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EN Articles


GRAND CANYON - On the north side of Mount St. Helens there is a particular deep canyon that was carved in 9 hours on March 19, 1982. It is 1,000 feet wide and about 140 feet deep. Did you read that? Yes, this "mini-grand-canyon" was carved in only hours. There is now a small stream that falls into it and then runs down the middle, following the path of least resistance, but it is important to recognize that that little stream did not carve the big canyon that envelopes it.

There are over 200 recorded legends of the Great Flood remembered by peoples from around the world. In most stories only 1, 3 or 8 persons survived. The Hebrew version (in Genesis, chap. 7-8) says that it took about a year. The waters rose for 150 days, even though the rains only lasted for the first 40 days, according to Noah's eyewitness report. The continents were inundated with muddy, rushing, continental tidal waves. Many fossils appear to have been buried and then re-buried, sometimes in a slurry. As the water and muck receded deep sedimentary layers formed on the continents all around the world. Some huge inland water reserves broke free violently like the Missoula (a.k.a. Spokane) Flood and especially in what we now see as the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon was not laid down slowly then etched out over the course of myth-ions and myth-ions of years. Rather it was carved so rapidly that the sediment was not deposited in a delta downstream. Buy a map and take a look. No river delta. The Grand Canyon was mostly carved quickly shortly after the Great Flood in a similar fashion to the "mini-grand-canyon" on the north side of Mount St. Helens. The little Colorado River does fall into the Grand Canyon from the side (just look at the map again) and then flow down the middle, but scientifically-speaking that little river did not carve the big Grand Canyon.  (text by P.A.)

"The Recent, Catastrophic Formation of the Grand Canyon" by Gerard Wakefield -

"History" AIG Section -

"When and How Did the Grand Canyon Form?" by Snelling & Vail -

"Don't Grand Canyon Rocks Showcase Deep Time?" by B. Thomas -

"Grand Canyon: Is It Really 'Exhibit A' For Evolution And The Old Earth?" by J. Morris -

"Grand Canyon Facts" AIG Section -

"Do Park Rangers Tell A Credible Story?" by J. Morris -



Creation  Science
  Manning the Lifeboats
Movement Journal
     Vol. 17, No. 6 -- May -- 2012-2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Richard Dawkins ... many people in the UK could not genuinely be considered Christians because of their ignorance of the Bible ... Darwin’s Origin of Species ... Bill Cooper, in his recently published book The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis ... every good ship there are notices telling you where the lifeboats are, where the lifejackets are kept, and where to go in order to claim your seat in the life-raft should the ship begin to founder ... Jesus has been made our Saviour. Like a lifeboat, he saves us from sinking in the guilt of our sins ...

Creation  Science
  Cuttings & Comments from New Scientist, by Dr David Rosevear
Movement Journal
     Vol. 17, No. 1 -- February -- 2011-1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... millions of years ... Homo sapiens ... feathered dinosaurs ... dinosaurs ... classic case of what palaeontologists call exaptation ... Feathers used for insulation on birds are different in structure from flight feathers ... ten-year Census of Marine Life has been completed, with 2,700 scientists spending 9,000 days at sea. They have described a quarter of a million marine species ... Jurassic shrimp ... stem-cell therapies ... highly specialised enzymes as catalysts ... photosynthetic reaction-centres collect solar energy ... In 1856, geologist Charles Lyell wrote to Charles Darwin ... Creationism still alive and kicking in US public schools ... Ardipithecus ramidus ... sediment layers ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2011 Vol 16, Num 4.pdf -- Page 2
  ... butterflies, flashing their gossamer wings with brilliant colors, have swarmed over Darwin, leaving him unable to breathe. Figuratively, that is. Illustra Media’s new documentary Metamorphosis ... life cycles, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to flying insect ... Electron micrographs zoom in on the antennae, compound eyes, legs, and wings of butterflies. Stunning close-ups of egg-laying, caterpillar molts, chrysalis formation ... lepidopterist ... collagen protein in dinosaur bone is primordial ... sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the animal kingdom there are more ... bat’s echoes like a satellite dish. ScienceDaily ... Dolphins and toothed whales ... echolocation ... NewScientist reported that Guiana dolphins can sense electrical fields of their prey ... oxymoron “living fossil” ... cave on Palau that PhysOrg ... “living fossil” explains nothing. As an oxymoron, it is all moron and no oxy ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2010 Vol 15, Num 1.pdf -- Page 5
  ... ancient greenling damselflies, have no living relatives ... numerous pathways the cell can embark on to fix DNA errors. Two key players were recently described in more detail in the journal Science ... Rockefeller University and Harvard Medical School that found two essential proteins that act like “molecular tailors” that can snip out an error and sew it back up with the correct molecules ... told by PhysOrg and the BBC News “Albatrosses, godwits, and sooty shearwaters all undertake epic journeys,” the BBC said, “But none can quite match the Arctic tern’s colossal trip.” ... biomimicry ... neuron is like a molecular computer ... Tiktaalik Demoted to Has-Been ... trackways from Glenisla dated late Silurian ...

Creation  Science
  DVD Review: God of Wonders, from Eternal Productions, by Jim Tetlow
Movement Journal
     Vol. 16, No. 4 -- June -- 2009-2.pdf -- Page 15
  ... God of Wonders, by Jim Tetlow is 85 minutes long ... from the vastness of the universe to the tiny seed, the soaring bird to the information-packed DNA molecule ... His power and wisdom, majesty and care are seen in the transformation of the butterfly, the symmetry of snow crystals and the many other features of creation ... Dubbed into: Engish, Arabic, Farsi, French, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Punjabi, and Spanish. ...

Creation  Science
  Cataclysm revealed
Movement Journal
     Vol. 16, No. 1 -- September -- 2008-3.pdf -- Page 2
  ... Six months ago Creation journal reported on discoveries in the Strait of Dover and off the northwest coast of Africa that indicated past sudden erosion and underwater landslides ... survey was carried out under the aegis of the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency ... dramatically different topography ... Indications of former huge cliffs, vast basins and plateaus, a lake and even rivers became apparent ... volcanic ash deposits in the lake ...

Creation Research Society
  What the ASA Doesn’t Want Its Readers To Know, by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2008 Vol 13, Num 2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) began many decades ago as an organization of science minded Christians interested in defending Scripture against the onslaughts of evolutionism ... theistic evolutionists and other types of long-age believers ... In response, many young-earthers left the ASA and formed the Creation Research Society (CRS) in 1963. ... Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) research initiative ... helium-leak age of radioactive zirconium silicate crystals in allegedly 1.5-billion-year-old granitic rock ... uniformitarian geoscientists claim occurred in the rock unit, roughly a million years ago ...

Creation Research Society
  Defining the Pre-Flood/Flood Boundary within the Grand Canyon: Were All the Pre-Flood Sediments Scoured Down to Basement during the Flood?, by Carl R. Froede Jr., P.G. and Michael J. Oard, M.S.
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2007 Vol 12, Num 4.pdf -- Page 3
  ... the surface of the antediluvial world ... define the stratigraphic contact between pre-Flood and Flood sediments and strata ... Grand Canyon stratigraphic section presents a record of Earth history to both uniformitarians (e.g., Beus and Morales, 2003) and creation diluvialists ... challenged based on the remains of metazoans and plant spores found beneath the Sixty-mile Formation ... The Great Unconformity marks the contact with the Grand Canyon Supergroup (GCS) ... basement rocks and overlying clastic sediments ... Where Should the pre-Flood/Flood Boundary be Located in the Grand Canyon? ... mechanical-erosional discontinuity ... tectonic discontinuity ...

Creation Research Society
  Cold Comfort for Long-Agers: Hugh Ross’ Superficial Interpretation of Ice Core Data, by Michael Oard, Larry Vardiman, and Carl Wieland
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 2005 Vol 10, Num 5.pdf -- Page 2
  ... well-known proponent of “progressive creation” and “millions of years,” Hugh Ross, claims that the “old age” of the earth derived from ice cores is a scientific argument ... Greenland Ice Sheet — the NorthGRIP, GISP2 and GRIP cores ... book The Frozen Record: Examining the Ice Core History of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets ... Ross makes it seem that annual layers were counted to many hundreds of thousands of years in these ice cores ... analysis of the lost squadron of WWII planes buried below 250 feet of ice in 50 years was offered as proof against the uniformitarian dating ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2005 Vol 10, Num 4.pdf -- Page 6
  ... Isle Royale National Park, John Weisel decided to collect hair from various mammals. He found otter fur to be particularly interesting ... otters don’t have a layer of fat, he wondered, how do they keep warm in the icy water? Scanning electron microscopy showed the secret: the hairs fit together like tongue- and-groove woodwork ... gawking at people in the London Zoo ... Galápagos ... Darwin’s famous finches ... poor devoted people have measured beaks for over 30 years and have not found any persistent directional changes ... Do Emperor Penguins Know the Meaning of True Love? ... the fallacy of imputing human emotional and moral qualities to birds ... there is, at some level, a non-material element to their ontology, a kind of psyche ...

Creation Research Society
  Book Review: “The Case for a Creator,” by Lee Strobel, 352 pages
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 3.pdf -- Page 5
  ... Strobel admits that, like so many who went through typical American schools, he was long under the impression that evolution and all its ramifications were all there was to say about the matter ... cosmology, physics, astronomy, biochemistry, consciousness, and biological information ... anyone with a young-earth creationary (YEC) perspective may not enjoy this book as much as one might expect ... uniformitarianism a “scientific principal of reasoning” ... emphasis on Intelligent Design ... the “when” question; that is, dealing with the issue of time and the age of things. This may seem to be a side issue to some, but it isn’t simply an internal debate among some in the Church. It is an issue which speaks to God’s ability to present important information through the ages ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 1.pdf -- Page 4
  ... Grand Canyon: A Different View by veteran river rafting captain Tom Vail, has been placed on sale in the national park bookstore ... it presents a Biblical creationist view of the canyon ... creationist and Bible-believing Christian ... National Park Service (NPS) ... “the book makes claims that fall outside accepted science — which maintains the canyon is millions of years old ... World Net Daily also has an article on this story ... American Geological Society ... whiskers are always in motion, twitching and sensing objects around them ... neurological response is active all over the body, even in human skin. Skin has tiny vellum hairs all over, even on the palms of the hands ... cat whiskers twitch in wake and sleep ... evolutionists in their Cambrian explosion predicament ...

Creation  Science
  ID - a new IDEA ?
Movement Journal
     Vol. 15, No. 1 -- March -- 2006-1.pdf -- Page 4
  ... A U.S. court ruling has declared that creationism is unscientific and is an attempt to bring religion into the schools. (In the UK such strictures do not apply, so in spite of hysterical opposition by extreme evolutionists, it is legal to teach our children ‘both sides of the argument’. This is good educational practice, developing critical skills.) ... Discovery Institute ... Charles Darwin was much impressed with the Natural Theology of William Paley ... highly improbable ... Biological precision spells life ...

Creation  Science
  BBC website advertises Genesis Expo
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 8 -- June -- 2005-2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... The rise in creationism is not just an American phenomenon ... defying Darwinist orthodoxy in favour of creationism – the belief that Adam and Eve are the mother and father of humanity ... Dr Monty White ... creationist museum in Portsmouth called Genesis Expo, run by the Creation Science Movement (CSM) ... dinosaurs ... our ancestors called them dragons ... Noah’s flood ... Tyrannosaurus Rex ... chairman, Dr David Rosevear ... created in six days, several thousand years ago ...

Creation  Science
  The Unknown in Science
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 3 -- March -- 2004-1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Newton said he felt like a small boy playing at the edges of a vast ocean of knowledge. ... Geneticists have found that only about two per cent of our DNA corresponds to genes, the carriers of genetic information ... astronomy, genetics, geology, and so on are based on the wrong premises ... huge tracks of human DNA, previously written off as meaningless junk, have been found to contain a hitherto unrecognised ‘grammar’, making the language of our genes much more complex than previously thought ... ‘junk DNA’ in humans, dogs, elephants ... The brain now appears so profoundly complex, mysterious and inscrutable as to defy human understanding ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2003 Vol 8, Num 3.pdf -- Page 7
  ... bacteria are not simple bags of protoplasm. Since they lack the organelles and nuclei that eukaryotic cells possess, scientists used to think their contents were fairly unstructured and homogeneous ... microscopic techniques are unveiling highly ordered structures, like protein spirals and rings that oscillate between the poles and allow the cell to locate the midpoint for cell division ... H.M.S. Beagle, the ship Charles Darwin made famous ... European Space Agency’s upcoming launch of Mars Express, containing Britain’s lander Beagle 2 ... The Beagle has become the antithetical icon to Noah’s Ark ... Sea Monsters Brought Up from the Deep ... armored shrimp, squid, and a spider with long legs ... arthropods, bony fish, cartilaginous fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, echinoderms ... Neanderthals Had Manual Dexterity ... had hands and wrists with a full range of motion ... Homo sapiens sapiens ... cell undergoing death throes by caspase activation (in itself an elaborate shutdown process) sends out “eat me” signals that are recognized by the roving clean-up squad, the phagocytes ... inflammation and autoimmunity ... air-bubble or vapour void ... arise in a xylem ...

Creation  Science
  Book review: Icons of Evolution
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 1 -- November -- 2003-3.pdf -- Page 3
  ... Book review by David Rosevear - "Icons of Evolution" by Jonathan Wells, Regnery Publishing Inc. (Washington, DC.), 338 pp, hb., 2000. ... the supposed progression from ape through ape-man to Homo sapiens ... the origin of life experiments of Stanley Miller ... Darwin’s Tree of Life ... homology in limbs (arm/ wing/ flipper bones together with five digits) ... Archaeopteryx ... peppered moths ... Galapagos finches ... Haeckel’s embryos ...

Creation Research Society
  Science Fair Projects, by David L. Bump
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug/Sep -- Creation Matters 2002 Vol 7, Num 4.pdf -- Page 6
  ... Christian students frequently ask for ideas on projects which may be related to creation/evolution issues ... public schools are often asked to do science fair projects ... I shall present some helpful ideas and examples ... be sure to include as many secular scientific sources in your references as you can. Also, pay close attention to the proper form of footnotes, bibliography ... an experiment or research project ... through a series of observations under controlled conditions ... In science a protocol is a document, written in advance, containing an exact plan or outline of the steps which you will follow in conducting the experiment ... Cambrian “explosion” ... examples of hybridization ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2001 Vol 6, Num 3.pdf -- Page 6
  ... Cell Nucleus Surface More Complicated than Expected ... cell nuclear membranes are groovy. The surfaces of some plant cells were found to contain tunnels and grooves with complex channels used by RNA, enzymes, and organelles to enter and exit the cell’s master control center. They found that parts of the endoplasmic reticulum (a system of folded channels) pass right into the center of the nucleus, and they watched organelles moving along actin filaments in the grooves. ... fossil from China of a tiny mammaliaform ... Distributed Shipping Design Found in Nerve Cells ...

Creation Research Society
  The Flood of Noah and the Black Sea, by Gary A. Byers
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2001 Vol 6, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat ... also called Urartu by the Assyrians ... Urartu was an ancient kingdom of eastern Asia Minor ... Titanic, Bismark and Yorktown ships, he serves as a National Geographic Society explorer-in- residence and operates the Institute for Exploration ... Bob Ballard ... both saltwater and freshwater shells ... Associates for Biblical Research believes there is scientific evidence for Noah’s Flood ...

Creation Research Society
  Darwinism and Design, by Jay Richards (Reprinted with permission of: The Washington Post)
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 5.pdf -- Page 7
  ... Kansas Board of Education voted to remove from state standards references to evolution as the underlying principle of biology ... Scopes “monkey trial,” immortalized in the movie “Inherit the Wind.” ... Here’s the problem. Any such denial of purpose and design concerning our origins is inevitably ideological ... orthodox Darwinists generally use “evolution” to mean much more: namely, that all living things have evolved — without purpose or design — from a common ancestor by natural selection working on random genetic mutations ... bacteria, fungi, protozoa, plants and animals — while they share interesting commonalities — are not descended from a single organism ... Fossil evidence reveals ... ppeared relatively suddenly in the “Cambrian explosion,” with no record of common ancestors ... most textbooks still present illustrations of similarities in vertebrate embryos as evidence of common ancestry, even though embryologists now know that such drawings distort the truth ... in peppered moths. When tree trunks were darkened by pollution, dark moths prospered while the light ones became bird food ... William Dembski, “The Design Inference.” ...

Creation Research Society
  God and the Big Bang, by Robert E. Meyer
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 2.pdf -- Page 7
  ... ever-changing speculations of modern cosmology ... can one believe simultaneously in God and the Big Bang? ... origin of the universe was a singular event that can be neither verified nor repeated in a laboratory ... articles in Astronomy magazine, the theory of the big bang is far from a stable monolithic concept ... symbolize or allegorize the 4.5 to 15 billion years since the theoretical big bang occurred ... carries the strong implication of moral accountability ...

Creation Research Society
  Creation and Evolution — a Side Issue?, by Helen “Penny” Fryman
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 1998 Vol 3, Num 3.pdf -- Page 6
  ... Isn't bringing people to Christ what we are supposed to concern ourselves with? ... So, do we approach Christ via creation, or just not worry about creation? ... the Bible itself is totally sufficient ...

EN Articles