CSSHS Creation Science Course
www.creationism.org/english/Csshs13LessonTitles_en.htm      Translated by:_____
(From: CSSHS - Creation Social Science & Humanities Society • Quarterly Journal)
This is a 13-part course teaching the Biblical World View, starting with our Creation in God's image.  This contrasts a high value for human life and our inherent creativity with the evolutionary world view.  Each lesson contains teachings, review questions, and additional reading for further research.
In the Beginning
God created the
Heaven and the Earth.

  Lesson 1  •  "Creation, the Foundation of the Biblical World View"

The doctrine of creation is the starting point of the Bible and of the Christian faith; it is reiterated throughout Scripture.

  Lesson 2  •  "Philosophy; Ethics"

Biblical ethics is God-centered and consciously dependent upon and obedient to God.

  Lesson 3  •  "Evolutionism"

Evolutionism goes hand in hand with the denial of God, of salvation by Christ, and of the entire Christian-Biblical world view.

  Lesson 4  •  "The New Age Movement"

New Age thought denies the existence of the God-Creator of the Bible, and it is a version of ancient pagan pantheist mysticism.

  Lesson 5  •  "Psychology, Counseling and Selfism"

The temptation in counseling is to be as God and to "help ourselves." Man's greatest need is not self-acceptance, but rather new life in Christ.

  Lesson 6  •  "Economics; Poor Relief"

Man is individually responsible to God for the goods and talents entrusted to him.

  Lesson 7  •  "Man's Creativity: Science"

The scientific method is based upon an assumed orderliness of the universe open to rational investigation.

  Lesson 8  •  "Man's Creativity: Literature, Music, Fine Arts"

Man's literary. musical and artistic creativity depends on God Who made him in His own image and likeness as Creator.

  Lesson 9  •  "Abortion; Euthanasia; Population Control"

Bible-believing Christians are to depend upon and trust only God, and to seek a high value for human life.

  Lesson 10  •  "The Family"

The origin of the family goes back to the creation of the first man and woman.

  Lesson 11  •  "Education"

Education should be the foundation for training the God-given talents and abilities which are part of each child's created identity.

  Lesson 12  •  "The State"

We are to pray, intercede and give thanks "for kings and all those in authority' (1 Timothy 2:1-20).

  Lesson 13  •  "Final Review And Conclusion"

Biblical Christianity sees the origin of this world in God's personal creation, made by the Word, Jesus Christ.

"CSSHS Creation Science Course"

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