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EN Articles

1915 - 2000

Mr. Fleshman took superb photos of Mount St. Helens over the course of his adult life.  He was also an active member of Toutle Lake Community Bible Church for 50 years as a devout Christian.  As an avid nature photographer he even had a darkroom within his home.  He taught photography to the local 4-H chapter members for many years, along with hunter safety courses and he was an avid motorcycle rider touring in the Christian Motorcyclists Association.

MSHFl_OldMtnFmRoad.jpg - 67kb
MSHFl_Flowers3.jpg - 82kb
MSHFl_SummerSteam.jpg - 37kb
MSHFl_MudFallenTrees2.jpg - 116kb
MSHFl_ChopperDesolate.jpg - 88kb
MSHFl_AshEruption.jpg - 33kb
MSHFl_FallenTruckLink.jpg - 86kb
MSHFl_NewLavaDomeSteam.jpg - 66kb
MSHFl_NarrowLayering5.jpg - 70kb
MSHFl_NewCraterDesolate.jpg - 90kb
MSHFl_OldMtnView2Woods.jpg - 72kb
MSHFl_WinterTrees.jpg - 125kb
MSHFl_OrangeUGO.jpg - 80kb
MSHFl_AshEruption2.jpg - 23kb
MSHFl_AshEruption3.jpg - 27kb
MSHFl_MudFallenTrees.jpg - 106kb
MSHFl_NarrowLayering1.jpg - 88kb
MSHFl_2Stumps.jpg - 95kb

Mr. Raymond Fleshman's surviving family recently gave permission for these photos to be made available to the public.  You may download and use any part of this set of photos (the ZIP set includes ABOVE and BELOW) for any educational purpose.  Please do appropriately include "Photos by R. Fleshman."  They are free for you to use in this way but please give credit where credit is due.  Thank you.

(However if you would like to re-post part or all of the collection or print image(s) in any "for sale" or for-profit work - please contact the Mount St. Helens Creation Information Center for written permission.)

Zipped full set of JPG images (from above & below) (3.3 MB)    Readme.txt

MSHFl_AshHaze.jpg - 36kb
MSHFl_AshHaze2.jpg - 39kb
MSHFl_Desolatation.jpg - 69kb
MSHFl_FallenTruckWheels.jpg - 87kb
MSHFl_Flowers1.jpg - 81kb
MSHFl_Flowers2.jpg - 68kb
MSHFl_Flowers4.jpg - 80kb
MSHFl_MudFallenTrees3.jpg - 101kb
MSHFl_MudFallenTrees4.jpg - 102kb
MSHFl_MudFlows.jpg - 69kb
MSHFl_MudTreeStumps.jpg - 94kb
MSHFl_NarrowLayering2.jpg - 101kb
MSHFl_NarrowLayering3.jpg - 69kb
MSHFl_NarrowLayering4.jpg - 103kb
MSHFl_NewLifeStarts.jpg - 111kb
MSHFl_OldMtnView2Woods.jpg - 72kb
MSHFl_OldMtnView3Violet.jpg - 65kb
MSHFl_OldMtnView4Snow.jpg - 38kb
MSHFl_OldMtnWinter.jpg - 57kb
MSHFl_RedTwilight.jpg - 85kb
MSHFl_RollingHills.jpg - 58kb
MSHFl_SpiritLakeLogs.jpg - 65kb
MSHFl_SpiritLakeLogs2.jpg - 81kb
MSHFl_Steam.jpg - 46kb
MSHFl_Stream.jpg - 91kb
MSHFl_SummerSteam.jpg - 37kb
MSHFl_WinterTree2.jpg - 38kb

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