronology. Thus the Covenant year 2107 is 7 x 7 x 43; the Exodus 2537, or 43 x 59; the birth of the Lord 3999, or 43 x 93. The 47 appears early in the year of the Translation of Enoch, 987, the combination of forty-seven with seven. The Exodus year 2537, itself the combination of 43 and 59, is neighbour of 2538 or 54 forty-sevens. But the final link in the proof that 3009 is Mercury's true diameter is this: It is 17x59x3, the combination of 17 with fifty-nine. It will presently be seen that the number of seconds in Mercury's day is 86,730 or 1470 fifty-nines. But the Exodus year 2537 is 43 x 59, both factors being found in the numerics of Mercury's diameter. Bible Chronology and the data of Mercury thus show themselves at once as built on the same plan.
Of the six known planet diameters four, together with the moon, thus have a strong family likeness with Bible Numerics. With this fact before us we come to Jupiter and Saturn, whose diameters are given as 89,769 and 73,044 miles. Their sum,
162,813 or 7 x 3 x 7753 is itself 23,259 sevens, and the sum of its figures 21, or 3 sevens; and the sum of its factors 7763 or 1109 sevens. Its one neighbour 162,814 is 127 x 641 x 2, with the sum of its factors 770 or 7 x 11 x 10, the combination of seven with eleven. Its other neighbour 162,812 is 13 x 31 x 4 x 101, itself the combination of 13 with its reverse 31, and the sum of the figures of its factors is 14, or 2 sevens. The four features of sevens with their sequence of the prime factors 7, 11, 13, establish the sum of the two diameters, and suggest an examination of the two individual diameters, both numbers being only neighbours of a multiple of seven. This re-examination is made the more urgent by the fact that the neighbour of the one diameter 86,768 is even a multiple of seven sevens. It is reasonable therefore to suspect an error of one mile in each case. But if so, this error is corrected as well as discovered solely by Bible Numerics. And the Bible, instead of being proved false by Astronomy stands itself revealed as the final arbiter in some of the data of Astronomy.
The following fact may now be appropriately noted here. The moon is the sole satellite of the earth. The sum of their diameters is 10,080 miles, or 7 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5, itself 1440 sevens, with the sum of its factors 28 or 4 sevens. This, though true to form, would not require special attention but for this: 1008 is 7 x 12 x 12, and is prominent in Chronology thus:
Temple Dedicated in 3024
or 7 x 12 x 12 x 3 |
The Crucifixion is in 4032
or 7 x 12 x 12 x 4 |
Interval between is 1008
or 7 x 12 x 12 |
Their sum is 7056
or 7 x 12 x 12 x 7 |
To this is to be added the fact that the value of Aaron in Greek is this same 1008, divided thus: the Place value is 56 or 8 sevens; the numeric value is 952, or 7 x 8 x 17. This is in its turn divided thus: the first and last of its five letters have 51 or 3 seventeens; the others have 901 or 53 seventeens. This one word is thus markedly distinguished presumably for these two reasons: It is the first word of the New Testament Vocabulary; but it is also the name of the first earthly high priest, with his access behind the veil — type of the One Heavenly High Priest now within the Veil for His people.
The spiritual reader needs only to be reminded that the Lord's body was a temple, of which He had said to the Jews, Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up. The Church, of which Solomon's Temple was only a type, began to be formed into a body of Christ in the same year within two months of the Cross. The significance of the persistent 12 x 12 or 144 in connection with the Church of God needs also no further development to a reader of Revelation. Here we are concerned merely with the fact that a bare glimpse at the heavens gives the familiar Numerics of Bible Chronology. The times and seasons of the Bible are only replicas of the periods of the Astronomer. The clock in God's book keeps perfect time with His clock in the heavens.
(The value of Rohmeh, Rome, in Greek is the same 1008. But whether this is connected with its being for centuries the abode of a high priest, though an idolatrous one, it is as yet improper to say).
58. Mercury turns on its axis in 24 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds, or in 86,730 seconds. This is 7 x 7 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 59, itself a multiple of seven sevens and fifty-nine (for which see Sec. 57). Jupiter turns thus (Airy) in 9 hours 55 minutes and 21 seconds, or in 35,721 seconds. This is 7 x 7 x 9 x 9 x 9 (the 9 x 9 x 9 is a factor also in the sum of the 245 years which are alone obtainable from the Bible). Its neighbour 35,720 is 19 x 47 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5, has 77 for the sum of its factors, or seven elevens, and in Bible Chronology and elsewhere familiar 19 and 47. The moon of Neptune turns on its axis in 5 days 21 hours and 3 minutes, or 8463 minutes. (The sum of the figures of 8463 is 21, or 3 sevens.) This is 7 x 13 x 31 x 3, the, in Numerics, frequent combination of seven and thirteen and moreover, with 31, the reverse of 13 (Compare with this 3999, the year of the Lord's birth, which is 31 x 3 x 43). The sidereal year of the earth is 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9 seconds, which is 31,558,149 seconds or 7 x 9 x 500,923, a multiple of 7 x 9. The sidereal periods of the four moons of Uranus have for their sum 2,491,272 seconds, or 7 x 9 x 8 x 4943, the 7 x 9 being common with the year of the earth. This sum is divided thus:
Moons 1-3 have 1,328,040 or 7 x 8 x 9 x 5 x 17 x 31
Moon 4 has 1,163,232 or 7 x 8 x 9 x 4 x 577
The number of figures in the three numbers is in each case — seven; the division is by 7 x 8 x 9, the 3 successive factors beginning with seven. The sum of the factors in the two numbers of the division (8 = 2 x 2 x 2, and 9 = 3 x 3) is 672 or 7 x 8 x 4 x 3,the same combination 7 x 8. Apart from the prime factors 17, and 31, frequent in Bible Numerics, the factor 577 is found in the number of words of the Greek New Testament, 137,903, which is 577 x 239.
Now the earth turns on its axis in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, or 86,164 seconds itself 13 x 4 x 1657 (the year of the new earth after the Flood), a multiple of thirteen, and neighbour of seven and eleven. This number quite satisfies plain Numerics. Kaleidoscopic Numerics, however, suggest that the number of seconds in one less: for then it becomes itself a multiple of seven and eleven; with one neighbour a multiple of thirteen (a sequence of three prime factors); but the other neighbour then is 86,162, or 67 x 643 x 2. The sum of the figures in the factors being 28 or 4 sevens could be passed over, but the number is 1286 sixty-sevens. But 67 is the very factor found also in the day of Mars. This neighbour of the earth turns on its axis according to Proctor in 24 hours 37 minutes and 22 seconds or 88,642 seconds. The sum of its figures is also 28 or 4 sevens, and is itself the combination of 23, 41 and 47. But it is neighbour of 88,641, or 7 x 7 x 67 x 27: seven sevens combined with sixty-seven. Now the four moons of Jupiter have for the sum of their sidereal revolutions 2,519,742 seconds: 19 x 23 x 31 x 31 x 2 x 3, a combination of factors most frequent in Bible Numerics. Mars has thus 23 in common with Jupiter, his one neighbour in the sky; and 67 in common with the earth, his other neighbour. The presence of the 67 in the days of both Mars and the earth (see also below, Sec. 60 for more sixty-sevens in the diameters of Venus, the Earth and Mars) with the apparently superfluous second in the datum of the earth necessitates some revision here of the present mode of computation by astronomers. All that concerns us at present is to note here that the sum of the order numbers of the 66 books of the Bible seen on page 36 as 2211 is the combination of eleven with sixty-seven, it being 11 x 67 x 3. The number of the books in the Bible may have thus been planned with special reference to the distances of the planets from the sun. But the books of the Bible are no further away from the sun than the leaves on the trees.
59. There remains only to point out certain numeric relations between the planets observed by the writer while setting up these pages. He is unaware that these relations are even known to astronomers. But whether thus known or not, me writer came upon them solely through Bible Numerics.
(a) The neighbours of the earth among the planets are Venus on one side and Mars on the other. Their diameters are: Venus 7630, the Earth 79I7 (The sum of the diameters of Venus and the earth is 15,547, neighbour of 15,546, or 13 x 13 x 23 x 2 x 3. ), and Mars 4998, all multiples of seven: one is combined with 13, and another being even seven sevens combined with seventeen. So far Bible Numerics here prick the very eyes. But the sum of these three diameters 20,545 is 7 x 587 x 5, a multiple of 587 as well as of 7. Accordingly it is divided thus: Venus is neighbour of 7631, or 587 x 13; Earth and Mars are neighbours of 12,914 or 587 x 11 x 2. A turn of the kaleidoscope thus reveals a division by 587 combined in one case with eleven, and in the other with thirteen.
This would be notable enough were this fact even to stand alone. But
20,545, itself a multiple of 7 and 587, is neighbour of 20,544, or 107
x 26 x 3, a multiple of twice 107. Accordingly the Earth has the neighbour
7918 or 107 x 2 x 37, also a multiple of twice 107.
Three schemes of 7, twice 107 and 587 are thus found to run through
the one item of the diameters of the Earth and its flanking planets.
60. But this is not yet all: another kaleidoscopic turn, and a new figure comes into view.
The twice 107 of the sum of the three diameters reappears in the Earth, but not in Venus and Mars as would be expected. But the sum of 107, 26 and 3, the factors of 20,544 is 122, or 2 sixty-ones. Accordingly Venus and Mars have 12,628, itself 7 x 11 x 4 x 41, the combination of seven and eleven, with the sum of its factors 63, or 9 sevens; but neighbour of 12627, or 61 x 23 x 9, a multiple of 61 combined with 23. There is thus a double spiral scheme akin to the move of the knight in chess: the combination one square forward with one diagonal. The 107 in the sum of the three planets appears in the Earth and skips the other two. The 61 skips the Earth and appears in the other two. Four distinct numeric designs thus run through the one item of the diameters of the Earth and its two immediate neighbours.
The scheme of seven lies indeed on the surface, and might indeed have been discovered sooner or later by any one given to analysing numbers: though here too the egg of Columbus must in nowise be forgot. But the other three schemes owe their discovery entirely to kaleidoscopic Numerics.
(b) That these schemes are moreover part of a still wider scheme is seen from this: Just as the Earth is flanked in the heavens by Venus and Mars, so Jupiter is flanked by Mars and Saturn. The sum of their 3 diameters is 167,811, or 7 x 61 x 393, a multiple of seven combined with the same 61 just seen in the Earth and its two neigh-hours. Again; the neighbour of 167,811 is 970 x 173, a multiple of one hundred and seventy-three. But the sum of the diameters of Mars and Venus 12,628, itself a multiple of 7 x 11 and neighbour of 207 sixty-ones, is neighbour also of 173 x 73. The two sets of planets Venus, Earth, Mars, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, have thus a double tie of 61 and 173, made specially remarkable by the fact that one of the planets, Mars, is common to both sets.
Now the number 61, one of the two bonds tying the two planet sets together is the basis of an elaborate scheme in the number of words in the seven Catholic Epistles, not only as a unit but also in the individual Epistles.
Just then as the spirals in the leaves of the trees are planned with special reference to the distances of the planets from one another, so the number of words in the Catholic Epistles (and other data in the Bible) are planned with special reference not only to the diameters of the planets, but also to the length of their day.
(c) The sum of the diameters of Venus and Mars is 12,628 miles, a multiple of 7, 11, and forty-one. But the sum of the diameters of the Earth and Mars 12,915 is also a seven forty-ones. The difference between the diameters of the Earth and Venus is thus 287 miles or seven forty-ones. If now the diameters of the three planets be multiplied by their order numbers (as has been done with the Bible books), then
Venus 7630 x 1 is 7,630
Earth 7917 x 2 is 15,834
Mars 4998 x 3 is 14,994
Their sum is 38,458 7 x 41 x 67 x 2 -- not only a multiple of 41, but
combined with seven and sixty-seven.
The diameter of Venus, 7630, itself 7 x 109 x 2 x 5, has for the sum of its factors 123, or thrice 41; its neighbour 7631 is 587 thirteens. Now the diameter of the earth is a multiple of 13 combined with 7 and 29. Venus alone is thus tied to the other planets by four distinct ties of 7, 13, 41, and 587. Mars and the Earth (with its moon) are thus similarly tied together, only the 13 is replaced by 17. And more of the like. Seven distinct schemes of 7, 13, 41, 61, 67, 107, and 587, are thus found to run through the planets together and individually, disregarding the seventeen because of the moon also entering therein. The sum of these numbers 883, neighbour of 884, or 13 x 17 x 2 x 2, the almost irrepressible combination of thirteen and seventeen: with the sum of its factors 34, or 2 seventeens.
61. Though these particular planet Kaleidoscopics were not discovered
by the writer till he came to set up these last pages themselves, the enumeration
of the Astronomic relations so far given is only a mere earnest of teeming
multitudes. Astronomers and other men of Science are welcome to the data
in manuscript by the writer, of which page after page could be given: with
the end, however, no nearer to sight than in the case of the phenomena
of the Bible itself. The Architect of the heavens is in every detail not
only the Writer, but also Artificer of His Book, which is an Edifice as
well as a book: a Temple in fact, made indeed with hands, yet also without.
The heavens do indeed declare the Glory of God. But the writer deems himself
specially blessed in its being given him (unworthy of the least of His
mercies) to be the one to point out that in precisely the same manner,
with the selfsame numbers even, does the Bible also declare the same glory
of God.
About a dozen years ago the astronomical data of § §58—9 were taken home with him by Professor Chant of the University of Toronto to be examined more carefully, after spending an evening with the present writer. He was naturally struck by their Numerics. They were returned after a few days with the comment that the latest figures obtained by him do not agree with those of Simon Newcomb and his contemporaries. In this edition, therefore, this section was to be cancelled. But a returned medical missionary from India, Dr. Allan Vincent, reports that while in India, some one had cast doubts on that §58. He therefore wrote to the head of the Belfast Observatory, Ireland, who confirms the data as given therein.
In his 82nd year, the writer finds it impracticable to go over the whole
matter for himself. He is therefore content to leave it as it is. But he
must add that he does it without reluctance, partly because of a similar
experience with the data of Music used by him in a public address. The
number of the vibrations of the air in Middle C were given to him by good
authorities as 264 or 24 elevens, the intervals between the notes of the
scale being always multiples of eleven. This is apparently being disputed
in a later textbook. On consideration, however, there is room to believe
that textbooks are sometimes given as much to propaganda as to the propagation
of facts as they are. ....
2. Introduction to the Greek New Testament, with examples of methods of settling readings.
3. Concerning "The New Testament in the Original Greek" by Dr. C. Cameron Waller.
4. The English Numeric New Testament (Translation).
5. Seven Brief Papers, illustrating the method of settling the New Testament readings. Reprinted from the English Numeric New Testament.
6. From the English Numeric New Testament, pp. 588-591. A reprinted supplement.
7. The Inspiration of the Scriptures scientifically demonstrated. A Letter to the New York Sun.
8. The Last Twelve Verses of Mark. Their Genuineness Established.
9. Bible Numerics. Two Lectures given at Caxton Hall, London.
10. The Wonderful Numberer (Cards).
11. A Confession by Ivan Panin.
12. Numerical Witness to Bible Inspiration. A letter sent to 100 friends.
13. Numerical Witness to Biblical Inspiration, by Samuel F. Hurnard
14. Verbal Inspiration of the Bible Scientifically Demonstrated.