Whence came we?
From ooze and slime
Through aeons of time
By caprices of chance alone:
Or from noble design
By an Infinite Mind
As conceived on Eternity's Throne?Why are we here?
To spend our days
In dubious ways
Sans the aid of a worthy goal:
Or to live by the plan
Of the Servant of Man
That presages salvation of soul?Whither are we going?
To dreamless dust
To swirl or to crust
At the elements' random mood:
Or to Joy or Despair
To eternally fare
By the measure of Calvary's Road?THE EPILOGUE
I laid me down in silent night
Beneath the Heavens fair:
And gazing up my raptured soul
Did read the answers there.
David D. Donohoo, Sr, Colonel, USA