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Vol. XV • 1993

Our Young Earth
Brad T Bromling

The empty assertions of evolutionists aside, the Earth is only a few thousand years old. Although this fact is resisted with gale force, truth is not determined by popular vote, nor should it he influenced by rejection. If we believe the Creator, we can know the age of the Earth. That we live on a young planet is deduced in various ways. First, the Bible teaches that the universe (including man) came into existence within a single 168 hour week (Genesis 1, 2). Try as they might, men have been unable to make a sound case favoring either the gap or the "day-age" theories. There is no gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, nor are the days of Genesis 1 any different from those under consideration in the Jewish work week (cf. Exodus 20:11).

Second, the biblical chronologies limit history to within only thousands (not millions) of years. That minor gaps might exist with the genealogies may be admitted without surrendering belief in a young earth. Major gaps (of thousands of years or more) would effectively destroy the meaning of those records.

Third, the standards from which the ancient-Earth dogma is derived are based on the theory of evolution. Remove this bias, and all of history may he consistently explained in terms of thousands of years. There are techniques of measuring the age of the earth that yield a very young age. Obviously, these methods are rejected by evolutionists. The global flood (Genesis 6-8) had incalculable effects on the planet. Observed catastrophes (e.g., the eruption of Mount St. Helens) are going a long way toward explaining how the Earth's geography was formed in a short time.

Again, God is the only One Who was present at the beginning, and He assures us that it was not very long ago!

Reprinted from "Reasoning from Revelation," September; 1989, published by Apologetics Press, Inc., 230 Landmark Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117.

"Our Young Earth"
CSSHS • Creation Social Science & Humanities Society • Quarterly Journal

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