Creation Science Information & Links!
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This is the OLD Web Site - Thru 2014.    ---   NEW Web Site:

Mount St. Helens - Creation Information Center - Museum - Bookstore - Volcano - Washington
7 Wonders Museum
4749 Spirit Lake Highway 
Silverlake, WA. 98645 
msh ---- 
Phone/Fax:  1-360-274-5737 
(Open most days from 9am - 6pm) 

Directions:  Located 9.5 miles East of
Interstate-5  (In SW Washington State).
Take Exit #49, go East on SR 504 (Spirit
Lake Highway) heading towards Toutle, WA.

Free admission, free literature.

Museum Video!  5 min.

Visiting the 7 Mountain Wonders


Creation Resources Available

14 Articles Available for Free

(0a)  -  Brochure - The Seven Wonders Museum and Bookstore

(1a)  -  Contents of the MSH Visitors Resource Packet

(1b)  -  The 7 Wonders of Mount St. Helens

(1c)  -  Understanding Natural Disasters

(1d)  -  Is the Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens Really 1 Million Years Old?

(2a)  -  Volcanoes

(2b)  -  Eruption of Mount St. Helens

(2c)  -  Rapid Recovery in the Blast Zone

(3a)  -  Johnston Ridge Observatory Complex

(3b)  -  Seeing the Seven Wonders of MSH

(3c)  -  West Side Volcano Attractions

(3d)  -  Spirit Lake Memorial Highway Mile by Mile

(3e)  -  Hikes/Trails/Walks

(3f)  -  East Side & South Side Attractions


Mount St. Helens 'Point'
A Creation Information Center with Display Room & Bookstore
that presents powerful evidence for Noah's Flood

The Mount St. Helens Creation Information Center invites you to stop here to get the "point" our Creator left in the wake of the 1980-1984 eruptions - although there is literally no point any more on the mountain, there is truly a message from deep in the crater and its surroundings that you will not find at any other visitor center on Spirit Lake Memorial Highway.

This center relates how geological formations, such as those created by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, show that the earth may be only thousands of years old rather than billions.  Many scientists now believe the best explanation for geological strata is that some catastrophe formed them.  Creation scientists believe that the world-destroying Biblical Flood was the foremost catastrophe.  Come and see the seven mountain wonders! 

·  Rapidly produced changes at Mt. St. Helens, 1980-1984

·  Canyon erosion, including the "Little Grand Canyon" of the Toutle River

·  Stratification formed by hurricane-velocity pyroclastic flows

·  Redeposited forests that dropped bark into Spirit Lake - forming peat

·  Applications to Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and the origin of coal

·  The implications of creation science to one's self and society

These and other critical displays show how the eruptions of the last decade caused in days the same geological formations that evolutionary theory sees as taking millions of years.

Creation science - is the study of scientific evidence
for creation according to the standards of scientific study

"Many have considered it (creation science) to be simply religion in disguise ... this situation is regrettable ..."  Dean H. Kenyon, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University

Eruptions at Mount St. Helens compel us to look more closely at the science upon which we base our life - should it be the creation model or the evolution model?  The following quotes from the book, "What is Creation Science" by Henry Morris & Gary Parker speak to this question.

"...the concept of creation is every bit as scientific as the concept of an ongoing naturalistic evolutionary process... in fact, a better scientific model."

"The creation/evolution question is after all, not merely a trivial issue that concerns only biologists on the one hand or religious people on the other.  The issue permeates in one way or another every field of academic study and every aspect of national life.  It deals with two opposing basic world views - two philosophies of origins and destinies, of life and meaning.  Consequently, it is (or should be) of special concern to everyone."

Amazing new studies on the capabilities of Noah's Ark show how, realistically, life could have been preserved just as the Bible records.

We have books to answer the following questions:

1.  What should we learn from natural disasters such as the eruption of Mount St. Helens?

2.  How much of evolution is actually proven fact, and why is it so often taught as the only explanation for the formation of earth and matter?

3.  What caused the extinction of dinosaurs?

4.  How did the waters of the global flood affect climate, atmosphere and future generations?

5.  If I accept the creation view of origins, will it be a more healthy philosophy on which to base my life?

Well-documented literature and videos on sale.
Suitable for college-level, home school, and general reading.
Call for group discounts on books.

The Center cooperates with local and regional creation groups and
is supported by donation.  Features careful science & theology.
Staffed by volunteers Lloyd and Doris Anderson who live on-site.

Open most days from 9-6 and by appointment.  Confirm before coming.
Home schoolers & other groups:  schedule a field trip to the Center.

Purpose Statement:
Let all the earth fear
the Lord;
Let all the inhabitants
of the world stand in
awe of Him.
For He spoke,
and it was done;
He commanded,
and it stood fast.
Psalm 33:8-9
...And all His work is done
in faithfulness.  Psalm 33:4b

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made,
their starry host by the breath of His mouth.
Psalm 33:6

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