Fifth Edition  -  ©2003
   1.  Revelation, Reason, and Revolution
   2.  Preparing the Ground
   3.  Foundations for Darwin's Theory
   4.  Science and Geology
   5.  Charles Darwin, M.A.
   6.  The Species Question
   7.  The First Missing Link
   8.  From Mammal to Man
   9.  More Fossil Men
  10. Heads, Organs, and Embryos
  11. The Age of the Earth
  12. Old Earth, Young Earth
  13. From Revelation to Scientism
  14. The Road to Atheism
  15. New World Order
 Appendices Notes Bibliography Index


In the Minds of Men



Note:  The page "numbers" shown below are relative to what they would be if one printed out the entire volume.  Each link below goes to the top of the sub-section where the item is discussed or referenced.

A  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - A     GO TO TOP

Abiogenesis. See Spontaneous generation

Absolute spirit, 381

Accretion theory, 293

Acquired characteristics. See Lamarckism

Acton, Lord, quoted on: big government, 423; French Revolution, 34

Adam: creation of according to Michaelangelo, 377; denial of, 370, 463 n 12, 463 n 26

Agassiz, Louis: belief in Genesis Flood, 350; ice age, 95; opposed to C. Darwin, 370; 96

Agate: formation of, 87

Age of the earth: bore-hole project, 286-87; current estimate, 299-300; Dead Sea, 289-90; early records, 283; heat transfer, 291-94; sea salts, 288; textbook values, 294; uranium salts, 290-91

Age of the moon: dust, 329; lunar laser ranging, 329-30; radiometric rocks, 303-4

Ager, Derek: problems in geology, 113-14

Albright, William: archaeological work of, 386

Alfonso, King of Castille: 444 n 1

Altruism, work of: P.A. Kropotkin, 79; E.O. Wilson, 413

American Civil Liberties Union: Marxist inspired, 428; Scopes trial, 454 n 22

American Ethical Union: background, 428

American Humanist Association: background, 428; philosophy, 421-22; UNESCO connection, 429

American Revolution, 32, 55

Anaxagoras: doctrine of dualism, 444 n 23

Anglican Church: adopts theistic evolution, 377-80; capitulates to Lyell, 462 n 11; evangelical, 344-45; thirty-nine articles, 121

Anglo-Catholicism: origins in the Oxford movement, 373

Antarctica: coal, 97; ice, recent, 100, 448 n 26; mummified seals, 459 n 5

Anthropopithecus erectus. See Java man

Anticline. See Bent rocks

Antikythera device, 444 n 3

Apartheid: policy in S. Africa, 262

Ape to man communication, 254, 456 n 32

Ape: appendix, 268; chromosomes, 254; os penis, 254

Aphrodite, 291

Apollo program: exploration of moon, 329-30

Appendix: man and ape, 268; vestigial, 267-68, 273

Aquinas, Thomas: Council of Trent, 19; influence of Aristotle, 443 n 13; influence on Roman Church, 375; legend, 18

Arabs: conquest of Europe, 17; contribution to science, 17; destruction of Egyptian temples by, 461 n 7

Archaeology: confirms Bible, 387; early attempts at, 208

Archaeopteryx: description, 90, 153-55; Jensen's discovery, 178; rejection of, 178, 451 n 3

Archetypes, 362

Aristotle: Alexander, 8; Darwin misquote, 368-69; Galen, 25; God, 17, 397; in Roman Church, 375; retarded science, 10, 37; scala natura, 9,71; teleology, 9; theory of matter, 10; wisdom, 345; works, 8-9, 17

Arius, 116

Arrhenius, Svente: extraterrestrial origin of life, 452 n 25, 195

Asimov, Isaac: moon dust, 328-29; signer of the Humanist Manifesto, 428

Atheist Church of America: a religious organization, 394-95

Aurelius, Marcus: quoted, 341

Aurora, 313

Australopithecines: defined, 243, 249-51; gracile, 251

Australopithecus afarensis. See Lucy

Australopithecus africanus. See Taung skull

Autointoxication, 272-73

Aveling, Edward: atheist, 365-66; Darwin confronted by, 137

B  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - B     GO TO TOP

Babylon: Creation epic, 390-91; discovery of, 353; tower of, denied, 366

Bacon, Francis: Freemasonry, 443 n 21; life and works, 26-28, 43, 55

Baghdad batteries: discovery of, 444 n 4

Barnes, Thomas: magnetic decay shows young earth, 332

Bat: evolution of wings, 178; fossil same as today, 175; in stalagmite, 461 n 35

Bates, Henry, 74, 142

Bathybius haeckelii, 187-90. See also Monera

Battle of the Pyramids, 346

Beagle, H.M.S., 119, 147

Becquerel, Henri: discovery of radioactivity, 293

Beecher, Henry Ward: trial, 371

Behavioral modification: bias towards in peer review, 467 n 23; by drugs, 424, 467 n 28; work of B.F. Skinner, 418-19; work of Sobels with alcoholics, 419

Bell, Charles, 134

Bent rocks, 104-5, 448 n 31

Bergson, Henri: occult involvement, 464 n 16; work, 375

Bible: dating sequence in, 284; fixity of kinds, 39; Latin version, 16; resuscitations, 442 n 2; societies founded, 345

Biddle, John: Unitarian Church, 116

Big-bang theory, 4

Binet, Alfred: craniometry dismissed, 406, measures intellect, 407

Biogenesis, 180. See also Spontaneous generation

Biogenetic law: condemned by Gavin de Beer 274; description, 274-77

Biometrika, journal, 405

Birds of Paradise, 174, 451 n 17

Biston betularia. See Moth, peppered

Boa constrictor: claim for vestigial legs, 270-71

Boas, Franz: geography and human features, 144, 414; influence on Margaret Mead, 416; life and work, 413-14, 416; nurture and intelligence, 405; opposed to eugenicists, 414; worldview, 467 n 25

Boise, Charles, 243, 247

Bore-hole project, 286-87, 457 n 3, 457 n 4

Borel, Emil: on probability, 201, 453 n 27

Botta, Emil: discovery of Babylon, 353

Boule, Marcellin: Neaderthal man, 211-12; Peking man, 235-40; position, 53

Boulton, Matthew, 55

Bowel movements: frequency of, 273

Bozarth, G.R.: recognizes the importance of Adam, 463 n 12, 463 n 26

Black, Davidson: Peking man, 235-40

Black death: effect on population, 338

Blythe, Edward: natural selection, 125-26

Brain capacity: man's use of, 263

Branchial clefts. See Pharyngeal arches

Breuil, Henri: Minateda woman and child, 220, 454 n 14; Peking, 238

Bristle-cone pine tree: carbon 14, calibration 321

British Council of Churches, 379, 464 n 25

British museum: discovery of Nineveh, 352; Guadaloupe fossil, 218; Piltdown hoax, 228

Broca, Paul: brain size and intellect, 258, 402

Broken Hill man. See Rhodesian man

Bronowski, J: quote, 198-99; Vatican archives, 22

Bronze age, 208

Bronze Greek horse, 38, 444 n 6

Broom, Robert: discovery at Makapansgat, 243

Bruno, Giordano: victim of Inquisition, 24

Bryan, William Jennings, 425. See also Scopes trial

Buckland, William, 66, 110, 350

Buffalo and cow cross, 142

Buffon, Compte de: life and works, 43-48; planet theory, 44

Burke, Edmund: denounced Lunar society, 56

Burt, Cyril: fraudulent work on twins, 411-12

C  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - C     GO TO TOP

Calaveras skull: American human fossil, 253; discovery, 216-217; Whitney's work, 454 n 11

Cambridge University, 120

Camel and dromedary cross, 142

Campanella and Galileo, 443 n 15

Canidae. See Dog family

Carbon 14 dating, 313-15; accelerator method, 459 n 6; assumptions, 317, 459 n 7, 459 n 8, 459 n 9; calibration, 320-22; correction factors, 320; early results, 315-16; earth's magnetic field, 318; Egyptian chronology, 462 n 9; half-life, 314-15; production and decay rates, 314, 317-18; vapor canopy, 319; Whitelaw's statistical analysis, 320; young earth indicated, 459 n 4, 459 n 9

Cat and rabbit cross, 142

Catagonus ameghino. See Peccary

Catholic Index of forbidden books, 21, 30, 58, 375; Darwin books, 132; history of, 445 n 7

Cave paintings, 219-20. See also Cro-Magnon man

Cenozoic Research Laboratory, 236

Censorship in the media, 359, 426-27

Chagas' disease, 128

Challenger, H.M.S.: Bathybius haeckelii, 187-90; scope and work, 87, 188, 447 n 8

Chalmers, Thomas: gap theory, 362-63

Chambers, Robert: Vestiges of Creation, 58, 354, 462 n 18

Champollion, Jean-François: biography, 462 n 8; dating, 462 n 10; life and work, 347-48

Chicago Field Museum Conference, 166

Chickadee, 146

Chinese ideograph, 391-92

Chondrite, 184. See also Meteorite

Chou K'ou Tien: Lucy discovery, 248; Peking man, 235-40

Christ, Jesus: object of worship, 341; resurrection of, 342; Son of God, 360

Christianity: best means of attack, 57; first converts, 14; persecution of, 14, 16, 20

Chrysalis, the: image in Potter's church, 372

Churchill, Winston: eugenics, 408

Circumcision: foreskin not vestigial, 269-70; Weismann's statistics for, 48, 445 n 12

Civil War, American: racial origins, 262

Cladistics, 147, 164

Coalbeds in the Antarctic, 97, 447 n 18

Coal mines: temperature rise in, 292, 460 n 26

Coccyx. See Tailbone, vestigial

Coelacanth, 106, 175

Colectomy, 273

Colenso, John: life and work, 378-80; publicity given to, 353

Columba livia. See Pigeons

Comet: Halley's, 202; origins, 326-27

Communist: Fascist objectives similar, 467 n 22; Manifesto history, 465 n 28; party, religious aspects of, 341

Condorcet, Marquis of: vision of Utopia, 61

Constantine I, emperor: at Milvern, 16, 442 n 10

Continents sinking, 93-94

Contracting sun, 322-24, 459 n 13

Copernicus, Nicholas: 23-24

Cosmic rays and carbon 14 production, 313-19

Council of Trent, 21

Counter Reformation, 21

Craniometer, 406

Creation: as alternative to evolution, 279; belief in, 344-45, 364; evidence for, 312; not falsifiable, 393; religious aspects, 341; the sculpture portraying, 141; vestigial organs, 265

Crick, Francis: opposed to spontaneous generation, 393; signature to Humanist Manifesto, 428; theory of directed panspermia, 195, 327

Cro-Magnon man: 219-21; Les Cambarelles, 219; Minateda, 220

Curie temperature, 331, 460 n 27

Custance, Arthur: gap theory, 364, 463 n 29

Cuvier, Georges: brain weight, 259; life and work, 46, 49-53; paleontological techniques developed by, 50; theory of the earth, 51, 53, 65, 445 n 15, 445 n 16

Cynodont. See Transition fossils

Cyphanthropus. See Rhodesian man

D  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - D     GO TO TOP

Dana, James: life and work, 370-71

Dante (Alighieri), 23, 443 n 16

Dart, Raymond: Taung skull, 241-42

Darwin, Charles: Aristotle misquoted, 368-69; Bible knowledge, 119-22, 367; billiards, 98; Biogenetic law, 275; biographies, 115; Cambridge curriculum, 449 n 8; Christianity challenged by, 344; "delicate arrangement", 130, 446 n 14; Descent of man, 207; Edinburgh University, 118; evolution of the eye, 167, 451 n 14; evolution theory, 52, 58, 182, 279-81; Expression of the emotions in men and animals, 134; family, immediate, 126-128; greeted as an atheist, 366; house, 129; Hitler inspired by, 409-11; illness, 127-30; inherited baldness, 48; irreligious nature concealed, 450 n 22; Journal of Researches, 148; Kelvin, 457 n 10, 460 n 26; Lady Hope, 450 n 20, 450 n 21; Lamarckism, 127, 399-400, 466 n 4; laws of nature inviolable, 4; letter to A. Gray, 13-15; life and works, 117-37; Lyell prepared ground for, 353; man of faith, 168; man of wealth, 133; Marx corresponds with, 381; multiple species of man, 262; murder of God, 126; natural selection, 158-59, 399-400; object of worship, 341; occult experience, 75, 446 n 15; on the soul, 446 n 15; Origin, publication of, 130-33, 354-56; perfection, problem of, 451 n 14; personification of nature, 9; pigeons, 130, 138, 148-50; plagiarism, 125; psychology, 134, 450 n 17; secular humanism, foundation for, xii; statute of, 135; transition fossils, 150; Unitarian Church influence, 116; unpublished works, 115, 445 n 6; Variation of plants and animals, 369, 400. See also Origin.

Darwinism: Marxism aligned with, 411; religious aspects, 394; rise of in Germany, 409

Darwin's finches: classified by Lack, 147-148; mentioned by C. Darwin, 148, 450 n 2, 450 n 3

Darwin-Wallace theory, 73

Darwin, Emma, 136-37

Darwin, Erasmus (the elder): Edinburgh University, 121; Lunar Society, 55, 58; racey lifestyle, 118, 120, 449 n 5; Zoönomia, 58, 120

Darwin, Francis, 115

Darwin, George: fission theory for origin of moon, 44, 330; radioactivity suggested to measure age of earth, 294; radioactivity supplies sun's energy, 323

Darwin, Leonard, 408

Darwin, Robert: Freemason, 119, 449 n 3; opposed to Bible, 120

Date of Creation: according to scholars, 283; appended to Bibles, 284

Dawson, Charles, 227-28

Day-age theory, 362

Dead Sea dating from salt, 289-90

Decay constants not constant, 307-08

Declaration of Independence. See American Revolution

"Delicate arrangement", 130, 450 n 13, 450 n 14, 450 n 15

Democracy: vox populi, vox dei, 16

Democritus, 10, 206

Dental arcade of man and ape, 251

Descartes, René: Christianity challenged by, 344; Fall of man, 207; life and works, 28-30; mind and brain, 258; on the soul, 30

Descent of man, 133, 134, 159; not placed on Catholic Index, 373

Design in nature, 40, 139, 266

Development. See Evolution

Developmental hypothesis. See Documentary hypothesis

De Vries, Hugo: mutation theory, 161, 451 n 11, 162

Dewey, John: signer of first Humanist Manifesto, 425, 428; U.S. education, 425

Dinosaur: eggs, 89, 447 n 11; extinction of, 107; museum collections, 150-51; tracks, 108; tracks with human tracks, 448 n 36, 449 n 37; tracks with wheel tracks, 280

Divine right of kings, 7

Documentary hypothesis, 383-87; archaeology refutes, 387; Chinese history refutes, 392; computer refutes, 386; Ebla discovery refutes, 390-91; Hegelian evolution basis for, 384; work of S.R. Driver, 465 n 31

Dog family, 142-143

Doré, Gustave, 443 n 16, 37

Down house, 129-30

Doyle, Arthur Conan: occult involvement, 75; Piltdown affair, 228

Dripstone, 335-36

Drosophila melanogaster. See Fruit fly mutation experiments

Dubois, Eugene, 221-25; confesses skull cap is ape, 238, 455 n 9; Wadjak skulls, 222-24. See also Java man

Dynamo theory, 331

E  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - E     GO TO TOP

Earth: internal heat, 461 n 32; magnetic field, 331-34, 461 n 30; Magsat, 461 n 31; rotation, 325-26; rotation corrections, 460 n 18, 460 n 19, 460 n 20

Ebla discovery, 389-91; Creation account, 391

Eddington, Arthur: thermonuclear sun, 323

Eddy and Boornazian: contracting sun, 324

Eden, Murray: chance and design, 453 n 29

Edinburgh University: and Darwin, 118; and Hutton, 67; Lunar Society members, 56

Education: humanist influence in, 425

Egypt: dating and carbon 14 calibration, 320, 349, 462 n 9; destruction of temples, 461 n 7; and the Greeks, 348; hieroglyphics deciphered, 346-48; and the Israelites, 348; Napoleon conquers, 346; on the soul, 2-3; pictorial records of, 461 n 6

Einstein, Albert: relativity, 28; velocity of light, 443 n 20; view of God, 397

Eldredge and Gould: punctuated equilibria, 164-66

Ellis, Havelock, 416

Embryo, 274-77. See also Biogenetic law

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 117

Empedocles: Darwin cites, 368; five human senses, 9

Eoanthropus dawsoni. See Piltdown man

Eohippus. See Horse

Epicurus: ascent of man, 206; philosophy, 11

Episcopius. See Gap theory

Equus caballus. See Horse

Erect genital of mammoth, 98-99, 448 n 23

Eugenics: coined by F. Galton, 450 n 12

Evangelical movement: cause of opposition to Darwin, 54; prevents socialist revolution, 54, 445 n 1

Evolution: declared a law, 73, 446 n 13; involves miracle, 393-94; neither provable nor refutable, 392-93; reasons for maintaining, 280-81; religious aspects, 341, 393-95

Ex nihilo Creation, ix, 312-13

Exodus, date of, 384

Extinction of life forms, 172-76

Extraterrestrial origin of life theme, 184, 190-96, 202-03, 452 n 22, 452 n 23

Eysenck and Kamin, 414



F  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - F     GO TO TOP

Fabian Society, 427-28 Fascism, 411, 467 n 21, 467 n 22

Fall of man theme, 204-08

Fantasia, x

Faraday, Michael, 359

Feuerbach, L., 382

Fibonacci, Leonardo: Arab numerals, 442 n 12

Finches. See Darwin's finches

FitzRoy, Robert: H.M.S. Beagle, 122; suicide, 124, 129

Fontechevade skull, 215. See Neanderthal man

Fosdick, Harry Emerson: funded by Rockefeller, 372; opposed to fundamentalists, 372, 464 n 14; promoter of liberal theology, 385, 386

Fossil: absence of, 150, 450 n 4, 450 n 5; abundance of, 92; anomolous, 105-9; bat, 173; clams, 90; Coelacanth, 106, 175; dinosaur eggs, 89; feather, 153; fish, 89-90, 447 n 12; flesh reconstructions, 209, 261; formation, 85-87; horse evolution, 152-53; human jaw, 91; human skull, 91, 447 n 14, 102, 216-217, 230-31, 230, 244-45, 455 n 18, 246-47, 253; ichthyosaur, 88-89; insects, 89, 447 n 10; living, 448 n 32, 448 n 33; plesiosaurus, 86; polystrate tree, 114; sabre-tooth tiger, 91, 447 n 13; teeth, 88, 454 n 2; transitions, 150-58; whales, 93, 447 n 16  See also Archaeopteryx

"1470" man, 246-47

France, Anatole, 258-259

Franco, General: object of worship, 340

Franklin, Benjamin, 32, 55-56

Frazer, James, 387-89

Free love: scientific sanction for, 416-18

Freeman, Derek: exposes Margaret Mead, 417

Freemasonry: and Francis Bacon, 443 n 21, 445 n 3; in Darwin family, 119, 449 n 3

Freiberg skull, 102-3

French Revolution, 31-35; cause of, 34; Christianity challenged by, 344; English hostile to, 54; goddess of Reason, 34; Lord Acton quoted, 34; Lunar Society, 56; metric system, 34; socialist humanism, 36; Statue of Liberty, 35

Fruit fly mutation experiments, 162-63

G  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - G     GO TO TOP

Galapagos islands, 147

Galen, 17

Galileo (Galilei): biblical arguments, 443 n 15; comets controversy, 443 n 17; life and work, 22-25; sun-spots, 325; telescope, 443 n 17; Vatican archives, 22

Gall, Franz Joseph, 401

Galley Hill man, 215. See Neanderthal man

Galton, Francis, 127; coins eugenics, 450 n 12; life and works, 402-8

Gap theory, 363-64, 463 n 29

Gauss, Karl: brain weight, 259; magnetic field of earth, 331-33, 460 n 29

Genesis: affirmed by N.T. writers, 370, 463 n 11; two accounts of creation, 180

Genesis Flood, 49, 57-58, 65, 70-71, 123, 125; acknowledged by Catholic and Protestant church until recently, 344-45, 366; acknowledged by Christ, 360; atmospheric pressure, 459 n 10; Babylon account of, 384-85; in Chinese records, 391-92; difficulties of, 110; and Egyptian dating, 348; fossils as evidence for, 218, 350, 362; legends of, 387-88, 465 n 37, 465 n 38, 465 n 39; Mosaic account, 383; object of skepticisim, 343; and population growth, 339; reproductive-repopulation model, 111-13; unacceptable to many, 365; Whitcomb and Morris model, 111

Genesis kinds, 138-139

Gentry, Robert: radio-halos, 311-12

Geological Society, 66, 227-28

Geospizinae. See Darwin's finches

Germ theory: and Pasteur, 181; and Weismann, 48

German National Socialist Party, 408, 411. See also Nazi Party

Gigantopithecus blacki, 234

Gill-slits in human embryo alleged, 277-278

Glénard, Frantz: viseroptosis, 272

Goddard, Henry, 407-408

Gorilla: discovery of, 142

Gosse, Edmund: contrived acceptance of Origin, 355, 462 n 19

Gosse, Philip: and Adam's navel, 462 n 20; encounter with Darwin, 354-355

Gould, S.J.: paraphrased, 165; re-analysis of S. Morton's work, 263

Gould and Eldredge: punctuated equilibria, 165; reject Archaeopteryx, 178. See Eldredge and Gould

Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis. See Documentary hypothesis

Graham, Robert: human sperm bank, 415

Grand Canyon, 100

Grant, Madison, eugenicist, 408-409

Gray, Asa: Darwin's letter to, 131, 450 n 13, 450 n 14, 450 n 15; promoter of theistic evolution, 367-71

Gray, Jane: Unitarian influence on Asa, 367, 463 n 3

Greek technology: Antikythera device, 444 n 3; architecture, 32-33; bronze horse, 38, 444 n 6

Guadaloupe fossils, 215-18, 253

Gutenberg, Johann, 21, 443 n 18

H  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - H     GO TO TOP

Haeckel, Ernst: Bathybius haeckelii, 187-90, 452 n 12, 452 n 14, 452 n 15, 452 n 16, 452 n 18; Biogenetic Law, 274-77; branded a fool, 184; fraudulent embryos, 275-277, 456 n 4, 456 n 9, 456 n 16; euthanasia advocated, 409; evolution elitist, 411; family tree, 177-178; Frida von Uslar-Gleichen, 185-87, 452 n 8, 452 n 10; life and works, 184-87, 190, 222, 276, 408-9; monera, 187-90, 196; pantheist, 184; Pithecanthropus alalus, 221; public lectures, 186; Thule Gesellschaft Society, 466 n 16. See also Java man

Haldane, J.B.S., 197. See Oparin-Haldane theory

Haley's comet, 327

Hammond, A.L.: earth and moon system, 330

Ham's son: descendants of, 262

Handy man, 245-47, 455 n 21, 455 n 23, 455 n 26

Hardy-Weinberg law, 406

Harvard University: Unitarian stronghold, 367

Heads of the famous: sizes of, 259

Hegel, Georg: absolute spirit, 381-82; Christianity challenged by, 344; Marx influenced by, 381; philosophy supported by Darwin, 386

Helium: lack of in earth's atmosphere, 334-35

Helmholtz, Herman von, 322-324

Hermetic tradition, 25, 443 n 19

Herpes simplex, 422-23

Hesiod: ages of man, 205, 453 n 1, 453 n 2; Fall of man, 207

Hesperopithecus harold cooki. See Nebraska man

His, Wilhelm, 276

Hitler, Adolf: inspired by Darwin, 409; object of worship, 340; objectives, 409, 467 n 21, 467 n 22

Holmes, A: age of the earth, 299-300

Hominid/Hominoid: definition of, 249

Homo antiquus. See Neanderthal man

Homo erectus. See Java man

Homo erectus pekinensis. See Peking man

Homo habilis. See Handyman

Homo neanderthalensis. See Neanderthal mar

Homo rhodesiensis. See Rhodesian man

Homo sapiens, 41, 210; interfertility, 145

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. See Neanderthal man

Homo troglodytes, 41

Homology. See Design in nature

Hooker, Joseph, 131, 135, 142; in "delicate arrangement", 74, 355; in Oxford debate, 358

Hookworm: flush toilet eradicates, 466 n 11; germ of laziness, 405

Hopeful monster theory, 164-65

Horace: ascent of man, 207; ode, 12

Horse: evolution of, 152-53; family, 139-140

Howard, Robert: rotation of sun, 325

Howorth, Henry. Theory of ice age based upon flood.  96

Hoyle, Fred: rejects spontaneous generation, 202-3

Human fossils: Calaveras, 216-217, 253, 454 n 11; documentation of, 102, 448 n 28; foot tracks, 108-9, 449 n 38; Freiberg skull in coal, 102, 448 n 29; Galley Hill, 215; Gaudaloupe specimens, 215-18; Laguna, 253, 455 n 29; Rancho La Brea, 91, 447 n 14; Reck's, 244-45, 455 n 18; Rhodesian skull, 229-31; Santa Barbara skulls, 217; Wadjak, 222, 224; Yukon jaw, 91, 447 n 15

Human interfertility, 144-45

Humani Generis, 373-74

Humanist influence in the media, 426-27

Humanist Manifesto: aims, 397; first, 428; second, 420-21

Hume, David, 26, 59, 344

Hutton, James: charged with atheism, 446 n 10; Edinburgh University, 121; theory of the earth, 66-67

Huxley, Aldous: Brave new world, 411, 418

Huxley, Julian: atheist, 394, 397, 465 n 46; synthetic theory, 163; on unification, 424; UNESCO policy, 398, 423-24; world government, 423-24

Huxley, Thomas H: agnostic, 365; ape to man, 256; Bible respected, 365; embryos, 275; Haeckel's monera, 186-89; horse fossils convince, 152; Kingsley confessed to, 365; Origin convinces, 159; Origin reviewed, 358; Oxford debate, 357-59; sophistry in, 458 n 1

Hymen, 270

Hyracotherium. See Horse

Hyrax. See Rock badger

I  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - I     GO TO TOP

Icaronycteris index. See Bat

Ice age, 95-97; date for, 458 n 18

Ice caves, 100

Ileosigmoidostomy, 272. See also Metchnikoff

Index Librorum Prohibitorum. See Catholic

Index of forbidden books Indian (N. american): intellect measured, 262; skulls, 269

Industrial melanism, 171-72

Industrial Revolution, 36, 53, 55

Ingersoll's reworking of Kelvin's heat data, 294

Inquisition, 21

Institute for Creation Research, 426

Intelligence Quotient, 407. See also Binet, Alfred

Intestine: thought to be vestigial, 456 n 10, 456 n 11

Iron: age, 208; early smelting of, 444 n 5

Isotopes: of argon, 300-1; of helium, 335; of lead, 299-300; of oxygen, 302

Israel: Dead Sea chronometer, 289-90; Dead Sea level falling, 457 n 6

Ivory from frozen mammoths, 97

J  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - J     GO TO TOP

James, William: and Lowell, 190; the "sixth" sense, 10

Japanese "plesiosaur", 106-7, 426-27; postage stamp, 426

Java man, 221-25; classification, 252; Dubois' confession, 225, 455 n 9

Jesus, 13-14

Jeffrey, Edward: discredits mutation, 161

Jeffries, Harold: earth/moon dynamics, 330

Jensen, James: discovers early bird, 155

Jesuit: Marxist influence in, 376; promotion of theistic evolution 374-77

Jews: divine right of kings, 7; Mosaic law, 12. See also Circumcision

Johanson, Donald: Lucy, 243, 247-49, 455 n 27; rift valley, 289

Joly, John: work on sea salts, 288 Joule heating of the earth, 333, 461 n 32

K  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - K     GO TO TOP

Keir, James: Lunar Society, 56

Keith, Arthur: classification by brain size, 249; Piltdown hoax, 226-30; Taung skull, 242, 455 n 13; vestigial organs, 267-68

Kelvin, Lord: age of the earth, 292-94; giant of science, 359

Kettlewell, H.B.D., 171-72. See also Industrial melanism

Keynes, John M., 59

Kingsley, Charles: Darwin admirer, 355-57; Father God to Mother Nature, 382; theistic evolution, 377-78; The Water Babies, 356-57

Koczy, Friedrich: uranium salts in sea water 290-91, 457 n 7

Koenigswald, Ralph von: Java, 225; Peking, 234-236

Krakatoa, volcano, 68 Kropotkin, P.A.: animal mutual aid, 79

Krstolich restoration of Neanderthal man, 213

Kruegar, Ivar, 235Kuehneotherium, 156-57. See also Transition fossils



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La-Chapelle-aux-Saints fossil, 211-12. See also Neanderthal man

Lady Hope: and Darwin's last days, 136-37

Laguna girl. See Human fossils

Lamarck, Jean B: eulogy to, 46, 445 n 11; hymen, unfamiliarity with, 270; life and works, 44-47

Lamarckism: defined, 47; examples, 46, 279; inherited capacity for intellect, 259-60; recent revival of, 48, 445 n 13; in Russia, 48, 52, 260

Lamb, Horace: free decay theory, 331-332

Lamont, Corliss, 421-22

Lane, William A: autointoxication, 272-73; colectomy, 273; New Health Society, 456 n 12

Language: more complex in the past, 255

Laplace, Pierre S. de: Nebular theory, 292-93, 457 n 9

Laughlin, Harry, eugenicist, 408

Layard, Austen H: discovery of Nineveh, 352-53; Documentary hypothesis, 384

Leakey, Louis: Nutcracker man, 243-46

Leakey, Richard: 1470 skull, 246-47; Homo habilis, 252; promotes Biogenetic law, 274, 276; transitions claimed, 157, 165; work, 255

Leap second, 326, 460 n 18, 460 n 20. See also Earth

Ledley, Fred: reports human tail, 278-79

Leucippus: atomistic philosophy, 10

Lewis, C.S., author, 23

Libby, Willard: carbon 14 dating, 314; Egyptian and Bible concordance, 349, 462 n 9

Liberal theologians control institutions, 385

Lightfoot, John: time of creation, 284, 457 n 2

Linnaeus, Carolus: archetypes, 42; classification system, 138-39; life and work, 38-43, 49

Linné, Carl von. See Linnaeus, Carolus

Linnean Society, 43, 66, 74, 130, 445 n 10

Locke, John, philosopher and Unitarian, 116

London, Jack, author and Fabian member, 428

London School of Economics, 428

Lord's Day Observance Society founded, 345

Lovell, Bernard, astronomer, 201

Lowell, Percival, 190-94; Haeckel, influence of, 190, 452 n 19; preconception, 194, 242; 700 Martian canals, 193

Lucretius (Carus): ascent of man, 207; chance can be creative, 369; On the nature of the universe, 11; The nature of things, 13

Lucy: discovered by Johanson, 248, 455 n 27

Lumpers, defined, 145

Lunar laser-ranging experiment, 329-30. See also Moon

Lunar receiving laboratory, 195

Lunar Society, 55-59, 445 n 2

Luther, Martin, 20

Lyell, Charles: assumptions in theory, 78-80; Christianity challenged by, 72, 344-45, 350; Cuvier's theory defeated by, 360; Darwin influenced by, 57, 341; "delicate arrangement, 74, 131; expanded time frame, 57, 69, 104, 166, 285; geologic column, 71-72, 102-4; life and work, 52, 66, 69, 135; Miller opposed to, 360; Niagara Falls visit, 81-84, 286, 446 n 1, 446 n 2, 446 n 3, 447 n 4; Owen opposed to, 270; and Prévost, 66; Principles of geology, 58, 68, 76, 124, 133, 285, 383; promotes Origin, 355; uniformitarianism, 68, 446 n 11

Lysenko, Trofim, 52, 260

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Macallam, A.B.: salt in living matter and oceans, 291

Magnetic field of the earth, 331-34. See also Earth

Magsat, 332, 334, 461 n 31. See also Earth

Mahoney, Michael: bias in peer review, 412, 467 n 23

Malthus, Thomas R: contraception objected to, 62; Essay on the principle of population, 59; goats and dogs, account, 59-61; inspired by, 59, 446 n 8; Keynes, opinion of, 63; life and work, 59-60; Marx, opinion of, 64; population, theory of, 61-65; summary of thesis, 78

Mao, Tse-tung: object of worship, 340

Mammoth, frozen: Beresovka, 98-100; erect genital, 98-99, 448 n 23; source of ivory since Aristotle's day, 97, 448 n 20

Man: and ape, 207; appendix, 268; interfertility of, 141, 144-45, 262; multiple origins of, 141, 262, 450 n 1

Mann, Horace, early U.S. educator, 425

Manning, Henry E.: opposed to evolution, 351-352, 462 n 13

Mars: and Percival Lowell, 190-94; Viking Lander, 193

Marsh, Othniel C.: fossil horses, 152

Marx, Karl: abolition of private property, 465 n 1; Aveling, son-in-law of, 137; Communist Manifesto, 383; Darwin, opinion of, 381, 464 n 26; Darwin receives Das capital, 381; Fabian Society inspired by, 427; London citizen, 76, 381; new world order, 376; object of worship, 341

Marxism: rule by the elite, 411

Mason, Brian, 183-84. See also Meteorite

Matterhorn: fossils in reverse order, 114

Matthew, Patrick: inspired Darwin, 125

Matthew, William: inspired Davidson Black, 235

Matthews, Harrison: evolution is a faith, 394

Matthiae, Paolo: on Ebla, 390

Maxwell, James C., giant of science, 359

Mead, Margaret: death, circumstances of, 417, 467 n 26; Freeman unmasks, 417; life and work, 416-18; sex liberator, 422

Medawar, Peter: critique of Teilhard de Chardin's Phenomenon of man, 375-76; neo-Darwinian theory, 164

Medicinal herbs, 39, 41

Mendel, Gregor: Darwin challenged by, 161; Galton refuted by, 402-4; genetics understood, 48; Lamarckism refuted by, 260; life and work, 160-61

Memphis: discovery of Ramses II statue, 286-87. See also Bore-hole project

Meteorite: in Antarctica, 448 n 25; Australian tektite controversy, 328, 460 n 22; carriers of life, 196, 202; dust of, 327-29; organized elements in, 183, 451 n 4; Orgueil, 183-84

Metchnikoff, Elie, 273: alimentary canal vestigial, 272,456 n 10, 456 n 11; on the hymen, 270

Methodist revival, 54

Michelangelo: Sistine chapel ceiling, 377. See also Adam

Miller, Hugh, 361: Mosaic day-age theory, 362; opposed to Vestiges, 360-61; suicide of, 350; works, 360-61

Miller, Stanley: experiment, 199

Milton, John: ages of man, 206; Fall of man 206, 453 n 4; Unitarian beliefs, 116

Mohammed: object of worship, 341

Mohenjo-daro, India, 338

Monera, 187, 189

Monitum: condemns Teilhard de Chardin, 375; English translation of, 464 n 19

Monogenists, 141, 144

Moon: age of, 303-4, 330, 458 n 19, 458 n 20, 458 n 21; dust on, 329, 460 n 23; lunar laser ranging experiment, 329-30, 460 n 24; origin a mystery, 460 n 25

Moore, Hugh: crusade to curb population, 337

Morganucodon. See Transition fossils

Morgentaler, Henry: signer of the Humanist Manifesto, 428

Morton, Samuel, 261: skulls, examples, 269; work, 261-64

Moses: Christ refers to, 463 n 25; Documentary hypothesis regards as myth, 383-84; Ebla evidence indicates high education, 390; Miller and Mosaic days, 362, patriarch of the Jews, 12

Moth, peppered, 171-72.

Mouse-tail experiments of Weismann, 48, 445 n 14

Mule, 139, 140

Muller, Herman J.: Repository for Germinal Choice, 415

Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 46, 49, 51, 53

Museum displays, 88

Mutability. See Evolution

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Napoleon I (Bonaparte), 346; conquest of Egypt, 286, 348, 349

Napoleon III (Louis): and Pasteur, 179

National Geographic magazine: ape-man image promoted by, 243-45; censorship of information, 108, 426

National sovereignty: elimination of, 397

Natural history: decline of public interest in, 350

Natural theology. See Natural history

Nature-nurture controversy, 402-20

Nazi Party: Fascist motives, 411; gas chambers, 410; sterilization, 410; See also German National Socialist Party

Neanderthal man, 209-15: beside armor, 215, 453 n 9; burial rites, 4, 215; Field Museum reconstructions, 212-13; living specimens, 215, 453 n 10; possible longevity, 214; skull capacity, 212; supra-orbital torus, 214; syphilis, 214; vitamin B deficiency, 213

Nebraska man, 231-33

Needham, Joseph: English Jesuit, 15, 180

Negro: intellect and racism, 262-63

Neo-Darwinian theory. See Synthetic theory

Neo-Lamarckism, 48

Neutrinos: solar output of, 323

Newman, John Henry, 372: development theory, 373, 464 n 15; Oxford Movement, 373

Newton, Isaac, 29, 43, 66, 135, 342; Bible miracles unaccepted, 342, 365, 461 n 3, 461 n 4; Unitarian beliefs, 116

Niagara Falls: age of, 94-95, 285; Lyell visits, 81-83; rates of recession, 82-83, 447 n 5

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Christianity challenged by, 344; declares God dead, 383

Nineveh: Christian response to, 353, 462 n 14, 462 n 15, 462 n 16; discovery by Layard, 352; Documentary hypothesis seen to be supported by, 385

Noah, ark of: accommodation of species, 142, 145; alleged discovery, 388-89; in Chinese ideographs, 392; Christ acknowledges, 360, 463 n 25; necessity to build, 362

Nobel prize winners' sperm bank, 415

Nuclear waste storage, 337

Nuremberg trials: eugenics movement affected by, 410

Nutcracker man: age of, 243-44, 455 n 16; associated with Reck's fossil, 244-45; with evidence of a stone shelter, 246

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Occult, involvement in by: H. Bergson, 375, 464 n 16; Communist Party, 395; C. Darwin, 75, 446 n 15; C. Doyle, 75; liberal church, 395; Nazi Party, 395; J. Ruskin, 75; A. Tennyson, 75; A.R. Wallace, 75, 446 n 16

O'Hair, Madalyn Murray: object of worship, 341

Oil wells: high pressure, 336-37

Olduvai Gorge, 243-46. See also Leakey, Louis: Nutcracker man

Olympic games, religious aspects, 341

Oparin-Haldane theory, 196-203: amino acid formation, 197; Miller experiment, 199; photosynthesis, 200; protein formation, 197

Orgel, Leslie: coworker with Francis Crick, 195

Orgueil meteorite, 183-84. See also Meteorite

Origen, early liberal theologian, 16, 442 n 11

Origin of moon: George Darwin's fission theory for, 44, 330

Origin of species (On the): Biogenetic law hinted at, 275; Catholic Index does not censure, 373; concordance to, 138; Creator mentioned, 369, 463 n 9; definition of species not given, 145; difficult to read, 132; and Haeckel, 184; Hegel's philosophy supported by, 383, 386; introduction by Thompson, 454 n 16; promotion of, 354-55; publicity given to, 353, 380; reason's alternative to miracle, 380; reception of, 130-33; racism caused by, 403; review by T.H. Huxley, 358; review by B. Powell, 378

Orohippus. See Horse

Osborn, Henry F: eugenicist, 408; horse fossils, 153; Marxist worldview, 454 n 21; Nebraska man examined by, 231-32

Os coccyx. See Tailbone, vestigial

Os penis, 254

Ovid: ages of man, 205; Fall of man, 207

Owen, Richard, 210: ape and man differences, 209-10, 221; opposed to Darwin, 210

Owen, Robert, English socialist, 57

Oxford debate: meeting of the British Association, 357

Oxford Movement, 373. See also Anglo-Catholicism, Newman

Oxnard, Charles: multivariate analysis, 253-54

Oxygen 18 method of dating, 302, 315, 458 n 18, 459 n 4. See also Radiometric dating methods

Oxygen isotope 18 analysis, 95

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Paleotragus, 175

Paley, William, 121: clockmaker argument, xi; Darwin influenced by, 121, 444 n 7; opposed to David Hume, 344; religious views exposed, 449 n 9; works, 121

Paluxy River, Texas: dinosaur tracks, 108, 448 n 35, 448 n 36, 448 n 37

Pandora, 205

Panspermia theory, 327

Papyrus Ipuwer: Egyptian and biblical concordance, 349

Parus atricapillus. See Chickadee

Parus carolinus. See Chickadee

Pasteur, Louis: attempt to discredit, 183; bacteria discovered, 198; life and work, 179-84; opposition to, 161; spontaneous generation dealt blow by, 181

Patterson, Colin: declares evolution is anti-knowledge, 393

Pearson, Karl: mathematician with Francis Galton, 404

Peccary, 233, 454 n 23

Peking man, 234-41; classification of, 252; decapitated apes, 238; human fossils found with, 240; reconstruction of skull, 237, 261, 454 n 4, 454 n 6; upper cave, 240; use of fire, 238-39

Pember, George: and the Gap theory, 364

Penguin flipper cited by Darwin, 154-55

Persistence of facies discussed by Ager, 113

Pettersson, Hans: measures meteoritic dust in fall, 328-29

Pettinato, Giovanni: work at Ebla, 390-91

Pharaoh's tomb: carbon 14 calibration, 320-21, 462 n 9

Pharyngeal arches, 277. See Gill-slits

Photosynthesis in Oparin-Haldane theory, 200

Phrenology: craniometer, use of, 406; popularized by F.J. Gall, 401

Phylogenetic chart, 177

Pigeons: Darwin's experiments, 148-50; oil gland in, 264; variations of, 148

Pilbeam, David: on Peking man, 239; on Ramapithecus, 252, 455 n 28

Piltdown man, 225-229; filed teeth, 229; reconstruction of skull, 261

Pineal gland: seat of the soul, 258; vestigial, 269

Pithecanthropines, classification of, 243, 249-51

Pithecanthropus alulus. See Java man

Pithecanthropus erectus. See Java man

Pithecanthropus pekinensis. See Peking man

Pituitary gland, vestigial, 267

Pius XII, Pope: condemns evolution, 373

Plague: effect of on population, 338-39

Planets: rotation refutes Laplace 293, 457 n 9

Plato: aware of a sixth sense, 9; on Creation, 11; Er's account, 1, 4, 442 n 1; heaven is an ideal pattern, 7, 442 n 5; ideas developed by others, 32; not a liberal, 7; Paradise before man's Fall, 453 n 3; Pythagoreans visited by, 6; The Republic, a model for socialism, 1, 6, 7; and the Sophists, 7; Utopia, 6

Pleochroic halos. See Radio-halos

Plesiosaur: fossil, 86; Japanese and Western opinions, 467 n 29; Japanese fishermen catch, 106-7, 426-27; possibly still living, 175; reconstruction, 86

Polygenists, 141, 144, 262

Pongo, 41

Poor Law: and Townsend, 60

Population growth, 337-39, 461 n 39

Potassium-argon dating method: applied to: 1470 man, 247, 455 n 25; Lucy, 248, 455 n 27; Nutcracker man, 243, 455 n 16; argon contamination, 301, 458 n 16; description of, 300

Potter, Charles: Chrysalid, statue of, 372; humanism declared a religion, 420

Powell, Baden: review of Origin, 378

Pressure differentials in oil wells, 366-67, 461 n 36

Priestley, Joseph, 56; Darwin's family influenced by, 126; Edinburgh University graduate, 121; exiled, 56; Malthus influenced by, 59; Unitarian Church evangelist, 56, 117, 445 n 5

Probability, 200-2, 453 n 27

Prodigy: ancestral brain, 264; Myron Romano, 206

Protagoras: atheistic view, 11; Christian view challenged by, 442 n 8; early secular humanist, 420; opposed to Socrates, 8

Protsch, R.: determines age of Reck's fossil, 245

Pterosaur: evolution of flight, 178; size evidence of vapor canopy, 319, 459 n 11

Ptolemy of Alexandria, 22-24

Punctuated equilibria: description of, 164-66; and theistic evolution, 366

Pyramid of power found in elitist organizations, 33, 51



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Racism among men of science, 260, 456 n 1

Radday, Yehuda: Developmental hypothesis refuted by computer, 386

Radioactive decay: assumption, 303; constancy questioned, 296, 304-5, 307-8, 317-19, 457 n 11, 457 n 12, 457 n 13; explained, 295-98; mathematical relationships, 297, 457 n 14; as source of earth's heat, 294; as source of sun's energy, 323

Radio-halos, 310-12; evidence for ex nihilo Creation, 312

Radiometric dating: assumptions summarized, 303; calibration, 320-22; concordance of, 302; principles, 295; radio-halos invalidate the assumptions, 312

Radiometric dating methods: carbon 14, 313-15; oxygen 18, 302, 315, 458 n 18, 459 n 4; potassium/argon, 300-1; uranium/lead, 295-300

Raised beaches, 93

Ramapithecus punjabicus, 249, 251-52, 455 n 28

Ramses II; statue, 286-87

Rancho La Brea tar pit, 90-92; human skull discovered in, 91, 447 n 14; wolf and saber-tooth tigers, 91, 447 n 13

Raup, David: confesses absence of transition fossils, 151

Rawlings, Maurice: clinical resuscitation, 1

Ray, John: classification based on biblical fixity of kinds, 39, 139; influence on Paley and Darwin, 444 n 7

Recapitulation theory. See Biogenetic law

Reck, Hans: human fossil discovery, 244-45

Redi, Francesco: disproves abiogenesis, 180

Renaissance, 32, 33; defined, 25

Reproductive-repopulation model, 111-13

Reptile to mammal transition, 156-57

Resurrection: a stumbling block to belief, 13, 365

Resuscitation: biblical cases of, 5, 442 n 2

Reusch, Franz: German theologian, 351

Revolution. See under American, French, Industrial, Russian

Rhodesian man, 229-310; age, 231, 454 n 20; Mair's opinion of hole, 231; Rigg's disease, 230-31

Rift Valley, Ethiopia, 248

Riverside Church, New York, 372. See also Fosdick, Harry Emerson Rock badger, 152

Rockefeller Foundation, funding for: eugenicist H. Goddard, 407; Fosdick's Riverside Church, 372; Peking man, 235-36

Roemer, Olaus: velocity of light measurement, 305, 458 n 23 Rosetta Stone, 347, 348

Rosicrucian order: and Francis Bacon, 443 n 21

Rousseau, Jean J.: children abandoned, 31; Christianity challenged by, 344; education of children, 31; exhibitionism, 444 n 24; friend of Malthus family, 59; life and work, 30-32; Lunar Society connections, 56, 57; secular humanism supported by, 422; Social contract, 31; Wilson's Sociobiology supported by, 413

Royal Society: governed by T.H. Huxley, 189; haven for radicals, 345; Lunar Society founders, 55; vision of Francis Bacon, 28

Ruin-restoration theory. See Gap theory

Runcorn, S.K.: dynamo theory, 331

Ruskin, John: occult involvement, 75

Russell, Bertrand: Margaret Mead's work used to justify worldview, 416; proposes controlled human breeding, 466 n 8; pro-Soviet view, 6

Russian Revolution, 7, 444 n 25

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Saber-tooth tiger, 19, 447 n 13

St. Helen's volcano, 84

Saltation theory. See Hopeful monster theory

Salts in: blood plasma, 291, 457 n 8; Dead Sea, 289-90; sea water, 288, 457 n 5

Sanger, Margaret, advocate of birth control, 408, 466 n 13

Sanskrit, a complex ancient language, 255

Savonarola: burned at the slake, 443 n 18

Schiaparelli and Mars, 191-92, 452 n 20, 452 n 21

Scofield Reference Bible promotes Gap theory, 364

Scopes trial, 232, 425; publicity given to, 232, 353; staged by ACLU, 454 n 22

Sea serpent, 106

Second law of thermodynamics, 204, 305

Secular humanism: definition, 420; prospects for mankind, 429-30; religious aspects, 394

Secular humanists' strategies for world leadership, 427

Sedimentary rocks: absence of meteorites in, 327-28; classification of, 101-2; in Grand Canyon, 100; volcanic ash produces, 70, 84-85. See also Volcanic ash

Seven day week, 34-35, 444 n 25

Sex education in schools: results of, 422-23

Sexual selection, 158

Selenka expedition and Java man, 224

Semi-lunar fold of the eye said to be vestigial, 268

Setterfield, Barry: investigates the constancy of constants, 306, 458 n 26

Shackleton, E.H.: Antarctic coal, 97

Shakespeare, William: language deteriorated since, 255; quote, 282, 457 n 1

Shang-Ti, heavenly emperor, 392, 465 n 43

Shapley, Harlow, x-xi, 312

Shaw, Bernard: founding member of the Fabian Society, 427-28; quoted, 382

Shrinking sun. See Contracting sun

Simpson, George G.: work on fossil horses, 153

Sinanthropus pekinensis. See Peking man

Sistine Chapel ceiling, 377

Situational ethics opposed to Bible ethics, 422

Skinner box, 418; for human use, 419, 467 n 27

Skinner, B.F: signer of the Humanist Manifesto, 428; works, 418

Skulls, Indian: from S. Morton's collection, 269

Smith's Bible dictionary denies worldwide Flood, 351

Smith, George: deciphers Nineveh tablets, 384

Smith, Grafton Elliot, involved with: Nebraska man, 232; Peking man, 235-36; Piltdown man, 227-29; Taung skull, 241-42

Smith, William: "Strata" Smith, 69

Smith, William R., editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 385-86

Smuts, Jan Christiaan: holism, 242; Taung skull, 242

Sobell and Sobell: treatment of alcoholics, 419

Socialist network of organizations, 427-28

Social Darwinism: basis of, 403; Lowell's associates practitioners of, 190

Society for Psychical Research, 75, 464 n 16

Socrates: death of, 5, 6; Divine Voice heard by, 5, 442 n 4; immortality of the soul, belief in, 8, 9; teaching method of, 5

Spallanzani, Lazzaro: supported biogenesis, 180

Spearman, C.E.: victim of Cyril Burt's plagiarism, 412

Species, 139-47: archetypes, 146-47; cladistics, classification by, 147; Darwin avoided definition of, 145; textbook definition, 146; typological concept, 146; word origin, 39

Speed of light. See Velocity of light

Spencer, Herbert: amorality justified by, 421; lauded by Christian press, 401; life and work, 398-401; situational ethics based on, 422; survival of the fittest, 132, 169, 451 n 15; X Club member, 189

Sperm bank. See Muller, Herman J.

Spiritism. See Occult

Splitters, 145

Spontaneous generation, 179-82

Stalactites. See Dripstone

Stalagmite containing fossil bat, 461 n 35

Stalin, Joseph: object of worship, 340

Starlight: time to reach earth, 306, 458 n 27

Stegosaurus, 151

Sterilization laws in: America, 408; Germany, 409-10

Stone age, 208

Stone age swindle, 249

Stone mortars found with Calaveras skull, 217

Straus and Cave on Neanderthal man, 212-13

Strauss, David, German theologian, 343

Sun: contraction of, 322, 324, 459 n 15, 459 n 16, 460 n 17; energy source, 322-25; neutrino problem, 323, 459 n 14; rotation of, 325

Survival of the fittest: a tautology, 169-70. See also Spencer, Herbert

Survival of the least fittest, 174

Swanscombe skull, 253

Swift, Jonathan: brain capacity of, 259

Syllabus of Errors, 373

Symbiosis: a major problem for Oparin, 200

Syncline. See Bent rocks

Synthetic theory, 163, 170

Syntropy proposed as mechanism for evolution, 164, 451 n 12

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Tail, reported on human, 278-79

Tailbone, vestigial, 268, 277

Taoism in China, 392

Tasaday, 249

Taung skull, 242; an Australopithecine, 245; Keith rejects, 242, 455 n 13; Smith accepts, 242; Smuts involved with, 242

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre: Communist use of, 376; incomprehensible language, 376; inspired by H. Bergson, 375; Peking man, 235-41, 454 n 4, 455 n 6; Piltdown man suspect, 226-29; reconciles Christianity and evolution, 374-76, 464 n 17; reports Rhodesian man, 231

Tektite. See Meteorite

Teleology: Aristotle believed in, 9; prodigy example questions, 206

Tell El-Amarna evidence of Egyptian and Bible concordance, 349

Tell Mardikh. See Ebla discovery

Temple, Frederick: archbishop, 379, 380; forced to withdraw essay, 464 n 25

Temple, William: archbishop, 379; founder of the World Council of Churches, 464 n 25

Tennyson, Alfred: occult involvement, 75; quoted, 79, 446 n 17

Terrace, H.S.: ape to man communication exposed, 254

Theistic evolution, 366-80: Anglican Church adopts, 377-80; Communist Party finds useful, 376, 464 n 21; Darwin rejects, 369, 463 n 7; Genesis denied, 366; Gray promotes, 367-68; Roman Church adopts, 372-77; a stepping-stone to secular humanism, 395; supported by punctuated equilibria, 366

Theistic humanism: defined, 420

Theropithecus galada, 252. See also Ramapithecus punjabicus

Thirty-nine articles. See Anglican Church

Thom, A.: on megalitic monuments, 220, 454 n 13

Thomism. See Aquinas, Thomas

Thompson, W.R.: comments on Java man, 225, 454 n 16

Thomsen, Christian, Danish archaeologist, 208

Thomson, William. See Kelvin, Lord

Thyroid gland, vestigial, 267

Tonsils, vestigial, 267

Toynbee, Arnold: condemns Christianity, 15, 442 n 9

Transcendental Meditation form of worship, 341

Transition fossils, 150-58: reptile to mammal, 156-57. See also Archaeopteryx

Transmutation. See Evolution

Trilobite eye: evolution of, 168-69

Trinity, doctrine of: rejected by Isaac Newton, 343

Trismegistus, Hermes. See Hermetic tradition

Turgenev, Ivan: brain capacity, 258, 259

Turner, Samuel, American theologian, 351

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Uniformitarianism, 309

Unitarian Church: in America, 117, 367; Emma Darwin, influence on Charles, 122, 126-27, 137, 463 n 3; history of, 116-17; Humanist Manifesto subscribed to by, 428; Jane Gray, influence on Asa Gray, 367, 463 n 3

United Nations and population policies, 337

UNESCO: Humanist Association connections, 429; media censorship, 427; peace movements sponsored by, 411, 466 n 20; policy of, 423-24, 465 n 2

Universal constants: relatedness, 304-5

Uranium/lead dating method, 295-300; lead contamination, effect of, 299; mineral formation, 298. See also Radiometric dating

Uranium salts in sea water, 290-91, 457 n 7

Uslar-Gleichen, Frida von: affair with Haeckel, 186, 187

Ussher, James: Creation, date of, 283-85; Egyptian dating not concordant with, 348; 9 o'clock statement wrongly ascribed to, 284, 457 n 2

Utopia, 6, 33. See also Plato

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Van Evrie, J.H., early scientific racist, 410, 466 n 18

Vapor canopy: evidence for, 319

Velikovsky, I.: Right on Egyptian dating, 349; wrong on other issues, 109

Velocity of light: constancy in question, 305-6; cosmological implications, 306; Roemer's measurements. 305, 458 n 23; Setterfield's work, 306, 458 n 26

Vestiges of Creation: Darwin's Origin aided by, 353, 462 n 18; Hugh Miller opposes, 361; Baden Powell adopts, 378

Vestigial organs, 264-79; Boa constrictor hind legs, 270-71; Chinese foot-binding refutes, 270; circumcision refutes, 269-70; Darwin's reasoning Lamarckian, 266; Flat-head Indians' head binding refutes, 270; homology as the basis for, 266; medical practices based upon, 272-73; regressive or progressive, 264, 456 n 3; Scadding refutes, 267; textbooks still use as examples, 265, 272, 456 n 4, 456 n 9; whale, hind legs, 270, 271

Vestigial organs of man, claims for: appendix, 267, 273; coccyx, 268, 277-79; hymen, 270; male nipples, 265, 456 n 5; pineal gland, 269; pituitary gland, 267; semi-lunar fold of the eye, 268 thyroid, 267; tonsils, 267

Villee, Claude (textbook author): claims one hundred human organs vestigial, 265; includes male nipples, 267

Virchow, Rudolph, 211, 213: Boas taught by, 413; German race type sought for, 406; Haeckel taught by, 184; Neanderthal man examined by, 210-11

Virgin birth, object of a divided view, 116, 360, 365

Vogt, William. See Moore, Hugh

Volcanic ash: Antarctic preserves past record, 100, 448 n 24; extensive in the past, 84, 447 n 6, 447 n 7; forms sedimentary rock, 85; worldwide distribution of, 70, 446 n 12

Voltaire: denies Fall of man, 207; free-thinker, 26, 32; Lunar Society, 55, 57; quoted, 15

Vox populi, vox dei, 16

W  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - W     GO TO TOP

Wakefield, Gilbert: influence on Malthus, 59

Wallace, Alfred R.: birds of paradise, 174; "delicate arrangement", victim of, 130, 446 n 14; life and works, 73-76; occult involvement, 75-76, 446 n 15; pension, 75; revelation, moment of, 77-78, 446 n 16; Sarawak law, 77, 130; summary of thesis, 78-79; tautology exposed, 80; Ternate paper, 78, 130-31

Wastefulness of nature, 169 Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, founders of: Fabian Society, 427; London School of Economics, 428

Weber, Wilhelm, coworker with Karl Gauss, 333

Wedgwood, Josiah: Lunar Society member, 55; Unitarian Church member, 117, 118, 126

Weidenreich, Franz: reconstructs Peking man, 237-40, 456 n 2

Weiner and Oakley: expose Piltdown man, 228

Weismann, August: Darwin's tautology defended, 167; mouse-tail experiments, 48, 266, 445 n 14; statistical work on circumcision, 48

Wellhausen, Julius: work on the Documentary hypothesis, 383-86

Wells, H.G.: Fabian Society member, 427;  inspired by Lowell for life on Mars, 193

Wenner-Gren Foundation to seek ape to man evidence, 374

Wesley, John: brought evangelical revival to English-speaking people, 54, 344

Westminster Abbey, repository for unbelief: C. Darwin, 135, 380; J. Hooker, 135; C. Kingsley, 357; C. Lyell. 135; I. Newton, 135

Whale: pregnant, 89; Quebec hill discovery, 94;vestigial hind legs claimed, 270-71

White, Lynn: historian blames Christianity, 15

Whitelaw, Robert: statistical analysis of carbon 14 data, 320

Whitney, J.D.: report on Calaveras skull, 217

Wickramasinghe, C. See Hoyle, Fred

Wiedersheim, Robert: definitive work on vestigial organs, 264-65

Wilberforce, Samuel: Darwin's opinion of, 358; Oxford debate, 357, 358

Wilkinson, John, Lunar Society member, 55

Wilson's bird of paradise, 175

Wilson, Edward O.: altruism, 413; ethics and free-will, effect of, 413; C. Lumsden, coworker, 405; Sociobiology, 412

Wiseman, Nicholas, Catholic cardinal, 351

Wistar Institute Symposium, 164, 170, 201

Woman and child of Minateda, 200, 454 n 14

Woodward, Arthur S., work with: Piltdown man, 227-29; Rhodesian man, 230

World Council of Churches, 379

World government: socialist objective, 423

Worship: a universal practice, 340-41

Wyclif, John: caused early evangelical revival, 19, 443 n 14

X  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - X     GO TO TOP

X Club: members listed, 452 n 17; Royal Society controlled by, 189

Xenophon, disciple of Socrates, 5

Y  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - Y     GO TO TOP

Yale University: J. Dana converts to evolution, 371

Young, Robert: concordance lists Creation dates, 283

Z  -  In the Minds of Men, 5th Ed.  -  INDEX  - Z     GO TO TOP

Zdansky, Otto: initiates work on Peking man, 235

Zeno and his mathematical paradox, 201

Zero: introduced by Arabs, 17, 442 n 12

Zinjanthropus boisei. See Nutcracker man

Zoönomia: Catholic Index condemns, 58; C. Darwin influenced by, 120, 121

Zoroastrian belief in resurrection, 2, 3

Zuckerman, Solly: multivariate analysis, 254; quoted, 255


End of Index  -  In the Minds of Men