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Creation Controversy & the Cell
by Thomas F. Heinze

All through history, the Bible has been criticized because it has not gone along with one new theory after another. Over time the Bible has been vindicated. The ideas that contradicted it have been found to be wrong and the Bible is known as the word of God!
The big point of controversy today is: Creation vs. Evolution.

The Bible says that God created, but atheists and many other people who believe in evolution. feel that life was first begun by atoms that moved at random, accidentally forming a first living cell. “It wasn’t there; then it was!” That idea at one time seemed possible because people had been taught that the first life was simple, a tradition that started when microscopes were primitive. People could look at a drop of water from a mud puddle and see little cells scooting around in the water. These cells, when enlarged a bit by the primitive microscopes of the day looked simple. Some people thought, “Anything that simple could have begun by accident!”

With that much ignorance available, atheism seemed possible!

“Every single-celled bacterium must accomplish, within it’s one cell, the same tasks we accomplish using the trillions of cells in our bodies. Eating, digestion, metabolism, waste removal, reproduction – and even thinking – all take place within a single cell!”
To do all this, even some of the parts of cells are really complex. There never was a simple cell! One complex cell part is called DNA. It directs much what goes on in the cell. DNA is too complex for anyone to really understand, and equally unfortunately for the poor atheists, even this single part of a cell is too complex to have formed by accident!

DNA, to do anything at all, depends on other parts of living cells. By itself it is helpless. RNA, proteins, and little machines are among the cell parts that are necessary for DNA to do its work.
Could all these complex cell parts have been present in one place by accident, and just happened to bump together to form the first life? No! They are cell parts. They only exist where there are living cells to make them!
Even if you have all the parts, as in a dead whatever which could be anything from a dead single cell to a dead elephant, no one can make the dead live. Life is a deep subject that is still largely unknown.
The theory of evolution is often supported by schools and textbooks which claim evolution started with “simple cells” which somehow just popped up and then evolved.  Any such statement is based on ignorance! Simple cells don’t exist and have never existed. Real cells are too complex for our most intelligent scientists to make!
It is not only cells that can’t just pop up on their own; neither can their most important parts. On top of that some necessary cell parts are not only too complex to pop up on their own, but are also so complicated that scientists can’t make them. I gave DNA as an example. Since cells and many cell parts don’t just pop up and our scientists can’t make them, someone with a better mind than humans must have made them! Living animals and plants are like God’s signature on creation. Only God can make them.

"Creation Controversy & the Cell"

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