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Vol. I • 1978
The following poem was submitted by Colonel Donohoo's granddaughter, Amy M. Donohoo. The story on how this came to pass is contained in this month's editorial to the CSSHS Quarterly. The late Colonel Donohoo was a veteran of World War's I and II. The last five years of his military service were spent serving as Senior Chaplain at Billings General Hospital Ft Benjamin, in Harrison, Indiana.


Whence came we?
From ooze and slime
Through aeons of time
By caprices of chance alone:
Or from noble design
By an Infinite Mind
As conceived on Eternity's Throne?

Why are we here?
To spend our days
In dubious ways
Sans the aid of a worthy goal:
Or to live by the plan
Of the Servant of Man
That presages salvation of soul?

Whither are we going?
To dreamless dust
To swirl or to crust
At the elements' random mood:
Or to Joy or Despair
To eternally fare
By the measure of Calvary's Road?


I laid me down in silent night
Beneath the Heavens fair:
And gazing up my raptured soul
Did read the answers there.

David D. Donohoo, Sr, Colonel, USA

"Poem submitted by Amy M. Donohoo"
CSSHS • Creation Social Science & Humanities Society • Quarterly Journal

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