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Vol. X • 1988

Ten Years of the CSSH Quarterly
Paul D. Ackerman

Ten complete volumes of the Creation Social Science and Humanities Quarterly have now been sent out into the world. In our ten years of publication the CSSH Quarterly has sought to be a contributing warrior in what Harold Lindsell called for in his best selling book The Battle for the Bible. Our intention, by God's grace, has bean to honor the spirit of IICorinthians 10:3-5:

Our prayer is that over the years this ministry has been instrumental in strengthening and upholding the faith of Christian students and scholars in the social sciences and humanities. A very brief review of significant materials published on its pages helps to sum up the thrust of this work for our long-time supporters as well as prospective newcomers.

The most popular article in CSSHQ's first issue (Vol. I, No. 1; Fall 1978) was "The Footprint of Dragons" by Lorella Rouster and dealt with the importance of dinosaurs for creation teaching. It has remained a favorite to this day. Dr. Ackerman's editorial on recent creation (Vol. l, 2, Winter 1978) already forecast his very popular 1986 best-selling book It's A Young World After All. Ellen Myers' musical composition "Psalm 8" also anticipated her subsequent study of composition and articles on artistic creativity. The next CSSHQ (Vol. l, 3, Spring 1979) first contained information on the Creation Social Science and Humanities Society, and the membership/ subscription form, including Statement of Belief, with its emphasis on the "creation of Adam and Eve as one man and woman in the image of God and their subsequent fall into sin." In the last issue of Volume I Dr. Ackerman wrote the following conclusion to his popular article "The Impact of Creationism on the Social Sciences":

The Fall 1979 (Vol. 11,1) CSSHQ saw information about the CSSHS for the first time inside the front and back covers where it is still found today (more space was needed for articles). This issue also featured the first "in-depth" article by Ellen Myers on a particularly influential scholar and/or philosophy of our time ("Sorokin's ´Integralism' vs. the Biblical Creation Position,). Vol. ll, 2 (Winter 1979) of the CSSHQ contained Part I of the perennially popular and important article "The Biblical Chronology Question An Analysis" by James B. Jordan, which was concluded in Vol. ll, 3 (Spring 1980). The last issue of Vol. ll (Summer 1980) published the CSSHQ's first article exclusively on biblical economics, "Creation and Inflation: Does the Bible Speak to Our Practical Problems?" by Dr. Edward Coleson.

In his editorial for the Vol. III,1 (Fall 1980) CSSHQ Dr. Ackerman reiterated that

This issue also contained the creationist classic, first penned in the 1960s, by Dr. Rousas John Rushdoony, founder of the Christian Reconstruction movement, in which he pointed out that "Because God has created every fact in the universe, every fact must be understood in terms of the interpretation placed upon it by God's creative purpose. We must strive in every area to think God's thoughts after Him." (CSSHQ,111,1 [Fall 1980],p.13.) The most important article of the next issue of the CSSHQ was Robert F. Smith's often cited "Origins and Civil Liberties" (111, 2 [Winter 1980], pp.23-27.) Here began also Ellen Myers' Part I of her monograph on the philosophy of John Dewey, continued in the next two issues. Vol. III, 3 (Spring 1981) contained a list of CSSHS "contact persons" in various parts of the world. Of the 36 friends listed, 21 are still with us (8 as Voting Members) seven years later. Vol. III,4 (Summer 1981) featured Dr. Edward Coleson's impressive investigation of "The Bishop [Samuel Wilberforce] and "Darwin's Bulldog' [T. E. Huxley]." We excerpt the conclusion of Ellen Myers' article ´´Why Be Moral?" in the Vol. lV,1 (Fall 1981) CSSHQ:

Vol. lV, 2 (Winter 1981) published the first announcement on creationist materials for Catholics. In Vol. lV,3 (Spring 1982) Dr. Ackerman's editorial read in part: "Creation is an idea that threatens to turn upside-down many worldly scientific, theological, philosophical and even political establishments. Little wonder that enemies of Scripture and Biblical Christianity are alarmed." Dr. Ackerman also alerted readers of the CSSHQ to the fact that

In view of the phenomenal spread of "new age" cosmic evolutionist thought in both the social and the natural sciences since then, this was a prophetic assessment of what lay ahead. Vol. lV, 4 (Summer 1982) featured a poem which expressed the biblical creation view of people handicapped from birth. Carla Vale's "To A Retarded Child,'' based on the Song of Solomon 8:8-9, stated:

The important book The Dominion Covenant: Genesis by Gary North, President of the Institute for Christian Economics (P O Box 8____00 Tyler, TX 7___701), was reviewed in Vol. VI (Fall 1982) of the CSSHQ. Here this prolific and thoroughgoing author deals with

Vol. V,2 (Winter 1982) featured a lengthy analysis of the misleading evolutionist "paradigm" in social theory and action by Ellen Myers. In Vol. V, 3 (Spring 1983) Dr. Ackerman's editorial and an article by Walter Van der Kamp dealt with the impossibility for man to evaluate the material universe if he is himself nothing but part and parcel of it. Vol. V, 4 (Summer 1983) of the CSSHQ was completely devoted to the arts and literature from the biblical creation perspective. Most interesting were Ellen Myers' article "Music Composition from the Biblical Creation Perspective," and especially the CSSHQ "Laymen's Reprint" of Kathy Lynn Hutson's outstanding and unique "Metaphor and Biblical Creation" (condensed from her article in Vol. 1,1 and 2 of the CSSHQ).

Scholarships for creationist students in the social sciences and humanities were first announced in Vol. VI,1(Fall 1983), which also carried Dennis Farrell's "Creation and Human Language" (reprinted and abridged from Vol. l, 2 and 3). Vol. VI, 2 (Winter 1983) initiated articles on ancient history with Roy E. Hales' "Archaeology, the Bible and the Post-Flood Origins of Chinese History." Responding to Ellen Myers' "Damned Nonsense" in Vol. VI, 3 (Spring 1984), R. G. Elmendorf sent us his tongue-in-cheek drawing of "The Two-Model Approach" published in Vol. VI, 4 (Summer 1984), reproduced below. We feel this picture "speaks a thousand words" on the entire issue of biblical creation vs. all other "models" of origins and destiny.

We hasten on to Vol. VI1,1 (Fall 1984) and the excellent article "Race and Interracial Marriage" by Thomas M. Brown, Jr. He analyzed all Bible passages on inter-"race" or interfaith marriage, concluding that "race" is immaterial in marriage, but a believer must not marry an unbeliever. In Vol. VII, 2 (Winter 1984) Dr. John C. Whitcomb, co-author of the creationist classic The Genesis Flood and on CSSHS's Board of Reference, wrote an important article, "Creation Science and Biblical Creation." In it he said:

We concur that these are crucial issues. We have also found ourselves arguing not so much from this or that "model" of "creation science" but rather from the biblical record of creation and the fall (though we have also published articles on the fit of psychological research with the creation of man). Vol. VI1,3 (Spring 1985) contained much material on the importance of biblical creation in the teaching and liturgy of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The most popular and challenging article in Vol. VII, 4 (Summer 1985) was Ross S. Marshall's fascinating "The Ark Upon A Rock" (North American Indian Flood account).

The views of C. S. Lewis and George MacDonald on biblical creation were the chief subject of Vol. VI11,1 (Fall 1985), which contained C. S. Lewis's satirical poem "Evolutionary Hymn." Vol. VI11, 2 (Winter 1985) announced the availability of creationist materials from the Catholic Creation Ministries, 24 Griffin St., Skanecteles, NY 13152. It also contained articles on Liberation Theology by J. Scott Horrell (Worldteam missionary to Brazil) and Dr. Edward Coleson. A well researched and documented article by Dr. Jerry Bergman traced "The Influence of Evolution on Nazi Race Programs." Finally, Vol. VI11, 4 (Summer 1986), wholly dedicated to psychology, explained "Why Secular Psychology is Not Enough" (William Kirk Kilpatrick) and "Counseling from the Biblical Creation Perspective" (Ellen Myers). This issue was used as a text in a weekly seminar taught by Dr. Ackerman and Mrs. Myers at Wichita State University for Christian students in the 1986/87 school year.

Vol. lX,1 (Fall 1986) featured the thoroughly researched "A Jewish Blessing" on Jews' accomplishments in all fields of human endeavor by Dennis Farrell. Vol. lX, 2 (Winter 1986) contained the well received "A Proof for Creation: The Hostility of Creation Denied" by Ellen Myers, and the hard-hitting "Indoctrination By Our Public Schools" by Dr. Jerry Bergman. Vol. lX, 3 (Spring 1987) published the fine summary of the importance of biblical creation "Creation: The Cornerstone of Truth" by Stan F. Vaninger, and also Judy Vorfeld's important "The Compelling World of Mind Control." Paul Gosselin investigated the historical beginning of modern science in his thorough "The Judeo-Christian Cosmology and the Origins of Science" in Vol. lX, 4 (Summer 1987) of the CSSHQ.

Vol. X,1 (Fall 1987) contained scholarly articles by Douglas Groothuis on Hebrew (Old Testament) and by Ellen Myers on general historiography. Vol. X, 2 (Winter 1987) continued with Part Il of Ellen Myers' monograph on "Thomas Molnar: A Christian Scholar for Our Time," of which the concluding Part III was published in Vol. X, 3 (Spring 1988). This brings us up to the present issue, Vol. X, 4 (Summer 1988).

Many other fine articles on numerous topics related to our purpose as well as many poems and informative book reviews have been published besides those writings singled out above. Most issues of the CSSHQ contained beautiful original art work, especially by co-founder and first vice president of the CSSHS, Mrs. Sue Paar. We have a backlog of many more excellent contributions and thank our Lord for sustaining us through our first decade of work, and in the years to come.

"Ten Years of the CSSH Quarterly"
CSSHS • Creation Social Science & Humanities Society • Quarterly Journal

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