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EN Articles


CARBON-14 -Evolution needs time. It has to have it. Creation theory can survive either way - either 6,000 years, or long ages that "God" started and put into motion.  But for strict evolutionists lots and lots of time is required ... particularly since we don't see evolution happening in our world today!

Carbon-14 is but one of several radiometric dating methods that evolutionists consult when they build consensus on the age of particular fossils and (again by consensus, not by testable-repeatable science) decide how to arrange what they think our ancient history must have been.  They believe that with enough time and chance - just maybe some unscientific reactions may beat the odds and "improve all by themselves." God can then be ignored and evolutionists can claim to be logical and forward thinking in their ignorance of what's most important in this life. But if the long eons just weren't there in the first place then evolution falls like a house of cards.  The radioactive dating methods like Carbon-14, Potassium-Argon, and others, employ assumptions.  Parts of each measurement are based in known solid science, but there are assumed portions!  And it is a fact that often, even when they get the radiometric dates back from a sample they'll reject it in favor of their consensus instead.  But separate from that - there are other (non-radiometric) dating methods based upon Earth processes. We live on a dynamic (not static) planet; things are changing.

Evolutionary dating methods do not work and different methods used on the same sample often contradict each other. Secondly, derived supposed dates (from the same material samples) often completely contradict each other using the same radioactive dating method! Creationists can show example, after example, after example of documented bogus radiometric dates. (Please see the article links below.)

"Young Earth Creationists" believe that there is no good evidence supporting the notion that the Earth could be over 10,000 years old.  The true evidence just isn't there.  But there is very good evidence supporting belief in a very *young* Earth.  We're not "standing against science" in stating this - in fact we're the ones, though in the minority today, who are making the distinctions between bad evolutionary science (to prop up a particular religious belief system: atheism) and good, reliable science.  The major rivers (Nile, Mississippi, Yangtzee, etc.) all show only *thousands* of years of deposition.  The Earth isn't millions of years old - that's part of the religion of evolution, one that stands against science more often than it stands with science.

Evolutionists avoid the reliable Earth dating methods . Other Earth dating methods, ones that show a much younger Earth include: magnetic field decay, the rate of salinity increase in the oceans, helium accumulated in the atmosphere, major rivers erosion and deposition, and many others. Scientifically speaking, there is simply no way the Earth could be billions of years old. (And thus, evolution never had time to "happen" all by chance.) Evolution remains a spiritual deception cloaked in "science, falsely so called."  (text by P.A.)

"The Unreliability of Some Old-Earth Dating Methods" by Gerard Wakefield -

"New Discovery Challenges Star-Dating Techniques" by Gerard Wakefield -

"Radiometric Dating Questions and Answers" CMI Section -

"Dating Dinosaur Bones - Is it possible to carbon date dinosaur bones?" by J. Mackay -

"An Australian Fossil Insect Bed Resulting from Cataclysmic Destruction" by Snelling -

"Dubious Radiogenic Pb Behavior Places U-Th-Pb Mineral Dating in Doubt" by Snelling -

" 'Excess Argon': The 'Achilles' Heel' of Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon 'Dating' of Volcanic Rocks" by Snelling -

"Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth" by Vardiman -

"Radiometric Dating" AIG Section -



Creation  Science
  Atheism Defined and Explained
Movement Journal
     Vol. 17, No. 5 -- February -- 2012-1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... ATHEISM - The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs. Makes perfect sense? ...

Creation  Science
  The One True Rock, by Stephen Hayes
Movement Journal
     Vol. 17, No. 2 -- May -- 2011-2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... former rock musician ... particle physicist ... popular BBC science presenter ... Daily Mail ... sex symbol ... ‘Wonders of the Solar System’ TV series ... Archbishop of Canterbury ... if you believe that the world was created 6,000 years ago, as the Creationists do, then you are an idiot ... Soviet revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin ... Richard Dawkins’ latest polemic ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’, in which he made the outrageous and unscientific claim that the evidence for evolution is at least as good as the evidence for the Nazi race holocaust, he asserts that ‘all reputable theologians’ accept evolution, while viciously attacking Darwin dissenters ... steady undermining and eventual elimination of Christianity ... church leaders ... Oxford university ... department of theology ... despise all theologians ...

Creation Research Society
  Zircons: God’s Tiny Nuclear Laboratories, by D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2012 Vol 17, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... lead gets inside zircon crystals. The evolutionists claim ... radioactive decay of Uranium 238, which has a half-life of 4.46 billion years ... zircons form, they chemically attract uranium atoms and chemically reject lead atoms ... uranium decays, depositing both lead and helium ... in molten granitic rock today, there are lots of silicon and oxygen ions (electrically charged atoms), and some zirconium, uranium, and lead ions ... zirconium silicate, or zircon (ZrSiO4) ... lattice will often reach out (electrostatically), grab the uranium ion ... pre-Cambrian granites have quite a bit of lead, almost all of it being lead 206, the isotope descended from uranium 238 decay ... helium produced by uranium decay ... Scripture that there were only thousands of years available for the decay to take place ...

Creation Research Society
  Math Matters - Precise Clocks in Nature, by Don DeYoung, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2011 Vol 16, Num 3.pdf -- Page 4
  ... one second was defined as 1/86,400 of a solar day or earth rotation. However, such a second is uncertain because earth’s rotation is slightly irregular. The vibration of a slice of quartz crystal is commonly used to keep modern watches accurate ... global positioning systems, space navigation, and physics research ... Atomic clocks came to the rescue in the 1950s. An exact frequency of light is emitted by excited atoms which are cooled to near absolute zero ... pulsars, also called neutron stars, are collapsed stars ... pulsating white dwarf stars provides an alternate form of ultra stable clocks ...

Creation Research Society
  Where is the Intra-cluster Medium in Globular Clusters?, by Ron Samec, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2011 Vol 16, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Globular clusters (GC) are spherically shaped, rich clusters of stars (usually 50,000-500,000 solar masses) that orbit their galaxies at random inclinations and eccentricities, much like comets in orbit about the solar system. ... Halo, they are high velocity, population II objects. Pop II objects include novae, RR Lyrae stars, and red giants, as well as GC’s ... “metalicity” of less than 1% (metalicity is the abundance of elements more massive than helium) ... inner disk eventually funnels the gas onto the surface of the WD where hydrogen gas accumulates ... similar to the age predicted for spiral galaxies (in time dilation cosmologies such as that of Humphreys or Hartnett) to wind up ... simpler explanation is that clusters have not been orbiting long enough to accumulate much ICM! The universe is young and the actual age in “earth time” is only about 7000 years ... billions ... distant star light ...

Creation Research Society
  Radiometric Cherry-Picking, by Carl R. Froede Jr., B.S., P.G.
"Creation Matters"
     Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 2010 Vol 15, Num 6.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Martian meteorite ALH84001 ... subjective nature of radiometric age-dating can always yield acceptable age-dates for rocks, minerals, and fossils because naturalists can adjust or disqualify them at will ... 1984, a meteorite (ALH84001) was discovered in Antarctica and was overlooked for 10 years before it was determined to be of Martian origin (Kerr, 1996). While unusual in mineral composition and organic content (i.e., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were found in fractures) it sparked an international controversy ... redated the meteorite using orthopyroxene minerals and the results indicated that the meteorite is 400 million years younger ... Potassium–Argon (40K-40Ar) dating method. A porphyritic dacite formed in 1986 at the Mount St. Helens lava dome yielded radiometric age-dates ranging from 350,000 (±50,000) to 2.8 (±600,000) million years. Austin concluded ... model age dating is based assumes zero 40Ar in the mineral phases ... naturalistic radiometric age dating is inconsistent because it yields a variety of dates that can be selected based on expectations of age ...

Creation  Science
  Cuttings & Comments from New Scientist, by Dr David Rosevear
Movement Journal
     Vol. 16, No. 7 -- February -- 2010-1.pdf -- Page 3
  ... Feathered dinosaur is older than the earliest bird Anchiornis huxleyi, claimed to be a Jurassic feathered dinosaur, has been unearthed in China, in Jianchang Province ... National Geographic ... Archaeoraptor ... examination showed it to have been parts of two fossils stuck together ... scores of fake fossils ... Scientific American ... Microraptor ... DNA, RNA and proteins, a universal genetic code, ribosomes (the protein building factories), ATP and a proton-powered enzyme for making ATP ... Birds that navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field rely more on their eyes than on the magnetic particles in their nostrils ... Breast milk contains stem cells that may help to shape infants’ gut and immune systems. One type of stem cell develops into epithelial cells ... Climate scientists are reeling this week ... climate sceptics ... penguins ... damselflies ...

Creation  Science
  Wishful Experiments - 1953 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey
Movement Journal
     Vol. 16, No. 2 -- December -- 2008-4.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Schematic of Miller’s apparatus ... the resulting yellowish brown liquid and found that 10-15% of the carbon was now in the form of organic compounds, of which 2% was amino acids such as glycine and alanine. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential for life ... claim that he had created life in the laboratory! ... But the truth is very far from this hyperbole ... virtually all living organisms proteins are built up from only laevo amino acids ... prebiotic soup ... volcanoes belched out gases ... Miller-Urey experiments ...

Creation  Science
  Darwin's 'had-his-day' website
Movement Journal
     Vol. 15, No. 6 -- June -- 2007-2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin on 12th February 2009 ... joint development between the Creation Resources Trust and the Creation Science Movement, and thanks to Geoff Chapman and Dr Stephen Hayes ... Origin of Species ... numerous hyperlinks to existing relevant internet articles ... Captain Robert Fitzroy was master of the Beagle ... fossil sea-shells, limestone, sandstone, and a conglomerate in which were pebbles ... ...

Creation Research Society
  The Human Evolution Parade: The Most Famous Icon of Evolution Is Fraudulent, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 2008 Vol 13, Num 4.pdf -- Page 1
  ... a drawing showing human evolution from a primitive stooping ape-like creature to a modern human, usually pictured in four to six steps. The parade was first illustrated in a best selling Time-Life nature library series book titled Early Man by University of California, Berkeley, Professor F. Clark Howell ... traced human evolution from Pliopithecus to Ramapithecus to Homo erectus, all the way to Cro-Magnon and, last, modern man ... prominently displayed in social science classes, biology classrooms, and on school library bulletin boards for decades ... openly admitted that the parade was largely manufactured evidence ... dryopithecus, adding A. robustus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon man, and modern man ... also become progressively less hairy, which is also clearly a result of artistic license ... Donald Johanson, Tim White, Richard Leakey, Collin Groves, and Bernard Wood ...

Creation Research Society
  Radiocarbon in Mid-Atlantic Hydrothermal Vent Fluids, by John R. Doughty, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2008 Vol 13, Num 2.pdf -- Page 6
  ... finding radiocarbon (14C) in Mid Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent fluids. The fluids had methane ... Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) measurements of these aqueous CH4 samples consistently yielded 14C contents which were near the detectable limit of the AMS device ... the reported radiocarbon results are indicative of a young earth ... young earth creationist viewpoint ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 2007 Vol 12, Num 6.pdf -- Page 9
  ... complex creature with a duck bill, poison spur, electrical sensing organ, webbed feet, fur, and ability to lay eggs? ... Early Platypus Stuns Evolutionists ... stellar evolution theory, white dwarfs should be enveloped with hydrogen and helium, not carbon ... walked on the moon during the Apollo 17 mission. Students of philosophy of science ... Japanese Kaguya spacecraft has taken a series of “Earthrise” photos from lunar orbit ... December 1968 from Apollo 8, had a dramatic impact on the inhabitants of Spaceship Earth ... mummified hadrosaur found in North Dakota with skin and fossilized soft parts ...

Creation Research Society
  What Did Adrian van Maanen See? - An Interesting Illustration of How Science Really Works, by Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2007 Vol 12, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... word “nebulae” is plural for nebula, though the alternate plural form, nebulas, is also acceptable. With the invention of the telescope, some of the nebulae were revealed to be star clusters ... Stars appear to be in a gigantic flat, round system called the Milky Way or the Galaxy. The word galaxy comes from a Greek word meaning “milky” ... sun is located near the Galactic plane ... 1755, the Prussian scientist and philosopher Emmanuel Kant opined that many of the faint oval-shaped nebulae might be distant galaxies similar to the Milky Way ... 1916, Adrian van Maanen, a Mt. Wilson Observatory astronomer, published the first in a series of ten papers investigating rotation in spiral nebulae ... Edwin Hubble ... Percival Lowell, another famous astronomer, saw many canals on the surface of Mars. E. E. Bernard, a contemporary of Lowell and a keen observer, never saw canals on Mars. Why the difference? ...

Creation Research Society
  A Half Century of Indoctrination: A 1942 Evolution and Eugenics Survey, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2006 Vol 11, Num 2.pdf -- Page 3
  ... The survey (Riddle et al., 1942) was mailed in the winter of 1939 / 1940 to teachers at nearly 16,000 secondary schools throughout the United States. The 59-item questionnaire was designed to evaluate the state of biology instruction ... to determine the amount of both evolution and eugenics which was typically being taught in the nation’s high schools ... 3,186 usable responses were obtained ... openly trying to convince society that both eugenics and non-theistic evolution were not being taught as widely as they should be ... subject that was emphasized the most, by far, was health and hygiene ...

Creation Research Society
  Will Other States Follow Ohio’s Example?, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Mar/Apr -- Creation Matters 2005 Vol 10, Num 2.pdf -- Page 5
  ... “critically analyze” evolutionary theory ... several students have stated that they spent over half of the semester on Darwin’s theory ... ended up in the principal’s office. She agreed to speak only when recognized by the teacher, but was never called upon (this experience ended her plans to become a college biology professor). Similar stories are not uncommon ... Evolution is usually defined as the theory that all modern life forms originated as a result of the selection of beneficial mutations (mistakes in duplicating genes). Most all mutations are harmful or neutral ... The media, almost without exception, are critical of any attempt to criticize Darwinism, let alone discuss alternative explanations, such as intelligent design ...

Creation Research Society
  14C — The Creationists’ Friend, by D. Russell Humpheys, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 6.pdf -- Page 5
  ... all measurements of 14C in natural carbon (coal, oil, fossils, and especially diamonds) is very strong evidence for a young world ... primordial, created at the same time as other carbon isotopes. Uniformitarian scientists neglect that possibility ... cosmic rays reaching the earth’s atmosphere during the 1656 years between the Fall and the Genesis Flood ... Accelerated nuclear decay could have produced it during early Creation week and the year of the Genesis Flood. John Baumgardner of the RATE project ... slow neutrons hitting 14N nuclei ... alpha-decay-to-14C mechanism ...

Creation Research Society
  Report on Cosmology Conference, by Del Dobberpuhl, M.S.
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2004 Vol 9, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... the Creation Research Science Education Foundation (CRSEF) ... Ohio State University, Columbus ... need for Bible-based research to combat the prevalent evolutionism taught on all major university campuses ... nuclear reactions, both radioactive decay and nucleosynthesis. In the first presentation he discussed how elevated temperatures, such as those found in plasmas, increase the decay rates of all known radioactive elements that are used in dating the earth’s crust, including uranium, thorium, samarium, rubidium, and potassium ... Kelvin ... potassium has a longer half-life — approximately one hour ... Dr. Edward Boudreaux ... Barry Setterfield presented four papers related to his variable light speed theory (formerly cDK) and a newly developed cosmological theory ... changing zero point energy (ZPE) or vacuum energy. ZPE ... Planck’s constant ... astronomical observations and creation ...

Creation  Science
  Book review: The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 10 -- December -- 2005-4.pdf -- Page 9
  ... The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel, Zondervan, 2004, pb 341pp ... Willow Creek ... Steve Meyer, Jonathan Wells and Michael Behe ... the anthropic principle, cosmology and astronomy ... biological complexity and intelligent design ... apologetics ... philosophy ...

Creation  Science
  ‘Sorry, says atheist-in-chief, I do believe in God after all’
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 7 -- March -- 2005-1.pdf -- Page 10
  ... Professor Antony Flew, one of the most renowned atheists of the past half century ... recent scientific discoveries have proved the influence of a guiding intelligence ... Investigation of DNA” he says “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life ... the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ ... Scripture tells us that the devils also believe, and tremble ...

Creation  Science
  Noah’s Ark Still Making Waves
Movement Journal
     Vol. 14, No. 4 -- June -- 2004-2.pdf -- Page 1
  ... Is the biblical story of Noah’s Ark reliable, or just a myth? ... Well, Jesus, the Son of God, certainly thinks it is reliable. For in Matthew 24:37-39 He treats it as historical fact ... an example of God’s judgement on unrighteousness ... the apostle Peter (II Peter 3:3-7) ... evolutionists and liberal scholars think they know better ... television programme ... The ancient Chinese arose as a nation less than 100 years after the Flood ... huge amount of independent evidence to support the biblical account ... pictogram that means “boat” ... Dr Bill Cooper ... Babylonian account, the Gilgamesh Epic ... Great Flood ...

Creation Research Society
  A “New and Weightier” Proof of Evolution Evaluated 19 Years Later, by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2003 Vol 8, Num 3.pdf -- Page 4
  ... graduate research at Oxford, and Sir Peter Medawar was awarded the Nobel Prize for his scientific work in 1960 ... the old arguments from homology and embryology ... remarkable similarity between embryos of human beings, birds, and reptiles, on the one hand, and on the other the embryos of their reputed ancestors, such as fish ... “ontology recapitulates phylogeny” ... forgery by Haeckel ... melanic variant of moths ... common ancestor monkey kind evolving into a human kind ... all organisms have tremendous, built-in methods of producing variety to deal with environmental pressures ...

Creation Research Society
  An Evening with Richard Dawkins, by Roland Watson
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2002 Vol 7, Num 3.pdf -- Page 4
  ... Edinburgh’s Science Festival ... Royal Museum lecture theatre ... an anti-creationist cloud also began to settle down upon us as our host (a retired professor of biology) set out his stall by injecting a deprecating reference to creationists ... wondered if I was the only Christian in this adoring crowd ... intelligent life was a very rare phenomenon in this universe ... Dawkins reassured the enquirer that since evolution is fact, then bigotry is not possible. I think he meant dogma rather than fact ... Falsifiability is an aspect of scientific enquiry raised by Karl Popper ...

Creation Research Society
  Inherit the Wind, by Paul Greenberg
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 2001 Vol 6, Num 3.pdf -- Page 4
  ... teacher asks his students to examine the fossil record and draw their own conclusions. He traces the development of the human embryo, he lectures on the structure of bacteria and their flagella, he probes and questions—all to illustrate this shocking new theory ... Scopes Trial in 1925, when William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow faced off in Dayton, Tennessee ... Burlington, Washington, where Roger DeHart was told not to use any materials in his class that might cast doubt on Darwinian theory ... Socrates was accused of corrupting the young, punishing teachers who dare to make students think has been one of the more honored traditions of Western civilization ...

Creation Research Society
  Book review: Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology, by William A. Dembski 302 pages,
"Creation Matters"
     Sep/Oct - Nov/Dec -- Creation Matters 2000 Vol 5, Num 5-6.pdf -- Page 1
  ... University of Illinois at Chicago ... earned degrees in theology and psychology ... The Design Inference ... Consider a table covered with a profusion of scrabble squares that can be moved about and scattered freely. ... Dembski has done the math for us, noting that information science routinely quantifies information in terms of bits ... additional information reduces the probability ...

Creation Research Society
  Distinctions Exist between Evolution Fact and Theory, by George Aldhizer, Ph.D., Gary Johnston, Ph.D., and Douglas Krull, Ph.D. (Reprinted with permission. First published in: The Kentucky Post)
"Creation Matters"
     Jan/Feb -- Creation Matters 2000 Vol 5, Num 1.pdf -- Page 1
  ... oppose the Statement on Evolution passed by the Professional Concerns Committee of the Faculty Senate at Northern Kentucky University. Use of the term “evolution,” without clarifying that it refers to different processes, one fact and one theory, hinders both science and education and promotes confusion and misunderstanding ... Debate exists within the scientific community about evolution ... Neo-Darwinian Synthesis ... In truth, it does not matter if most scientists accept or dispute the theory of evolution. In science, facts are not decided by vote, but by evidence ... Charles Darwin ... the fossil record ... Niles Eldredge ... Stephen Jay Gould ... David Raup, one of the world’s most respected paleontologists ... there is little evidence for the neo-Darwinian view ... quite unclear how evolution could have occurred at the biochemical level ... (ignorant, stupid, insane, or wicked, according to Richard Dawkins) ... Evolution is a central idea that cuts across many scientific disciplines ... encourage public educators to teach students how to think critically about this and other important issues, and to develop an appreciation of scientific inquiry ... biological adaptation or diversity ...

Creation Research Society
  God of the Gaps, by Krister Renard
"Creation Matters"
     May/Jun -- Creation Matters 1999 Vol 4, Num 3.pdf -- Page 1
  ... This article is condensed from that which first appeared in Foreningen Genesis, the magazine of a Swedish creation organization. ... middle of the 18th century great scientists such as Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Wilhelm von Leibniz, Carl von Linné, etc., were all of the opinion that they, through their scientific discoveries, understood more and more how the Creator had thought and acted when he created the universe ... shift in perspective slowly took place ...

Creation Research Society
  Speaking of Science: Commentaries on recent news from science
"Creation Matters"
     Jul/Aug -- Creation Matters 1998 Vol 3, Num 4.pdf -- Page 5
  ... RNA-Based Origin of Life? ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Stanley Miller and a colleague report their investigation of the stability of the nucleobases (components of RNA and DNA) to high temperatures ... decomposition half-lives of the RNA bases were approximately 1 year for adenine and guanine, 12 years for uracil, and, in the case of cytosine, 19 days ... Horse Chestnuts ... the markings located on the inside of the horse’s legs ... the chestnuts are semihorny growths derived from the epidermal layer ... it is clear that they do not represent vestiges of multi-toed ancestors ... “Skullduggery”? ... Zinjanthropus, now known as Australopithecus ... Caucasians ...

EN Articles