

Мы подошли к концу этого краткого исследования многочисленных преимуществ, которыми мастерство археологов наделило людей, серьезно занятых изучением Библии. Мы выражаем надежду, что читатель проявил такой интерес к этому предмету, который подвигнет его на продолжение этого исследования. Несомненно, для людей, усердно изучающих эту область, есть еще впереди много волнующих моментов. Мы уверены, что неверие в Бога будет продолжать получать сокрушительные удары по мере того, как на свет будут появляться новые данные. Пусть люди, внимательно изучающие Новый Завет, упорно изучают свидетельства, записывают факты и с уважением представляют их на пользу тех, кто искренне стремится к познанию Истины и тех, чья вера нуждается в укреплении.


1 Time. December 30, 1974. р 34.
2 Pfeiffer, Charles F. The Biblical World. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1966. p 101.
3 Wiseman, D.J. IN: The New Bible Dictionary. J.D. Douglas, Editor. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1974. p 69.
4 See Wayne Jackson. The Ras Shamra Discovery. Apologetics Press, Inc. (Manuscript Referral Service). 5251 Millwood Road. Motgomery, Alabama. 36109-9990.
5 Lapp, Paul. "Palestine: Known But Mostly Unknown." IN: The Biblical Archaeologist. XXVI. December, 1963. pp 122,123.
6 Yamauchi, Edwin. The Stones and the Scripture. Holman. Philadelphia. 1972. p 155.
7 Montague, Ashley. The Cultured Man. Permabooks. New York. 1959. p 209.
8 Rawlinson, George. Living Papers. Hunt and Green. New York & Boston. No date. Vol. II Chapter XI. p 51.
9 Petrie, William M.F. The Religion oj Ancient Egypt. Archibald Constable and Co. London. 1906. pp 3,4.
lORamsey, William The Cities of St.Paul. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1949. p 17.
11 Генри Галлей, Библейский справочник. Мировая христианская миссия. Торонто. 1983.
12 Swanton, J.R. "Three Factors in Primitive Religion." American Anthropologist. Vol. XXVI. p 365.
13 Sayce, A.H. Monument Facts and Higher Critical Fancies. Religious Tract Society. London. 1904. p 17.
14 Albright, W.F. From the Stone Age to Christianity. Doubleday and Co. Garden City, New York. 1957. p 6.
IS Kitchen, K.A. Ancient Orient and Old Testament. Tyndall Press. London. 1966. p 89.
16 Kramer, Samuel N. The Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. 1963. pp 147-149; 277-286.
17 Livingston, G.N. IN: The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, Editor. Zondervzn. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1975. Vol. 5. p 811.
I8 Stigers, Harold G. A Commentary on Genesis. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1976. pp 67,68. 19 Price, Ira M. The Monuments and the Old Testament. American Baptist Publication Society. Philadelphia. 1907. p 89.
20 Stigers, Harold G. (See footnote 18). p 75.
21 Kraling, Emil G. Bible Atlas. Rand McNally & Co, New York. 1956. p 56.
22 Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 17). Vol. 5. p 846.
23 Yadin, Yigael. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. December, 1969. p 38.
24 Wilson, Clifford. That Incredible Book - The Bible. Word of Truth. Melbourne, Australia. 1973. pp 111-114.
25Kelso, James. Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1966. p 107.
26 Frank, H.T. An Archaeological Companion to the Bible SCM Press. London. 1964. pp 164,165.
27 Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 3). p 1131.
28 Theile, Edwin. A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1977. p 7.
29 Whitcomb, John C., Jr. and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1961. pp 371,374; Creation Reasearch Society Quarterly. June, 1970; Culp, G. Richard. Remember Thy Creator. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1975. Chapter 14.
30 Libby, W.F. "Radiocarbon Dating." American Scientist. Vol. 44. January, 1956. p 107.
31 Courville, Donovan A. The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications. Callenge Books. Loma Linda, California. 1971. Vol. 2. p 33.
32 Culp, G. Richard. (See footnote 29). p 170.
33 Rainey, Froelich. "Dating the Past." 1971 Yearbook of Science and the Future. Britannica. pp 390,391.
34 Kitchen, K.A. and T.C. Mitchell. IN: The Illustrated Bible Dictionary. J.D. Douglas, Editor. Tyndale. Wheaton, Illinois. 1098. Vol. I. p 269.
35 Kenyon, Kathleen. Archaeology in the Holy Land. Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. New York. 1960. p 32.
36 Davis, John and J.C. Whitcomb. A History of Israel - From Conquest to Exile. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1980. p 17.
37 Vardaman, Jerry. Archaeology and the Living Word. Broadman Press. Nashville. 1965. pp 28ff.
38 Archer, Gleason. "The Chronology of the Old Testament." IN: The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Frank E. Gaebelein, Editor. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1979. Vol. I. p 366.
39 Horn, Siegfried H. Records of the Past Illuminate the Bible. Review and Herald Publishing Association. Washington, D.C. 1963. p 31.
40 Wiseman, D.J. "Archaeology and the Old Testament." (See footnote 38). Vol. 1. p 325.
41 Pritchard, J.B. (Editor). Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Princeton University Press. Princeton. 1955. p 280.
42 Это было в 14-ый год единоличного правления Езекии в качестве царя. Он начал совместное царствование со своим отцом около 729 г. до Р.Х. Соответственно, Самария пала в шестой год совместного правления (4 Цар. 18:10). Следовательно, эти два отрывка (18:10 и 13) не противоречат друг другу. Cf.: The Illustrated Bible Dictionary. (See footnote 34). Vol. II. P.646.
43 Pritchard, J.B. (See footnote 41). p 288.
44 Horn, Siegfried H. (See footnote 39). pp 50,51.
45 Bruce, F.F. Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1977. p 253.
46 Finegan, Jack. Light from the Ancient Past. Princeton University Press. Princeton. 1946. p 282.
47 Speiser, E.A. Genesis. (The Anchor Bible Commentaries.) William Albright and David Freedman, Editors. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia. 1964. PP 3,5(n).
48 Pfeiffer, Charles F. Ras Sharma and the Bible. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1962. p 61.
49 Free, Joseph P. "Archaeology." IN: Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, Editor. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1960. p 62.
5O Gordon, Cyrus. "Biblical Customs and the Nuzi Tablets." Biblical Archaeologist. Vol. III. 1940. p 5f.
SI Finegan, Jack. (See footnote 46). p 55.
52 Driver, G.R. Canaanite Myths and Legends. T. & T. Clark. Edinburgh. 1956. p 121.
53 Sayce, A.H. "Melchizedek." Dictionary of the Bible. James Hastings, Editor. T. & T. Clark. Edinburgh. 1906. Vol. III. p 335.
54 Pfeiffer, Charles F. (See footnote 48). p 61.
55 Pfeiffer, R.H. Introduction to the Old Testament. Harper & Bros. New York. 1942. p 154; Т.К. Cheyne
(Editor). Encyclopedia Biblica. A. & C. Black. London. 1899. Vol. 1. 634.
56 Kitchen, K.A. (See footnote 34). Vol. 1. p 228.
57 Free, Joseph P. "Abraham's Camels." Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Vol. 111. 1944. pp 187-193. Cf.:
Stigers, Harold G. (See footnote 18). p 143. 58 Price, Ira M. (See footnote 19). pp 75,76.
59 Thompson, J.A. (See footnote 34). Vol. 111. p 1162.
60 Jastrow, Morris. (See footnote 55b). Vol. II. 2095.
61 Lehman, Manfred H. "Abraham's Purchase of Machpelah and Hittite Law." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Vol. 129. 1953. p 18.
62 Davis, John J. Paradise to Prison - Studies in Genesis. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1975. p 222.
63 Frank, H.T. (See footnote 26). p 323.
64 Archer, Gleason, Jr. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction. Moody Press. Chicago. 1964. p 266.
65 Kitchen, K.A. (See footnote 15). p 80. n 11.
66 Cheyne, Т.К.. (See footnote 55). Vol. 11. 2055.
67 Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 3). p 705.
68 Pfeiffer, Charles F. (See footnote 2). p 33.
69 Albright, W.F. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Vol. 110. April, 1958. p 22; Finegan, Jack. (See footnote 46). p 126.
70 Albright, W.F. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Vol. 60. 1935.
71 Archer, Gleason, Jr. (See footnote 64). p 52.
72 Rawlinson, George. Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament. Henry A. Young and Co. Boston. 1873. p 52.
73 Rimmer, Harry. Dead Men Tell Tales. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1939. pp 24,33.
74 Harrison, R.K. (See footnote 34). Vol. III. p 1623.
75 WiIson, Clifford. (See footnote 24). p 57.
76 Hallo, William W. "From Qarqar to Carchemish: Assyria and Israel in Light of New Discoveries." The Biblical Archaeologist. Vol. XXIII. May, 1960. p 51.
77 Yamauchi, Edwin (See footnote 6). p 76.
78 Parrot, Andre. Nineveh and the Old Testament. Philosophical Library. New York. 1955. pp 44,45.
79 Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 34). Vol. III. p 1934; Howard Vos. Beginnings in Bible Archaeology. Moody Press. Chicago. 1974. p 77.
8O Hallo, W.W. (See footnote 76). p 51.
81 Shea, William. "The Last Years of Samaria." Ministry. January, 1980. p 28.
82 Bevan, A.A. (See footnote 55b). Vol. I. p 528.
83 Finegan, Jack. (See footnote 46). p 190.
84 Young, Edward J. "Daniel." The New Bible Commentary. Davidson, Stibbs, and Kevan, Editors. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1954. p 674.
85 Hasel, Gerhard F. "Is the Aramaic of Daniel Early or Late?" Minisrty. January, 1980. pp 12,13.
86 Young, Edward J. (See footnote 84). p 674.
87 Whitcomb, John C. (See footnote 34). Vol. I. p 361.
88 Wiseman, D.J. Christianity Today. Vol. II. No. 4. 1957. pp 7ff.
89 Whitcomb, John C. Darius the Mede. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1963. pp Ю-24.
90 Yamauchi, Edwin. "Archaeology and the New Testament." The Expositor's Bible Commentary. (See footnote 38). Vol. I. p 653.
91 Ramsey, William. Bearing of Recent Discoveries on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1953. pp 223ff.
92 Arndt, William and P.M. Gingrich. A Creek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. University of Chicago Press. Chicago.1967. p 343.
93 Hendriksen, William. "Luke." New Testament Commentary. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1078. pp 140,141.
94 Vardaman, Jerry. (See footnote 37). p 96.
95 Frank, H.T. (See footnote 26). p 279. 96 Vardaman, Jerry. Journal oj Biblical Literature. Vol. LXXXI. 1962. pp 71-73.
97 Hudson, Stan. "Coins of the Bible." Ministry. July, 1980. p 27.
98 Liddell, H.G. and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon. Clarendon. Oxford. 1869. p 1807; Arndt and Gingrich. (See footnote 92). p 888.
99 Haas, N. Israel Exploration Journal. Vol. 20. 1970. pp 38-59.
lOO Orr, James, Editor. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1939. Vol. IV. p 2569.
lOl Blaiklock, E.M. (See footnote 17). Vol. 4. p 391.
102 Bruce, F.F. The Acts of the Apostles. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1970. pp 254,255.
103 M'Clintock, John and James Strong. Cyclopedia oj Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1968. Vol. II. p 627. 104 Bruce F.F. (See footnote 45). p 161.
lOS Robertson, A.T. Luke the Historian in the Light of Research. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1977. p 187.
106 /Ш.
107 Frank, H.T. (See footnote 26). p 306.
lO8 Conybeare, W.J. and J.S. Howson. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Longmans, Green & Co. London. 1889. p 259.
109 Barclay, William. The Acts of the Apostles. Westminster Press. Philadelphia. 1955. p 141.
llO Thompson, J.A. The Bible and Archaeology. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1975. p 391. IHBruce, F.F. (See footnote 102). p 336.
112 Bruce, F.F. (See footnote 45). p 252.
113 /Ш. p 291.
l14 reen, E.M.B. and C.J. Hemer. "Ephesus." (See footnote 34). Vol. I. p 461.
115 Glueck, Nelson. New York Times. Book Review Section. October 28, 1956.
116 Burrows, Millar. What Mean These Stones? Meridan Books. New York. 1957. p 1. П7/Ш. pp 291,292.
118 Kenyon, Frederic. The Bible and Archaeology'. Harper. New York. 1940. p 279.
119 Gordon, Cyrus H. The Journal of Bible and Religion. Vol. XXI. April, 1953. p 106.
120 Young, Edward J. "The Old Testament." Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Carl F.H. Henry, Editor. Channel Press. New York. 1957. p 38.
121 Alexander, Joseph Addison. A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1956. P. 89. He нужно утверждать, что 3000 человек были крещены в день Пятидесятницы. Некоторые предполагают, что "около трех тысяч" включает тех, которые были крещены прежде во время служения Иоанна Крестителя и учеников Господа, (see T.W. Brents. Gospel Sermons. McQuiddy Printing. Nashville. 1918. pp 19-21).
122 McGarvey, J.W. Lands of the Bible. Lippencott & Co. Philadelphia. 1881. p 201.
123 Rice, George E. "Baptism in the Early Church." Minisrty. March, 1981.
124 Moulton, J.H. and George Milligan. The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament. Hodder & Stoughton. London. 1963. p 451.
125 /Ш. p 660.
126 Harris, R.L., Gleason Archer and B.K. Waltke, Editors. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament. Moody Press. Chicago. 1980. Vol. I. p 439.
127 Wilson, Clifford. (See footnote 24). p 85.
128 Kitchen, K..A. (See footnote 34). Vol. I. p 234.
129 Wilson, Robert Dick. A Scietific Investigation of the Old Testament. Harper & Bros. New York. 1929. p 8.
130 Coray, Henry W. "The Incomparable Wilson - The Man Who Mastered Forty-Five Languages." IN: Which Bible? David Otis Fuller, Editor. Grand Rapids International Publications. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1971. pp 39-48.
131 Archer, Gleason, Jr. (See footnote 64). p 19.
132 Geisler, Norman L. and William E. Nix. A General Introduction to the Bible. Moody Press. Chicago. 1968. p 263.
133 Yamauchi, Edwin. (See footnote 6). p 130.
134 Martin, W.J. and A.R. Millard. (See footnote 34). Vol. III. p 1538.
135 Green, William H. General Introduction to the Old Testament. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York. 1899. p 81.
136 Metzger, Bruce M. The Text of the New Testament. Oxford University Press. New York and Oxford. 1968. p 36.
137 Greenlee, J.H. (See footnote 17). Vol. 5. p 707.
138 Montgomery, John Warwick. History and Christianity. Inter-Varsity Press. Downers Grove, Illinois. 1971. p 29.
