"Our World" - for Children (ARCHIVED PAST ISSUES) |
"Original View" - for Teenagers (ARCHIVED PAST ISSUES) |
Permission is granted to copy any/all of the puzzles & quizzes from this section below. Have fun!
Other Children's Creation
Science Resources on the Internet:
- Kids QUEST
(Stories, Games, Bible Answers, Free Lesson Plans; plus: New Movie & New eGame Reviews) |
Creation Science for Kids (Lots of Links!) |
Kids 4 Truth |
(Discovery - gets kids interested in God and His Word) |
Creation for Kids |
Kids Corner |
Children Bible Activities Crafts & Printable Games |
A Day with the Dinosaurs 40 action-packed pages with short chapters (Free ebook!). |
Kids Answers (in Genesis) |
On-line Book: "The Creation Explanation" (From the Creation-Science Research Center's on-line books and articles) Go to the Table of Contents, then on each chapter's section bottom look for the: (back contents NEXT) to view Part B of each section, i.e. often the best info!
Articles: ICR for Teens! From the Institute for Creation Research for teens and adults.
Educational Research Analysts, founded by Mel and Norma Gabler; Textbook Reviews.
Religious expression - What is legally permissible for students in America's public schools?
Mount St. Helens - Creation Information Center (near Toutle, WA.) is available for home schoolers, class fields trips, and college/university research information.
"Education or Indoctrination: Norris Anderson Textbook Report" - Analysis of Science Textbooks in Alabama. After a careful analysis of all the science textbooks submitted to the textbook committee in Alabama, the State approved the insertion of a disclaimer in the beginning of each book explaining to the students, parents, and teachers that evolution is a theory and should not be taught as fact.
Rick & SidneyTM; Ventriloquist teaching Biblical Creation with fun! A scientifically based presentation for all ages.
Homeschool.com - A variety of homeschooling information & links
Homeschool World - The web site for Practical Homeschooling Magazine
U.S. Govt. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Children's Safety - Wide variety of free consumer information for protecting children, safety check lists, child and infant product information, etc.
The purpose of "Baby Freebies" is to help new or expectant parents. Large organized listing of free information and products for new parents.
Fun Science Gallery, Look at the "Folk Toys" section for all ages, plus experiments for older children & teens. Select English, French or Italian.
The Educator's Reference Desk (formerly: Newton's Apple), the family science program on PBS, has a variety of fun & simple science experiments and scientific quizzes.
Explorer with many detailed illustrations for making your own educational
toys and science experiments.