AKJV - The American KJV,
the EXACT SAME TRANSLATION as the KJV, but with modernized word-endings.
AV - Authorized Version,
of 1611 (another name for the KJV).
King James Version, of 1611; also sometimes called the Authorized
Majority Text -
the vast majority of ancient Greek Scripture
fragments; consistent with the KJV source texts.
RT - Received Text
i.e. the English, for the Latin name: TR - Textus Receptus.
TR - Textus Receptus
(a.k.a. Received Text); the 5000+ Scripture portions preserved by the saints;
i.e. the Greek underlying the KJV.
Westcott & Hort - Two non-Christians
of the late 19th Century who made a corrupted Greek text from a few scrolls preserved
by the "scholars"; i.e. the corrupted
Greek underlying most modern translations.
(More about the
Greek New Testament Versions)