DINOSAURS - Every natural history museum in the world today displays
large dinosaur models. Their defensive teeth, spikes and claws are often
shown extended. As evidence of the prior existence of these kinds of creatures
we have a myriad of bones found on multiple continents, footprints buried
in sedimentary layers and ... legends. All over the world people remember
the dangerous dragons of old. But they slowly went extinct. Men feared
and hated them. Stories of ancient encounters with dinosaurs/dragons are
found in China, Thailand, including other parts of Asia, and in Roman,
Russian, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, North, South, and Central America, and
across Africa too. Are we so much smarter and more academically inclined
than all of our ancestors that we should reject all of their historical
records - just to prop up temporary evolutionary theory?
Carbon-14 dating of carbon buried in the same layer with dragon bones
helps to confirm that they are really only thousands of years old. The
myth-ions and myth-ions of years never happened; only in the past 200 years
has it become fashionable to forget our true ancient history (of thousands
of years) in favor of God-hating (or: "bumbling-inherently-weak-god") evolution.
Evolution requires the belief in long epochs of supposed time and chance
Dragons and sea monsters have become mostly extinct prior to our modern
era. By the way, there is evidence that they grew much larger prior to
the Great Flood. Just as humans lived much longer (Genesis records ages
of some people to have reached over 900 years!) so a reptile ... living
much longer then could have grown much larger before the Flood - which
is indeed what we see in the fossil record of the pre-Flood world.
Humans and lions live on Earth at the same time today. But we
live in different places. Porpoises will ram sharks that come into
their waters. So naturally then they also live in different places
- while living at the same time. Why couldn't humans and dinosaurs
have lived at the same time? They'd probably keep mostly separate
and then get buried separately if there was a catastrophe, but this could
be theoretically possible, correct? There are at least two places
known today with human and dinosaur tracks in the same sedimentary layer:
one is in Paluxy, Texas, the other in Eastern Turkmenistan. Plus
we have the legends, from all inhabited continents mind you, which should
not be automatically discounted. (text by P.A.)
Biology" by J. Mackay - http://www.creationresearch.net/images/PDF_Items/biblical-biology-life-death.pdf
AIG Section - https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/
Search of the Congo Dinosaur" by Gibbons - http://www.icr.org/article/search-congo-dinosaur/
Questions and Answers"
CMI Section - http://creation.com/dinosaur-questions-and-answers
and the Demise of the Dinosaurs" by DeYoung - http://www.icr.org/article/chicxulub-demise-dinosaurs/
Falling Stars and Meteorites" by Walter Mitchell - http://www.creationism.org/victoria/VictoriaInst1866_pg421.htm
Evidence for Rapid Burial " by Joe Taylor - http://www.creationresearch.net/images/PDF_Items/dinosaurs-rapid-burial.pdf
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Confuciusornis (top) and “eerily” similar Velociraptor ... Juvenile T.rex with “proto-feathers” ... Witte
Museum in San Antonio ... Yangchuanosaurus (an allosaur cousin), Omeisaurus (a sauropod),
Huayangosaurus (a stegosaur), and Angustinaripterus (a pterosaur) ... Allosaurus and Dilophosaurus ...
Gigantoraptor, a 16-foot tall, beaked dinosaur covered from head-to-toe and tail-tip with a coat of
yellowish-green feathers. ... no direct evidence of feathers was found with its bones ... sell the dinosaur-bird
connection, with all the hair-like downy feathers dangling from the dinosaurs’ limbs ... Longipteryx and
Yanornis were acknowledged to be birds ... newer tyrannosaur species called Yutyrannosaurus (Feathered
Tyrant) ... early Cretaceous Yixian Formation dated at 125 million years ... this is far from settled science,
and basing an entire exhibit on such sketchy evidence is highly irresponsible, if not blatantly deceptive.
... even evolutionary scientists like paleo-ornithologist Dr. Alan Feduccia, Professor Emeritus at the
University of North Carolina, have been highly critical of the evidence for feathered dinosaurs
Creation Science |
God is Good!
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 17, No. 3 -- August -- 2011-3.pdf -- Page 1
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Atheists would have us believe that God doesn’t exist, that belief in Him is foolish, naive, backward
or even repressive ... BHA British Humanist Association’s 2009 advertising campaign on London
buses infamously stated, “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life”. ...
approached religious adherents with mocking cynicism ... religious belief is medically, socially and
psychologically beneficial ... American Society of Hypertension established that churchgoers
have lower blood pressure than the non-faithful ... researchers at the University of Texas discovered
that the more often you go to church, the longer you live ... University of California, Los Angeles ...
psychosomatic benefits ... Far from the evolutionists’ belief that life is about “survival of the fittest”,
Christians recognise that life is about loving each other under the hand of a loving Father God
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all plant and animal life on planet earth came into existence as an automatic derivative of time, chance,
mutation, and natural selection ... Arguments contrary to these universally accepted ecclesia are relegated
as heretical buffoonery, hay-seed nonsense, likewise and worse ... fundamental, naturalistic evolution
pedagogy. You cannot associate design with naturalistic evolution ... as an engineer with 17 domestic
and international patents, I maintain that the proposition of complex systematic designs emerging devoid
of preparation, concepts, planning, technological building blocks, and thinking is scientifically untenable
and insulting ... patent application to the US Patent and Trademark Office for naturalistic processes as a
means of producing life and inanimate atomic structure, it would be rejected out-of-hand ... Feathers are
manufactured in hair-follicle variants consisting largely of finger-naillike material, βkeratin
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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory recently posted online a collection of articles about the origin of life ...
Planetary Organic Chemistry and the Origins of Biomolecules ... ribonucleic acid (RNA) arose
prebiotically ... Darwinian processes, and certainly have never been observed to spontaneously yield
a homochiral genetic polymer ... laboratory experiments that reasonably mimic natural conditions do
not produce chemicals useful for an origin of life ... it would require intervention by an intelligent being
to overcome the myriad observed and documented problems which are counter to a natural origin of life
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Creation Research Society - All rights reserved. General Editor: Glen W. Wolfrom - Assistant Editor:
Jean K. Lightner For membership / subscription information, advertising rates, and information for
authors ... Website: www.creationresearch.org Articles published in Creation Matters represent the
opinions and beliefs of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the CRS
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the level of controversy among both evolutionists and creationists as has that of Clifford L. Burdick
(1894–1992). Burdick published 28 articles in the CRS Quarterly and was also on the board from its
founding in 1963 until 1986. ... my book Slaughter of the Dissidents ... Burdick’s official
transcripts and other documents, including letters housed at the University of California, Berkeley ...
studied plant and animal biology, physiology, paleontology, astronomy, geology, logic, philosophy,
algebra, trigonometry, Spanish, German, and ethics ... geology, botany, and genetics, all with good
grades, he was denied his degree. Burdick claimed that his rejection of Darwinism was openly the
reason ... Seventh-day Adventist magazine Signs of the Times ... Ph.D. degree
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), reports that venomous morphology
similar to that of lizards was found in a dromaeosaur from China ... were probably not proto-feathers
or “downlike filaments,” but rather connective tissue fibers in the skin ... Sinornithosaurus…has unusually
long maxillary teeth that are morphologically similar to those of ‘rearfanged’ snakes specialized to carry
poison ... Deuteronomy 32:33 ... The Bible says that (at least some) dragons were poisonous, and
scientists have just found out that at least one dinosaur probably was as well
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Raptorex kriegsteini is the name of the recently discovered, alleged missing link on the way to the
fearsome Tyrannosaurus rex ... tyrannosauriods (such as Guanlong, Dilong, and Xiongguanlong) and
the large tyrannosaurids (such as Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus) ... Raptorex is
miniscule compared to its 40-foot-long (12 m) look-alike — it was only about 9 feet (3 m) long ...
were created by God on the Sixth day of the Creation Week and their fossils were buried in the
year-long Genesis Flood. The data are consistent with this interpretation of Earth history
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Dr. Whitmore of Cedarville University ... survive the catastrophic events accompanying the deposition
of the lower layers ... deposits from Noah’s Flood begin sometime late in the Precambrian and also
include the next two main divisions, named the Paleozoic and Mesozoic ... Cenozoic rocks. Paleozoic
footprints primarily represent small reptiles and amphibians ... movements and violent continental
collisions during the Flood, continents occasionally emerged, exposing freshly laid marine sediments ...
Bird tracks and nests are common in the Green River Formation of Wyoming ... Rocky Mountain region
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living dinosaurs ... information from local tribes people about an animal which they have consistently
reported over many years, and which bears every resemblance to a type of dinosaur known to us
as a sauropod ... native name of Mokele Mbembe ... New York Herald. The headline reads,
'Is A Brontosaurus Roaming Africa's Wilds?' The article appeared in the February 13th 1910 edition
of the paper ... expeditions ... Africa ... Congo Swamp ... Bill Gibbons ... live specimen
Creation Science |
Vanishing Dinosaurs
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 16, No. 6 -- December -- 2009-4.pdf -- Page 1
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as many as one third of dinosaur species may never have existed ... National Geographic
News ... University of California, Berkeley ... Montana State University ... examining a
range of fossils of Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops ... the appearance of these dinosaurs
varied considerably during their lives ... juveniles have the horns on the head pointing
straight, whereas in slightly older animals they curve backwards and in adults they point
forwards ... frilled plate that protected the neck ... supposed species Nanotyrannus may
actually be just an adolescent Tyrannosaurus ... T. rex ... changes in morphology
Creation Science |
Dinosaurs and the Ark
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 15, No. 9 -- March -- 2008-1.pdf -- Page 1
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the apostle Peter said that scoffers would come who would wilfully forget God’s judgement through
the Flood in the days of Noah (2 Peter 3: 3-6) ... dinosaurs need not have been full-grown
before they reached reproductive maturity, as is the case with many present-day reptiles ...
evolutionary bias ... juvenile dinosaurs ... how fast dinosaurs grow ... second judgement is coming
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By definition, sudden catastrophes do not take millions of years to occur ... uniformitarian
assumptions of slow and gradual evolution over many millions of years are, even at
best, somewhat naive ... Creationist view that the Earth is only a few thousand years old
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created the level of uproar in recent years as has Intelligent Design (ID) ... critical analysis of
evolutionism leads to intelligent design, which leads to the intelligent Creator requirement ...
Christian, during his teens he rejected Christianity due to his study of Darwinism ... leading defender
of atheism ... believing in a First Cause God is the impossibility of providing a naturalistic explanation
of the origin of the first living reproducing organisms ... Harvard Medical School professor Dr.
Timothy Johnson ... Finding God in the Questions was a New York Times best seller ...
He came to believe in God only after many years of examining in detail the major questions that
trouble many persons today. He began by questioning the evolutionary belief that the universe is
a product of only time, natural law, and chance
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say “Shibboleth.” Ephraimites attempting to do this said “Sibboleth,” which proved to be their
downfall. The story of this sad infighting between two tribes of Israel ... Carl Froede’s recent
contribution on “Norway’s newest dinosaur and the Flood/post-Flood boundary” ... these
catastrophes did significant geological work: eroding and depositing sediments, erupting lavas
and disturbing the environments of the earth ... dinosaur fossils are post-Flood are seeking to
ground our thinking on Scripture ... Geological Column. However, acceptance of the Column as
an empirical construct is hardly a minority position among Young-Earth geologists
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Creation Evidence Museum, Texas — Carl Baugh ... FACT Dinosaur Digs, Montana — Otis Kline ...
Adventure Safaris, Dino Dig South Dakota — Russ McGlenn ... Creation Studies Institute, Florida
— Tom DeRosa ... Creation Adventures Museum, Florida — Gary Parker ... Southwestern Adventist
University Dinosaur Project, Texas, Wyoming ... Creation Science Association for Mid-America,
Missouri ... Northwest Creation Network, Washington ... hadrosaur ... sauropod ... mammoth ...
pre-diluvian ... Triceratops ... T-rex ... Thescelosaurus ... Pachycephalosaurus ... dino footprints
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FACT (Foundation Advancing Creation Truth) and the Creation Studies Institute (CSI) ... dig for
dinosaur bones in the Hell Creek formation of Montana, which is famous for Cretaceous dinosaur
fossils, such as those of tyrannosaurs, triceratops, hadrosaurs, and dozens of others ... CSI, a
ministry of D. James Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Church, is led by Tom DeRosa ... turtle shell, rib
sections, vertebrae, a number of small leg bones, and, on the last day, what was believed to be
an albertasaur tooth. Smaller cousins of the tyrannosaurs, albertasaurs were carnivorous therapods
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“Millions of years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth.” ... a tenet of secular faith that evolution made
dinosaurs long before it made man ... Oxford’s Richard Dawkins wrote, “Any science teacher who
denies that the world is billions (or even millions!) of years old is teaching children a preposterous,
mind-shrinking falsehood.” ... Ignorant, closed-minded, false teachers ... Harvard’s Stephen Jay
Gould was another popular spokesman for evolution ... “balanced treatment” must mean “equal dignity” ...
in the case of oil, millions of years are in fact not required for its formation ... transformed into petroleum
products ... process is designed to handle almost any waste product imaginable, including turkey offal,
tires, plastic bottles, harbor-dredged muck, old computers, municipal garbage, cornstalks, paper-pulp
effluent, infectious medical waste, oil-refinery residues, even biological weapons such as anthrax
spores ... converting all the U.S. agricultural waste into oil and gas
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a trait is viviparity (giving birth to live young). Usually characteristic of mammals, live birth is
regarded by Darwinists as a more “advanced” reproductive process than, for example, oviparity
(reproduction by laying eggs) ... oviparity in birds also is seen as evidence that birds evolved
from a more primitive animal, namely reptiles ... metabolic demands of flight ... all flying creatures
except bats, giving birth to live young is clearly non-functional for several reasons aside from
temperature ... egg must contain a storehouse of enough of the required complex of minerals,
vitamins, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, water, and other compounds (such as carotenoids) to
protect the fetus from free-radical damage ... turtles, bury their eggs in deep holes to protect them
and keep them warm ... Darwinian explication is used when biologists do not understand the
functional design reasons for a biological trait
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Professor Stephen Jay Gould, until his recent death America’s most high profile
palaeontologist, wrote: ‘The extreme rarity of transitional forms in
the fossil record persists as the trade secret of palaeontology. The evolutionary trees
that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest
is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.' ... Gradualism was never
proved from the rocks by Lyell and Darwin ... Catastrophes and Earth History: The New
Uniformitarianism ... Hutton ... Lyell’s millions of years of sedimentation
Creation Science |
Books for Kids
Movement Journal | |
Vol. 14, No. 7 -- March -- 2005-1.pdf -- Page 9
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God’s Great Plan, by Damaris Harrison ... Garden of Eden ... temptation and Fall ...
Wonderworld – our Amazing World ... Birds are different from reptiles. They
have air in hollow bones, flight feathers, large wing muscles, hearts for flying high,
and streamlined lungs ...
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education .. many millions of years old ... dino tracks ... dinosaurs had evolved into birds ...
Glen Rose in Texas ... Navajo Indian guide
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I run into atheists, who usually admit to basing their worldview on evolution ... Ph.D. chemist or
biologist ... a short list that includes peppered moths, the generic fossil record, the Miller-Urey
experiments, and selective breeding of dogs. All of these are easily dispensed with ... the fossil
record or from the latest findings of molecular biology ... Darwin’s tree-of-life diagram in The
Origin of Species and how Darwin was hopeful that the fossil record would fill in the story ...
Jack Chick’s tract Big Daddy covers a fair amount of ground in an entertaining way. The
Chick tracts It’s the Law and This Was Your Life plainly reveal the law and the
consequences of sin. Ray Comfort has several thought provoking tracts, as well. The Atheist
Test is a clever treatment of intelligent design. Evolution . . . The Evidence: For and Against
has a multi-pronged attack on evolution ... the freedom we enjoy in America
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Science Magazine, vol. 297 ... vertebrate limbs start in embryonic life with five potential fingers ...
European scientists ... birds have three bony fingers ... dinosaurs and birds are not related ...
evolutionary relationship between birds and theropod dinosaurs
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61st Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology was held October 3-6, 2001 on
the campus of Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. ... series of papers dealt with
groups of dinosaurs such as sauropods, theropods, ceratopians and others, often with
accompanying poster presentations. Ancient marine reptiles and pterosaurs received attention,
as did hominids, ancient mammals, amphibians and fish. There was considerable notice given
to birds and their supposed ancestry from reptiles ... tomographic x-ray analysis, bone
paleohistology, and global positioning system (GPS) for mapping dig sites ... evidence of massive
fossil graveyards or areas of mass extinction ... vertical tectonics of newly deposited Flood
sediments and a sea level drop due to rapid current circulating clockwise on a large shallow continent
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RATE group that is part of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and the Creation Research
Society (CRS) ... RATE stands for “Radioisotopes and the Age of The
Earth" ... The book is a summary of a five-year research program that seven scientists,
and others, too, are involved in ... an astronomer, and a physicist. So we have several physicists,
several geologists, a geophysicist ... radioactive isotope dating ... Contamination? ... comets
wear themselves out too quickly in the solar system ... polystrate fossils, trees that go through
several fossil strata at once ... many evidences for a young earth ... Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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no solid evidence exists for macroevolution -- the conversion of one animal type into another ...
am a former atheist — a flaming atheist at one time. I used to make obscene jokes about God
and Jesus Christ. I was not raised religiously ... Harvard professor E.O. Wilson, who is a bitter
critic today of biblical Christianity ... Jena University, which is where he taught, Haeckel was charged
with fraud by five professors, and was convicted by a university court for making those pictures.
His deceit was thoroughly exposed in a book called “Haeckel's Frauds and Forgeries,” published
way back in 1915. ... baby boom generation ... Piltdown Man ... orangutan jaw that someone stained
to look old. They filed down the teeth on it to make it more human looking. It succeeded in fooling
Britains’ leading scientists, Arthur Smith Woodward, the British Museum geologist, to Arthur Keith,
the anatomist, to Grafton Eliot Smith, neurologist. They were led by evolutionary preconceptions
into believing this was an ape-man ... carbon dating and radiometric techniques
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teleological arguments for the existence of a creator are not new. There are a few men in the origins
debate that are urging all those who acknowledge the existence of a creator to postpone the current
disputes and unite under the banner of intelligent design (ID). ... “Intelligent Design Conferences”
held at Biola University ... By speaking of an undefined Designer they believe that we can “unite the
divided” (virtually all monotheists) ... interesting proposition ... why many OEC’s (old-earth creationists)
appear to be overlooking some serious doctrinal questions among some of their colleagues, as long
as they are design enthusiasts ... argued that man is demonstrably both material and non-material
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I write devotionals for Days of Praise ... do this with gentleness and respect, keeping
a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ
may be ashamed of their slander ... It's Okay to Ask Sincere Questions ... Let's Admit to Our
Limitations ... Habakkuk the prophet received. How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but
you do not listen? ... Let’s Not Forget God’s Mercy ... covering of righteousness the Lamb of
God gives ... But Why Cancer? ... why does God still blame us? ... Why War and the Holocaust?
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dinosaur craze has swept America — due in large part to the popular series of "Jurassic Park" ...
Dinosaurs ... evidences presented by evolutionists that the earth is very old and that evolution
has occurred ... world's major museums display the fossilized skeletons ... Gospel ... Genesis