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Vol. VI • 1983

What An End Lies Before Us
George MacDonald (7824-7905)

By his creation each man is isolated with God; each, in respect to His peculiar making, can say, "My God;" each can come to Him alone, and speak with Him face to face, as a man speaketh with his friend. ... Each of us is a distinct flower or tree in the spiritual garden of God - precious, each for his own sake, in the eyes of Him who is even now making us -each of us watered and shone upon, and filled with life, for the sake of his flower, his completed being, which will blossom out of him at last to the glory and pleasure of the great Gardener. For each has within him a secret of the Divinity; each is growing toward the revelation of that secret to himself, and so to the full reception, according to his measure, of the divine. Every moment that he is true to his true self some fresh channel is opened upward for the coming glory of the flower, the conscious offering of his whole being in beauty, to his Maker. Each man then is in God's sight, worth. Life and action, thought and intent, are sacred And what an end lies before us!

"What An End Lies Before Us"
CSSHS • Creation Social Science & Humanities Society • Quarterly Journal

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